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Islamic Persecution of Christians

There are some fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity. For example, it could be argued that if a Christian kills a non-Christian in the name of Christ, he is acting against the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith. However, if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim in the name of Allah, he may in fact be acting according to Islamic teaching.

It needs to be stressed, of course, that just as there are different versions and interpretations of Christianity, so too with Islam. Thus there are liberal, conservative, and even secular versions of Islam, among others. And there are various translations of the Koran. In the three versions of the Koran that I have, for example, there is some divergence on the key texts on jihad (holy war). Despite the different translations, however, all concur that the infidel is the subject of Muslim jihad (as in Sura 2:244, 9:5, 9:29 and 47:4, for example.)

Thus it is no surprise that in some versions of Islam at least, there is clear and unequivocal justification for attacks on Christians and others regarded as enemies of Islam. Examples of contemporary Islamic jihad against Christians are not hard to find. A few recent cases can be mentioned:

The list could go on. It should come as no surprise that followers of Christ will experience troubles in this world. Jesus promised as much. And persecution has been the case throughout church history. However, the situation clearly has gotten much worse in recent times. Consider some of these figures:

As can be seen, never before has the Christian Church come under so much opposition and persecution. At the moment over 35 countries have mounted campaigns against Christians. Some of the worst offenders are China, Sudan and Ethiopia. Others include Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Burma, Greece, Vietnam and Egypt. China is probably the worst of all the countries, with more people imprisoned there for religious activity than any other country. Yet as the list of countries makes clear, the Islamic world makes up a large proportion of those nations.

And the persecution of Christians is taking its toll. The Christian presence in a number of countries is declining rapidly. In Iraq, for example, the number of Christians has decreased from 35% to 5% of the overall population. Other countries are witnessing similar declines: In Iran the percentage has dropped from 15% to 2%. In Syria, from 40% to 10%, and in Turkey, from 32% to 0.2% since the early part of the twentieth century.

We are told to pray for those who persecute us. (Luke 6:27,28; Matt. 5:44) When Peter and Paul were in prison the whole church prayed for their release. We need to not just pray but to do all that we can to help our persecuted brothers and sisters. Hebrews 13:3 tells us to “remember those in prison as if imprisoned with them”. Please pray and spread the word.

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