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Islam and the West

How are we to think of the influx of masses of Muslims into the Western world? From a Christian point of view, there are at least two responses. One, because it is well nigh impossible to preach the gospel in most Muslim-majority countries, we can be thankful that so many Muslims are coming to the West.

The only tragedy is, I suspect most Western Christians are not making use of this opportunity to evangelise their new neighbours, workmates, and fellow students. Thus a huge opportunity is going to waste, and if anything, Muslims are winning Westerners to Islam.

The second response is this: since Islam is a political ideology which expects everyone to submit to Allah and sharia law, this is something we all should be concerned about in the West. Islam is simply not compatible with Western freedoms, democracy and human rights.

As the brave young Pakistani schoolgirl and Taliban shooting victim Malala Yousafzai is reported to have said, “Blessed are those who live in non-Islamic nations. Even in the 21st century, Muslim countries like Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan have bans on girl’s education. Islam treats women as slaves. Islam gave us nothing but terrorism, jihad, madrassas, riots and bomb blasts. If we want a future for us, we will have to renounce Islam. Peace and Islam can’t coexist!”

So this second aspect of responding to Islam in the West must be taken very seriously indeed. We have far too many examples of how stealth jihad and creeping sharia are wreaking havoc in the West, and these activities certainly should be resisted.

Consider a few recent examples of this. In the UK the new MI5 chief has warned about Muslim terrorists roaming freely in the country: “Andrew Parker was making his first public speech since taking over as head of the UK Security Service in April. Al-Qaeda and its affiliates in Pakistan and Yemen present ‘the most direct and immediate threats to the UK,’ he said.

“He added that the security services must have access to the many means of communication which terrorists now use. Mr Parker was addressing the Royal United Services Institute in Whitehall. Threats to the UK are growing more diverse and diffuse, he said, but warned: ‘It remains the case that there are several thousand Islamist extremists here who see the British public as a legitimate target’….

“In his speech he named Al-Qaeda and its affiliates in South Asia and the Arabian Peninsula as presenting ‘the most direct and immediate threats to the UK’. By that he meant primarily its elements in Pakistan and separately in Yemen, from where Al-Qaeda has three times succeeded in smuggling explosives past security on to planes in the last 4 years.

“Referring to the ongoing conflict in Syria, he said a growing proportion of MI5’s casework concerned individuals from the UK who had travelled to fight there. He said extremist Sunni groups in Syria were aspiring to attack Western countries.”

And the Islamic takeover of the West need not just happen by means of bombs and suicide attacks. Simple demographics will do just as well. Increasingly the European population is being replaced by a growing Muslim population.

As but one quite alarming example of this, consider a school in Berlin: “There are now only three German children left in the Jens-Nydahl-Grundschule in Kreuzberg, Berlin—a shocking demonstration of how Europe is being ethnically cleansed by Third World immigration.

“A story in the Bild magazine on the development was headlined: ‘We are the last 3 German children in our German school. The rest are Muslims.’ Kreuzberg in Berlin has long been a destination for Turkish immigration into the German capital, and now the inevitable point has been reached where Germans have been ethnically cleansed from that part of the city.

“In the playground Talina (11), Svenja (11) and Jason (9) can’t understand a word. Because, here, their classmates only speak Turkish and Arabic, the Bild article continued. Here 99 percent of the 313 pupils have an immigrant (Muslim) background. For 285 of those, the parents receive financial support from the state.”

And these kinds of stories can be repeated throughout Europe and the UK. Holland is certainly experiencing similar scenes, which is why Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders has been seeking to sound the alarm for years now. And for his efforts, he is under 24/7 protection.

He recently gave a speech entitled “The Specter of Islam Is Haunting the Free World”. He begins: “‘A specter is haunting Europe – the specter of Communism,’ Karl Marx once famously wrote. It took Europe almost a century to liberate itself from this scourge. Today, another specter is haunting not just Europe, but the entire world – the specter of Islam.

“The biggest danger confronting the West today is not the economic situation, nor is it youth unemployment, nor the dire budget situation of our governments; the biggest danger is one of which we are reminded on an almost daily basis. And, yet, many politicians seem to fail to notice….

“Like the specter of Communism in the past, the danger of Islam is political. Islam is mainly a political ideology because its aim is political. What the London and Boston killers, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and other individuals and groups, causing pain and misery all over the globe, have in common is that, inspired by the Koran, they want to impose Islamic sharia law on the whole world.

“They share this goal with an organization that is being held in the highest esteem by Western governments: the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The OIC counts 57 member-states and forms the largest voting bloc in the United Nations. In 1990, it superseded the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights with its own Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam. The Cairo Declaration is a document of unabashed Islamic supremacism. It explicitly states that all human rights and freedoms ‘are subject to the Islamic Sharia.’

“Islamic law is barbaric and cruel. Flogging, mutilation and other corporal punishments, stoning and even crucifixion are permitted penalties under sharia law. It discriminates women, apostates and non-Muslims, who have fewer rights or no rights at all. In 2003, the European Court of Human Rights declared that ‘sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy.’ And yet, few Western leaders seem to worry about the attempts to replace our basic liberties with sharia law.”

He concludes, “Winston Churchill once said that ‘The people of Asia were slaves, because they had not learned how to pronounce the word “no”.’ Today, the West must learn to say ‘no’ or it, too, will be enslaved. A specter is haunting the free world. Let us have the courage to call it by its name: It is the radical ideology of Islam with its political aim to abolish our freedoms and our democracy. It is by far the most serious evil afflicting the world today. And it is a much bigger threat to our civilization than all the other problems our politicians currently worry about and devote so much attention to.”

Yes exactly right. The only question which remains is this: Will the West wake up, and wake up soon to the mortal danger it faces, or will it continue to sleep through its own funeral?

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