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Sharia Keeps On Creeping

The usual way of destroying a nation is of course through things like guns, bullets, tanks, and bombs. A full-frontal assault is one way to wage war against one’s enemies. But there is another effective means to take over a nation, and that is from within.

The Marxists of course were champions at this, and even though the “evil empire” is now history, cultural Marxism persists in the West, and continues to undermine its foundation, erode its values, and destroy its will to fight. The same is true with Islam.

Its spread over the past 1400 years has of course been primarily by the edge of the sword. It has killed and subjugated millions of people over the centuries, and that is the main way in which Islam advances. But today it has become adept at using internal subversion to capture a weak, gullible and unaware West.

What we refer to as stealth jihad or creeping sharia is working wonders for Islam, and we see this especially playing itself out in the UK and much of Europe. Every new day seems to bring us headlines of creeping sharia in action. So let me offer another small representative sampling here, beginning with France.

Right now we once again have rioting on French city streets. Is it by Christians? Jews? Buddhists? Nope – Muslims. Although Muslims are enjoying all the lavish benefits of their generous Western hosts, they never seem to be satisfied, and are often taking their grievances to the streets, destroying property and causing mayhem.

This time it is over the 2011 law banning face veils. One write-up says this: “Some 20 cars have been torched and four people detained in a second night of violence in suburbs west of Paris, a result of tensions linked to authorities’ handling of France’s ban on Muslim face veils.

“France’s interior minister said Sunday that the incidents overnight targeted the town of Elancourt. Police union official said on BFM television that about 50 assailants were involved, some firing weapons and a gasoline bomb at police.

“The night before, about 250 people hurling projectiles clashed with police firing tear gas in the nearby town of Trappes in apparent protest over the enforcement of France’s ban on Islamic face veils. Five people were injured and six detained in the violence, authorities said Saturday.

“The interior minister urged calm and dialogue, insisting on both the need for public order and respect for France’s Muslims. The incident in the town of Trappes on Friday night reflected sporadic tensions between police upholding France’s strict policies of secularism and those who accuse authorities of discriminating against France’s No. 2 religion.”

Or consider this story out of the UK. There the public school system is slowly but surely becoming sharia compliant, with non-Muslims forced to submit to it, even little primary school children: “An angry mother has accused a primary school of denying her child water on one of the hottest days of the year for fear of upsetting pupils observing Ramadan.

“Kora Blagden, 32, claimed a teacher at her son Luke’s school refused to let the 10-year old drink from his water bottle because it was unfair to fasting classmates. Many pupils at Charles Dickens Primary School, Portsmouth, Hampshire, are fasting during Ramadan, which means they refrain from taking food or water between sunrise and sunset for around 30 days, depending on the moon.

“Mother-of-four Kora said: ‘Just before bedtime me and my sons Luke, ten, and Alfie, eight, were talking about Ramadan as we had seen it on the news. ‘Luke said to me he was told he wasn’t allowed to drink in class by his teacher. The reason being, a child who is fasting had a headache and the teacher said it would be unfair if the other children drank in front of the pupil. Luke was dehydrated when he got home and drunk three glasses of water straight away.’ The teacher made the ruling on Thursday when temperatures soared to 28C.”

This is all about “Acceptance, Silence, and Submission” as commentator Mark Steyn puts it. He discusses other UK horror stories: “The Medway Messenger in Kent reported a prompt police response to an outbreak of octogenarian Islamophobia: ‘An 85-year-old woman has this afternoon been arrested after abuse was hurled at Muslims outside Gillingham Mosque. The pensioner was handcuffed and taken away in a van by officers attending the Canterbury Street mosque for Friday prayers.’

“Oh. That’s helpful. If you yell at a mosque, the coppers are already inside. If you deface a London war memorial with Islamic slogans, there’s none in sight, and even the ubiquitous British CCTV cameras are apparently of no use in identifying the perpetrators. The day after Drummer Rigby’s murder, a march in support of the ‘Help for Heroes’ military charity ended in a five-hour standoff between marchers and police, ending with the arrest of Lee Cousins for ‘mocking the Islamic prayer ritual’ by getting down on his hands and knees outside the pub. He was fined 600 pounds — or just shy of a thousand bucks.”

He cites George Jonas: “Terrorism’s great achievement isn’t hijacking jetliners, but hijacking the debate. Successful terrorism persuades the terror-stricken that he’s conscience-stricken.” Steyn continues, “Which is why, in the decade after 9/11, Western governments ramped up Islamic immigration instead of slowing it to a trickle; and their citizens were ‘very supportive’ of those who converted in record numbers, instead of mourning the wholesale abandonment of their inheritance; and their community-outreach enforcers dragged those who disrespected the Prophet into court for ever more footling infractions, instead of obliging Islam to adjust to core Western values like freedom of expression. Meanwhile, Islamic self-segregation intensified.”

And in the meantime, don’t expect Muslim-majority nations to extend any benefits or favours to non-Muslims. Consider the horrific case of Norwegian Marte Deborah Dalelv who was jailed in Dubai after being raped! “A Norwegian woman sentenced to 16 months in jail in Dubai for having sex outside marriage after she reported an alleged rape says she decided to speak out in hopes of drawing attention to the risks of outsiders misunderstanding the Islamic-influenced legal codes in this cosmopolitan city. The case has drawn outrage from rights groups and others in the West since the 24-year-old interior designer was sentenced last week.

“It also highlights the increasingly frequent tensions between the United Arab Emirates’ international atmosphere and its legal system, which is strongly influenced by Islamic traditions in a nation where foreign workers and visitors greatly outnumber locals. ‘I have to spread the word. … After my sentence we thought, “How can it get worse?”’ Marte Deborah Dalelv told The Associated Press in an interview at a Norwegian aid compound in Dubai where she is preparing her appeal scheduled for early September.

“The businesswoman was sentenced to 16 months in prison for extramarital sex after she reported being raped, according to news reports from the United Arab Emirates. Dalely claims during an interview about the assault police asked her: ‘Are you sure you called the police because you just didn’t like it?’ She replied: ‘Well of course I didn’t like it’. ‘That is when I knew, I don’t think they are going to believe me at all,’ she said.”

It was only after an international outcry about this travesty of justice that Dubai backed down. Regrettably these cases are not unusual or atypical. They happen all the time. This is what we are up against: an 8th-century political ideology which wants to drag the free world down to its level.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that’s a very good idea. Indeed, I will be doing all I can to resist that. Will you?

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