Recommended New Testament Commentaries

Commentaries lovers will appreciate this article, while everyone else will simply scratch their heads. But for the handful of people still with me, I here list some of my preferred commentaries on the New Testament. I explain in a related article how there are many types of commentaries, but the ones featured here are those of a more academic and critical nature.

They are also mainly from the conservative and/or evangelical camp. Thus I betray my biases here, but lists like this must be refined and honed down somehow, so this is how I have done it. Some NT books I could easily have listed far more than the commentaries that I have. But I here seek to keep each NT book down to four or five commentaries at most.

I realise that other folk will have their own favourites, and some people may well query my choices. Those debates can be hammered out in the comments section below. Here then are what I consider to be some of the better NT commentaries around.

Blomberg, Craig – Matthew (NAC)
Carson, D.A. – Mathew (EBC)
France, R.T. – Matthew (TNTC)
Hagner, Donald – Matthew, 2 vols. (WBC)
Keener, Craig – A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew

Evans, Craig – Mark 8:27-16:20 (WBC)
France, R.T. – The Gospel of Mark (NIGTC)
Hooker, Morna – The Gospel According to Saint Mark (BNTC)
Guelich, Robert – Mark 1-8:26 (WBC)
Stein, Robert – Mark (BECNT)

Bock, Darrell – Luke, 2 vols. (BECNT)
Green, Joel – The Gospel of Luke (NICNT)
Marshall, I. Howard – The Gospel of Luke (NIGTC)
Nolland, John – Luke, 3 vols. (WBC)

Carson, D.A. – The Gospel According to John (PNTC)
Keener, Craig – A Commentary on the Gospel of John, 2 vols.
Kostenberger, Andreas – John (BECNT)
Morris, Leon – Gospel According to John (NICNT)
Ridderbos, Herman – The Gospel of John

Bock, Darrell – Acts (BECNT)
Bruce, F.F. – Acts (NICNT)
Longenecker, Richard – Acts (EBC)
Peterson, David – The Acts of the Apostles (PNTC)
Witherington, Ben – The Acts of the Apostles

Moo, Douglas – The Epistle to the Romans (NICNT)
Morris, Leon – The Epistle to the Romans (PNTC)
Schreiner, Thomas – Romans (BECNT)
Stott, John – The Message of Romans (BST)

1 Corinthians
Blomberg, Craig – 1 Corinthians (NIVAC)
Fee, Gordon – First Letter to Corinthians (NICNT)
Garland, David – 1 Corinthians (BECNT)
Thiselton, Anthony – The First Epistle to the Corinthians (NIGTC)

2 Corinthians
Barnett, Paul – Second Epistle to Corinthians (NICNT)
Belleville, Linda – 2 Corinthians (IVPNTC)
Furnish, Victor Paul – 2 Corinthians (AB)
Garland, David – 2 Corinthians (NAC)
Hafemann, Scott – 2 Corinthians (NIVAC)

Bruce, F.F. – Commentary on Galatians (NIGTC)
Fung, Ronald – The Epistle to the Galatians (NICNT)
Longenecker, Richard – Galatians (WBC)
Stott, John – The Message of Galatians (BST)

Best, Ernest – Ephesians (ICC)
Hoehner, Harold – Ephesians
Lincoln, Andrew – Ephesians (WBC)
O’Brien, Peter – The Letter to the Ephesians (PNTC)

Fee, Gordon – Paul’s Letter to the Philippians (NICNT)
Hansen, G. Walter – The Letter to the Philippians (PNTC)
O’Brien, Peter – The Epistle to the Philippians (NIGTC)
Silva, Moises – Philippians (BECNT)
Thielman, Frank – Philippians (NIVAC)

Dunn. James – The Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon (NIGTC)
Garland, David – Colossians/Philemon (NIVAC)
Moo, Douglas – The Letters to the Colossians and Philemon (PNTC)
O’Brien, Peter – Colossians, Philemon (WBC)
Wright, N.T. – Colossians and Philemon (TNTC)

1&2 Thessalonians
Beale, G.K. – 1-2 Thessalonians (IVPNTC)
Bruce, F.F. – 1 & 2 Thessalonians (WBC)
Green, Gene – The Letters to the Thessalonians (PNTC)
Morris, Leon – The First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians (NICNT)
Stott, John – The Message of Thessalonians (BST)

1&2 Timothy
Fee, Gordon – First and Second Timothy, Titus (NIBC)
Knight, George – The Pastorals (NIGTC)
Mounce, William – Pastoral Epistles (WBC)
Quinn, Jerome/ William Wacker – The First and Second Letters to Timothy (ECC)
Towner, Philip – The Letters to Timothy and Titus (NICNT)

Fee, Gordon – First & Sec Timothy, Titus (NIBC)
Knight, George – The Pastorals (NIGTC)
Mounce, William – Pastoral Epistles (WBC)
Towner, Philip – The Letters to Timothy and Titus (NICNT)

Garland, David – Colossians/Philemon (NIVAC)
O’Brien, Peter – Colossians, Philemon (WBC)
Wright, N.T. – Colossians and Philemon (TNTC)

Bruce, F.F. – Epistle to the Hebrews (NICNT)
Guthrie, George – Hebrews (NIVAC)
Lane, William – Hebrews, 2 vols. (WBC)
Morris, Leon – Hebrews (EBC)
O’Brien, Peter – Hebrews (PNTC)

Blomberg Craig/Mariam Kamell – James (ZECNT)
Davids, Peter – Commentary on James (NIGTC)
Martin, Ralph – James (WBC)
Moo, Douglas – The Letter of James (PNTC)

1&2 Peter
Bauckham, Richard – Jude, 2 Peter (WBC)
Davids, Peter – The First Epistle of Peter (NICNT)
Jobes, Karen – 1 Peter (BECNT)
Marshall, I. Howard – 1 Peter (IVPNTC)
Schreiner, Thomas – 1,2 Peter, Jude (NAC)

1,2,3 John
Akin, Daniel – 1,2,3 John (NAC)
Kruse, Colin – The Letters of John (PNTC)
Marshall, I. Howard – The Epistles of John (NICNT)
Smalley, Stephen – 1,2,3 John (WBC)
Yarbrough, Robert – 1-3 John (BECNT)

Bauckham, Richard – Jude, 2 Peter (WBC)
Davids, Peter – The Letters of 2 Peter and Jude (PNTC)
Green, Michael – Second Peter and Jude (TNTC)
Moo, Douglas – 2 Peter, Jude (NIVAC)
Schreiner, Thomas – 1,2 Peter, Jude (NAC)

Aune, David – Revelation, 3 vols. (WBC)
Beale, G.K. – The Book of Revelation (NIGTC)
Michaels, J. Ramsey – Revelation (IVPNTC)
Mounce, Robert – The Book of Revelation (NICNT)
Osborne, Grant – Revelation (BECNT)

(Note: Acronyms are spelled out in the first article in this series.)

For the OT see here:

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75 Replies to “Recommended New Testament Commentaries”

  1. Thanks Jack

    Hey I am with you. But you will have to wait a few more hours until I get the other two articles in this series up. In the first piece I explain the different sorts of commentaries there are, including the golden oldies. Here I have mainly featured the more recent conservative commentaries that deal with the latest on many fronts – historical, archaeological, theological, textual, linguistic, cultural, and so on.

    But yes Calvin’s commentaries (which are really his collected sermons on the books) are always of great value.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  2. Wow, I don’t mind the odd commentary or two, could this be a reading list for the entire next millennium?! Do you have a recommended distributor? Can any of these be viewed online, or are these generally still available at most book stores? 🙂
    Daniel Shepherd, Victor Harbor SA

  3. Hi Bill,

    John Stott’s stuff is always great – I have the Message of Thessalonians. I thought he did one in the same series on Philippians which I really loved, but I have just gone to the dusty bookshelf and can’t find it. Do you know if I’m right Bill – did Stott do one in the same series on Philippians?? He had some great quotes in it and if I had it and lost it, I will try hard to lay my hands on another. Several of my favorite quotes which I wrote in my Bible in the Philippians margins (all around chpt 3) –

    “A virtuous regard for truth should never be indulged to the detriment of affection and sympathy which should characterize our new nature in Christ.”

    “The truth of the gospel must be known, preached and defended and its opposite recognized, rejected and opposed.”

    “There is a justifiable anger but its display is hedged about with warnings.”

    “If Jesus alone is worthy to be boasted of what room is there for self glory?”

    “Jesus is a dwelling so attractive, Paul can’t bear to be away from home.”

    “The darker the day, the greater his glory when he finds us still rejoicing in the Lord.”

    And the best for last – though I have left a lot out –

    “The public success of the church along the front where it faces the world depends upon the measure of sanctification of each individual Christian.”

    Kerry Letheby

  4. You need more reformed guys.

    And as for NT Wright–while I have not read this particular commentary, I would be highly suspicious of the content given that he is one of the leaders in “The New Perspectives of Paul and a major opponent of ‘justification by faith’ as a key element in Christology.

    Scott Kroeger

  5. Just makes me covet Bill! The commentary section of the home library is light on.

    Do you do the equivalent for the OT soon?

    Did Rushdoony have any N.T. commentaries? I only have vol 1 of his Institutes…

    How about Kenneth Gentry’s work on Revelation?

    Lee Avery, Adelaide

  6. Re:
    “Note: Acronyms are spelled out in the first article in this series”

    Can you provide a link to this article?

    Andrew Amos

  7. Thanks Kerry

    As far as I know, Stott never did a commentary on Philippians, at least not in the BST series. The commentaries I have of Stott are as follows.

    The Epistles of John (TNTC)
    The Message of Acts (BST)
    The Message of Ephesians (BST)
    The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus (BST)
    The Message of Galatians (BST)
    The Message of Romans (BST)
    The Message of Second Timothy (BST)
    The Message of The Sermon on the Mount (BST)
    The Message of Thessalonians (BST)

    They are all very good indeed. I am not sure who penned the quotes you offer, but they are good ones.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  8. Thanks Scott

    While there are some commentaries from the Reformed perspective featured here, I do give Calvin’s commentaries a plug in the introductory article to this series, to be posted soon.

    And yes I am aware of concerns about Wright, including his take on imputation, etc.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  9. Thanks Lee

    As to your covetousness, you will need to keep an eye on the Tenth Commandment!

    I am not aware of Rushdoony having done any commentaries, although his son-in-law Gary North of course started a series of OT commentaries.

    And yes Gentry can be noted along with others on Revelation (I have a dozen commentaries on this book, and many could have also been mentioned here).

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  10. Hi Bill,

    Your capacity for reading never ceases to amaze me. You must have bookshelves installed over every square inch of wall space at your house!

    Mansel Rogerson

  11. Hi Lee,

    As well as numerous OT commentaries, Rushdoony has written commentaries on several NT books as well.

    Light Education Ministries in Australia sells a wide range of reconstruction and theonomy titles (see page 4 of the following catalogue for Rushdoony’s commentaries):

    Mansel Rogerson

  12. Thanks Mansel

    Yes the house is getting pretty crowded. I keep trying to kick the kids out so I can turn their bedrooms into libraries. For some reason they are not too impressed with the idea.

    And thanks for the link to Rushdoony’s commentaries. I was not aware of all that he had done (I only have ten of his books).

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  13. Bill,
    You are right. Lovers of Bible commentaries seems all excited by your list. I must confess I am no Bible scholar, and except for a book written long ago by John Stott, I have never heard of the other names.

    How about a list of recommended websites of bible exposition teachers in sound bible teachings and doctrines? I feel this is important, as sound expository teachings and doctrines of the bible has lost its place in today’s sermons and teachings, as it is regarded as of little relevance to practical everyday living.

    The teachings websites I often refer to are those of John MacArthur, Bob DeWaay, RC Sproul and Albert Mohler. But John’s teachings have benefitted me the most, even though I am not a cessationist or a completely convinced Calvinist. As a continuationist, I also do listen to Chuck Smith (Calvary Chapel) and sometimes Wayne Grudem. While these websites might not appeal or be adequate to the more serious bible scholars, I think these websites will help many to discern and avoid the dangers of the strange teachings and practices like those you find in WOF hyper charismatics, as well as those seeker friendly motivational ‘gospels’, including the increasingly popular occultic influenced contemplative spirituality.
    Barry Koh

  14. Thanks Barry

    Yes good idea. There are many good expository preachers around whom one could mention, including some recent classic preachers such as Martyn Lloyd-Jones, James Montgomery Boice, John Stott and others.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  15. Bill,
    You wrote: “But yes Calvin’s commentaries (which are really his collected sermons on the books) are always of great value.”
    They are not.The sermons and the commentaries are quite different e.g. see the differences between his commentary on Ephesians and his sermons on Ephesians. The same goes for Galatians.
    Peter Barnes

  16. Thanks Peter for the clarification. I guess I had in mind both Calvin and Luther. Many of Luther’s commentaries were based on his lectures and sermons. And of interest, neither one seemed to be too keen to tackle Revelation.
    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  17. Thanks guys

    Twenty comments so far – I am impressed. Usually book reviews get little interest, and lists of commentaries and discussions thereof send most people to sleep. So it is good to see a few folks interested.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  18. I have the whole set of the IVP commentaries. I know there are others, there were others that don’t know what they called that have black dust jackets with red or green lines. They look extensive but when looking through them they look so technical and I have a feeling I have to go to a seminary to do a course in ancient Greek just so I can understand them. I would like to get a good commentary on the Old Testament book of Job one day. My grandfather was a Lutheran pastor up in Hermannsburg from the 1890’s up until his death in 1922 and that was his favourite book in the bible apparently.
    Carl Strehlow

  19. IVP as in InterVarsity press with Grant R. Osborne as the series editor with D. Stuart Briscoe & Haddon Robinson as consulting editors. 1 Corinthians was done by a Alan F. Johnson. Luke for example was done by Darrell L. Bock who I noticed has done another separate 2 part commentary on the same gospel.
    Carl Strehlow

  20. There’s no way you could read all that without the help of the Holy Spirit! 🙂 Any comments about the Brazos line? Lotsa people talking about it, RR Reno chief editor.
    Martin Snigg

  21. Thanks Carl

    Yes that is the series of thin hardbacks, the IVP New Testament Commentary (IVPNTC) series. (IVP also does the Tyndale series of thin paperback commentaries.) I have 15 (out of the 20) of those volumes and they are quite good for a mid-range, and less expensive set of commentaries. Beale for example on 1-2 Thessalonians is quite good, as is Belleville on 2 Corinthians.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  22. Thanks Martin

    Mind you, one need not read a commentary from cover to cover (although I have done that with many), as one must with a novel for example. Often a just a portion is consulted as the need arises. And some are incredibly long of course. Thisellton’s commentary on 1 Corinthians (NIGTC) stretches to nearly 1500 pages in one volume! It is a brilliant piece of work, but I have certainly not read every page of it.

    The Brazos series is quite new with not all that many volumes out yet (there seems to be around a dozen now available on both Testaments). I only have the volume on Acts so far, which was not bad. Again, a mid-price and mid-range series which may well be quite good. It seems to feature a number of writers who have not before been on the commentary writing scene. It also features Catholic and Orthodox authors, along with Protestant ones. Because of the size limitation (they are all around just 300 pages), you don’t get everything you might find in a fuller commentary.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  23. Just a thought. Will you be posting another list of one volume commentaries?
    Carl Strehlow

  24. Thanks Carl

    Yes I can do that as well, but as I state in an introductory article soon to be posted, one-volume commentaries are not ideal, simply because too much is being covered in too little space.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  25. Hi Bill,

    I tracked down my copy of the BST Philippians commentary – it’s 90ks away at my Mum’s which is too far, so I will need to drive over and pick it up. It was written by Alec Motyer with comments by John Stott, according to what my Mum just read out to me over the phone.

    Alec Motyer is a great writer as you picked up by the quotes I sent. My favourite is his excellent tome on Isaiah – the pages are falling out of that one!

    Kerry Letheby

  26. Hi Bill,

    Long time no see. How’s my old apologetics and theology prof doing? Still going strong it would seem.

    Nice to see my Dad’s Galatians commentary included, even though it’s somewhat ‘older’ by now.

    Clem Fung

  27. Thanks Kerry

    Yes Motyer is one of those rare scholars who does both Old and New Testament commentaries. His BST volume on Philippians is good. He in fact has two volumes on Isaiah: a 400 page TOTC volume (one of the bigger in the series), and a 540-page stand alone commentary, The Prophecy of Isaiah. There is a fair amount of overlap between the two.

    See my list of recommended OT commentaries here:

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  28. Thanks Alister

    Wright is always important, but as you say, his ‘for everyone” series (eg., Mark for Everyone) is a popular level series. It is still worthwhile, but not a full lengthy meaty commentary. He has done the replacement volume in the TNTC series on Colossians and Philemon, so that is a step up, but the series is also a shorter, mid-level, mid-price series.

    He has however done Romans in The New Interpreter’s Bible series which would be more substantial still. But because it is a bit expensive, I do not have it yet, so I cannot comment (no pun intended) on how he goes with Romans.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  29. Thanks Clem

    Hey come on man! All these years I have known you and you never told me that he was your dad! Did you? I can’t recall if you did. What a revelation. Almost up there with Luke Skywalker learning who his dad is! We need to get together soon.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  30. Another good commentary on the book of Acts that I have sometimes referred to is the NIVAC one by Ajith Fernando.

    The then Zondervan editor Jack Kuhatschek states about this work, “It gives the practical perspective of one who has lived through many of the items discussed in Acts.” Knowing Ajith Fernando and watching the fruit of the work of YFC Sri Lanka under his leadership, I certainly agree.

    In fact Ajith Fernando was very much influenced by the NIC on Acts by F. F. Bruce recommended by Bill here. As a uni student, he picked one up from his father’s library and read it “page by page, footnotes and all”.

    Previn John

  31. I think that Longenecker’s commentary on ‘Galatians’ is the most sublime piece of theological writing that I have ever read. Highly recommended!
    I would love to purchase GK Beales commentary on Revelation, but it is just too cost prohibitive (like nearly all NIGTC volumes).
    Another outstanding commentary is “Commentary on the New Testament use of the Old Testament” Ed. Carson & Beale. This is an invaluable work that is a must on any student’s shelf.
    Matt Harris

  32. Thanks Previn

    I have a dozen commentaries on Acts, but still have not grabbed the Fernando volume as yet. I will have to add it to my shopping list. In addition to the NIC volume by Bruce, he also did one on the Greek text back in 1951.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  33. Thanks Matt

    Yes to all three. Longenecker is very good indeed. The NIGTC volumes are painfully expensive (thus a few volumes in the series I still do not have), but really very good for the most part. And the Beale/Carson volume is a heavyweight in more ways than one. At almost 1250 pages, it must weigh a few kilos! But it is a tremendous reference tool.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  34. Hi,
    Looking for some recommendations between Stein and Edwards on Marks Gospel. For Acts – Bock or Petersen, Ephesians obrien or the new zecnt, on Matthew the nivac or the new ZECNT. Any comparisons would be helpful. I want them to be good for sermon prep and bible studies. Thanks in advance.
    Steve N.

  35. Thanks Steve

    (Actually I need a full name here as per my commenting rules!) It may be hard to declare a clear winner in each, as I like both series (PNTC and BECNT). Not only are the two series rather similar in what they offer, but the individual commentaries here compare fairly well with each other.

    Stein is usually good value indeed, and his 800 page BECNT (2008) is a very helpful volume. Edwards (PNTC) is a bit older (2002) and only 550 pages. Both do rather well, but I would incline toward Stein.

    As to Acts, both are around 800 pages. Peterson (PNTC, 2009) is quite good, but given Bock’s massive 2-volume companion commentary on Luke, his 2007 BECNT volume is of equal value. He might get the preference here, but all four volumes are worth grabbing, especially if you find them on sale.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  36. Hi,
    Sorry – just added my full name. Thanks for the quick reply. What about the ZECNT series, have you checked these out? I am trying to choose between obrien or arnold for Ephesians. Do you like the nivac series at all – is there any particular volumes you would recommend. Thanks in advance. Steve.
    Steve Nicholas

  37. Thanks again Steve

    Yes I have all the new volumes so far in the ZECNT series. This may be a somewhat poor judgment criteria, but the bulky size of the volumes may put some folks off. Otherwise not too bad of a series. As to the two on Ephesians, both are of the same page count, and Arnold is solid and rather recent (ZECNT, 2010), whereas O’Brien (PNTC) is slightly older now (1999), but still quite good.

    The NIVAC series, devoting as it does such a large portion to application, can be limited. But there have been some standout volumes here, and it seems many of the newer ones, esp. in the OT, are rather good. So a few really good ones would be: 2 Corinthians (Hafemann), Genesis (Walton), Deuteronomy (Block), and Psalms vol 1 (Wilson).

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  38. Hi Bill,
    Thanks for giving some advice on some commentaries. On Matthew I am trying to choose between Leon Morris, Osborne (Zecnt), Blomberg, or the Nivac. Any recommendations here? Have you read Chamblins commentary on Matthew?
    Thanks in advance.
    Steve Nicholas.

  39. Thanks again Steve

    No have not read Chamblin. As to the others: Blomberg is always worth getting, but his is a bit brief (450pp) and getting a bit dated (1992). Much the same can be said about Morris: also 1992, and also always reliable. But at least he gives us 780pp. Wilkins is newer and bigger (2004, 1000pp) and pretty good. Osborne is the most recent and largest of these four (2010, 1150pp). At best I would say get one of each of the old and new – say Blomberg with Osborne, or Morris with Wilkins.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  40. Hi,
    Thanks Bill. If I was to choose between Wilkins and Osborne. Which one – for sermons and studies? What are the strengths of each. I am going shopping tomorrow – thanks in advance.
    Steve Nicholas

  41. Thanks Steve

    Given that NIVAC is geared to application and sermonic illustration, I guess you would run with that Wilkins.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  42. Hi Bill,
    I thought the ZECNT is also geared that way. Do you have a preference as an overall commentary between those two.
    Steve Nicholas

  43. Thanks Steve

    Both series have room for application, but it is a small part of ZECNT while a major part of NIVAC. But both comms are quite good. So it is hard to pick a clear favourite here, based on what you are after!

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  44. Hi Bill,
    Thanks for all your input. I couldn’t help it I bought both osborn and Wilkens, but I might have to take one back as I overspent. Thanks again and have a good weekend.
    Steve Nicholas

  45. Hi Bill,
    I had a lend of Leon Morris commentary on Matthew, very easy to read and quite detailed but doesn’t discuss all the latest points of view. I am surprised its not on your original recommended lists. It be better than Blombergs commentary – any thoughts?
    Steve Nicholas

  46. Thanks again Steve

    As I said in my comments, Morris is always a winner, but as I also said, his commentary is rather dated. I like Blomberg as well. But if I featured all my fav comms in my article, I would have a dozen authors under each NT book. I have to draw limits somewhere! I tried to just offer 4-5 under each at most. Admittedly much of it is a judgment call, and folks can differ on these issues.

    Plus I am not infallible when it comes to these matters!

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  47. Hi Bill,

    Thanks. I agree, I just love Morris style – pastoral. I found many academic commentries when you read them have much information but are a very dry read. I think Morris commentary would be great for sermon material. I am started to read Keeners writings – and I like the cultural/historical background he gives. Thanks again for your input – much appreciated.
    Steve Nicholas

  48. Hi Bill,
    Thanks. For 1 & 2 Corinthians which do you prefer out of Keener and Witherington. Thanks in advance.
    Stephen Nicholas

  49. Thanks Stephen

    I don’t have the Keener volume on Corinthians. Both authors tackle both epistles in just one volume. Witherington is more substantial (500pp vs 300pp) and if you like his socio-rhetorical analysis, he might be preferred. Although I do have the Witherington volume, given the size of both epistles, one commentary per epistle might be the better option.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  50. Hi Bill,

    Okay for one volume for 1 Corinthians – Fee, Garland or Rosners commentary and second Corinthians Garland or Hafemann. Thanks in advance.
    Steve Nicholas.

  51. Thanks again Steve

    As to 1 Cor, while Fee is getting rather dated now (1987), it will remain a classic top three or four comm. on the epistle for some time to come. Garland is much newer (2003) and of equal size (both are just under 900 pages). Like ‘em both and it would be hard to pick a clear winner here.

    As to 2 Cor, both came out at roughly the same time, and both are roughly the same length. Hafemann has done other good work on this epistle, so I would marginally tip him.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  52. Hi Bill
    Thanks. Does Garland incorporate some of Witheringtons ideas/background material. Have you looked at Rosners commentary on 1 Corinthians any thoughts there?
    Steve Nicholas

  53. Thanks Steve

    Garland refers to Witherington around 50 times. But then again, Thiselton gets around 100 mentions, and Fee 300! But most of the newer commentaries include some elements of this. Rosner and Ciampa’s PNTC comm. is rather new (2010) and quite substantial (900pp). Rosner has done a lot of work on Corinthians previously, so it is a very good volume.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  54. Hi Bill,
    How does Rosner commentary compare with Garland or Fee?

    Steve Nicholas.

  55. Thanks again Steve

    Some of these choices will come down to taste, personal preference and so on. Often the comms can be rather similar to one another. I solve the problem by owning the lot of them. I have already stated what I think of all three, so now it is up to you to decide which way to go. And what I like in a comm may not be exactly the same as what you like, etc. Indeed, you might get different replies if you asked different people. So we are now starting to get into too much hairsplitting here I am afraid. We can only go so far here in recommendations, especially when they all have their strong points (and possible weaknesses)!

  56. Hi Bill,
    Thanks, I suppose I am trying to narrow it down as I have a limited budget trying to get 1 or 2 main commentaries on a particular book of the new testament. It is helpful asking someone who has used the various commentaries as they know the strengths and weaknesses of each (especially if they come from an evangelical perspective). I have appreciated your input and have bought a couple due to your recommendations – thanks.
    Have a good week.
    Steve Nicholas

  57. Hi Bill,
    I thought I update you. On Matthew I bought Osborne (ZECNT) and Wilkins (NIVAC), I am pleased with the purchases.How do Carson and France (NICNT) compare with one another on Matthew?. I have the Tyndale on Matthew by France is the larger NICNT fairly similar in comments or is it significantly better. Thanks in advance.
    Steve Nicholas

  58. Thanks Steve

    I am always partial to Carson, so I will always recommend him, even though his comm is getting dated (1984). And he went well over his allotted space, with 600 pages in the EBC volume, while Mark and Luke each got just 200.

    As to France and France, the TNTC is old and short (1985, 400 pages) while the NICNT is newer and triple the size (2007, and almost 1200 pages). So I will continue to recommend Carson, but if you can get the newer and bigger France comm, do so as well.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  59. Hi Bill,
    I am choosing for 2 Corinthians between Garland or Hafemann. Which would you choose between the two. Thanks in advance.

    Steve Nicholas

  60. Thanks Steve

    I like them both and think they are similar enough for it to be difficult to call a clear winner. You might have to flip a coin here.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  61. Hi Bill,
    Thanks. I had a look at both and both seem very good. Both seem to be written with pastoral warmth and application. I must admit I enjoy reading Garlands commentaries. I checked out Keeners first volume on Acts the other day and it looks impressive with depth but easy to read at the same time.
    Stephen Nicholas

  62. Thanks Stephen

    Yes I just grabbed Keener on Acts today. With three more volumes to go, it’s going to be an expensive and shelf-filling set.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  63. Hey Bill,

    You mentioned some excellent commentaries in this article, but I find it hard to believe that you could discuss New Testament commentaries without mentioning Hendriksen and Kistemaker. I didn’t even see them mentioned in the comments. The NTC ranks very highly on virtually any book of the Bible. And he may be ‘old school’, but I think J.Vernon McGee deserves honorable mention. MacArthur’s New Testament series is also very good.

    Brian Mart

  64. Thanks Brian

    Yes I like all those authors you mention. I can’t include everyone of course here – just a few of the stellar volumes. My omission of Hendricksen and Kistemaker is because they are getting a bit dated now, and in their 12 volume attempt to cover the whole NT they can wear themselves a bit thin trying to cover too much perhaps. McGee of course was more a bible teacher and devotional writer, while MacArthur is a great pastor, but not necessarily a NT scholar. As I said in my intro, I was mainly featuring here “those of a more academic and critical nature”.

    As I said, I have and enjoy the works by these authors as well. But I feature here only a small sampling of my many NT commentaries.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  65. Thanks. Have just been looking for exactly such a list this morning – and you have an OT one as well. Both lists saved for future reference. I appreciate it when someone has already done the hard work of sifting and sorting good quality reference books. Instead of wading through stuff for hours to do my own research it’s already been done for me. Certainly simplifies things from my end.

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