Our Surveillance Culture and the Erosion of Freedom and Privacy

New developments are putting us all at risk:

We live in an age in which the surveillance state is greatly expanding, while personal freedoms and privacy are greatly decreasing. And I am speaking here about the West and not some totalitarian state. Things have moved rapidly in this regard over recent years, and the trends look set to continue.

There are various responses one can have to the increasing war on our personal privacy and security. Below I will look at one wrong reaction to this. But first a bit more on the problem and its seriousness. We must face the reality that more and more of our lives are being put under surveillance of different forms, and more and more of what we do – and even say – is now being recorded, stored and assessed.

The cashless society is one obvious case in point. Every transaction we make is being recorded and tabulated somewhere, be it just on a bank statement, or by corporate giants, or by the new big tech companies. And calls for digital IDs and the like simply offer more of the same: all our moves and activities are being tracked by big government or big business.

We already know how modern technology is tracing our every move and recalling our every online activity. With the ever-growing world of AI in general, and things like Siri and Alexa in particular, we now are being monitored and surveilled 24/7.

Many have experienced being on the social media, and finding an ad pop up out of nowhere which specifically has to do with some product or service you were just talking about or looking into. Just the other day I shared this on the social media:

“Now this is scary: I just had a shower then clipped my nails. Hopping back on to FB, one of the first things I see is an ad for nail clippers! What – does FB now have drones in my shower? Do clipper companies have secret cameras installed in my bathroom? Spook city!”

Others asked me if I was speaking while doing this, or had my phone nearby. I said ‘nope’ to each. I was outside while doing the clipping! However, my dog was with me, so perhaps she is the one who snitched on me! Humour aside, you know what I am talking about.

And of course some folks do not mind this much at all. After all, in so many ways it is all about convenience. To swipe a plastic card when paying for something or swipe a mobile phone to do the same is very quick and easy – and convenient. In a busy world we all like convenience.

Moreover, some aspects of surveillance seem necessary in the fight against crime and criminals. There can be a place for security cameras and the like, and basic forms of identification. Not all such things are necessarily wrong in themselves.

But is all this coming with a price? Obviously our privacy is eroding fast. Obviously who we are, what we like, what we buy, what products we prefer, what services we make use of, and where we go is now all being tracked and recorded, with all this information being stored somewhere.

During the covid days I penned plenty of pieces on this, discussing the erosion of freedom and privacy that we all endured. Consider just one article: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2023/04/17/covid-tyranny-and-ccp-fascism-compare-the-pair/

Also, I have already written about things like a digital ID: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2024/09/24/big-brother-and-digital-id/

And the dangers of a cashless society: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2024/04/09/say-no-to-a-cashless-society/

And the tyranny of social credit systems: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2023/03/31/the-surveillance-state-tiktok-and-the-ccp/

‘But I am doing nothing wrong, so I don’t have to worry about this’

This is a common response being made by many. Some folks think they are breaking no laws and doing nothing amiss, so why should they worry if businesses and governments and others know more and more about them and what they do?  But they are missing the point, and this is risky thinking for various reasons.

We have already been warned, not just in dystopian novels like Brave New World and 1984 just how dangerous and diabolical such worlds can be, but we have real-life examples right now, certainly in places like Communist China with its social credit system. So even if all this seems OK for now, we are dreaming if we think it will stay that way.

And we already know it is not safe right now. The covid wars should have taught us all that. Our every move was being monitored and tracked. Our medical history especially had to be known and directed to where the state wanted it to be. No vax for example meant no visits to most shops, businesses, hospitals, schools and the like. The important medical ethics of bodily autonomy and no compulsion in medical treatment and the like were quickly trashed.

Even if you think you are some fine, upstanding citizen that would never run afoul of the law and the state, you are still dreaming. Just as the state determined that an unvaxed person or an unmasked person walking alone on a beach was a threat that had to be harshly dealt with a few years ago, tomorrow they might decide that things like reading the Bible or praying are threats to society.

Indeed, we did see churches closed big time a few years ago, all in the ‘public interest.’ If the state can decree that the public worship of the living God is verboten, it can decree anything. And when that happens, it will be too late. We can all be turned into criminals overnight if the all-powerful state decides that we need to be re-educated and reformed into ‘acceptable citizens’ that it prefers.

We are already seeing a plethora of ‘hate crimes’ and ‘thought crimes’. The state increasingly decides what is good speak and bad speak, good thought and bad thought. Radical activist agendas like the trans revolution are being forced down our throats, and those who do not fully comply are being punished by the state.

The new bill passed in Australia, the Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024, is another example of this invasion of our privacy, done in theory to protect children. Also referred to as the ‘Digital Duty of Care’ Bill, one concerned writer concluded an article on the chilling effects of this law with these words:

Finally, the platform is also forced to provide activist research organisations with access to their commercial data in real-time (s28M(1)) and to cough up any document the Commissioner requests within 14 days (194A(2)). Couldn’t imagine this access being used for political purposes. This legislation is perfectly aimed at shutting down free speech platforms like X, and the Government can quite easily make the obligations practicably impossible to comply with. Please let people know that the Misinformation Bill has a new name — The Digital Duty of Care Bill. https://dailydeclaration.org.au/2024/12/06/misinformation-bill-returns/

So not just individuals who are considered to be a danger to the state, but various platforms and organisations where free discussion occurs can also be targeted and penalised, if not shut down altogether. Anyone concerned about freedom and the importance of basic privacy should resist all these moves.

As mentioned, we all like efficiency and convenience, but there are always costs involved with this, be it with the cashless society, or with the state entering into every aspect of our lives. It does not matter how ‘good’ or law-abiding you may think you are as a citizen today.

Tomorrow the state can decide that you are a lawbreaker and a threat to the system. All these now technologies, policies and laws will simply make it so much easier for the state to keep its eyes on you, and negatively deal with you if it thinks you are getting out of line.

The bottom line is this: we ALL should be concerned about the growth of big government, big tech, and big business as they increasingly work together to erode our basic freedoms, and to radically whittle away at our own privacy. Thinking that you are a good person so are exempt from all this and have nothing to fear is naive and reckless. We are all at risk.

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6 Replies to “Our Surveillance Culture and the Erosion of Freedom and Privacy”

  1. Bill, your description of today’s world of total surveillance could have come straight out of the pages of George Orwell’s nightmarish novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four.

    You’ll recall how the story’s protagonist, Winston Smith, used to “set his features into the expression of quiet optimism which it was advisable to wear when facing the telescreen”.

    When Winston turns his back to it, however, it is not that much safer for him, because, “as he well knew, even a back can be revealing”.

    Orwell explained: “It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself — anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.”

  2. Having just revisited Orwell 1984 ( the irony being I had Spotify read the book for me) I come away thinking it’s low level control.
    2084 is the nightmare – John Lennox on AI.

  3. This reminds me of a quote from a long time ago, but is timely for today:

    “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

    —Martin Niemöller

  4. Thanks Bill and hope you had a lovely Christmas despite missing your wife.
    Some things are getting easier with technology, internet etc but the other day I had to reapply for Job Seeker payments as my full time work had ended for the season. So thinking I could just go into Centrelink where I am on their records as previously being a Job Seeker they told me I had to reapply online myself as I had being working for over so many weeks. So I went online and had to answer and confirm all these questions and download my last payslip, my last super statement and even get my age pension husband to answer questions by logging in himself to their designated site, then they wanted to know about our business of over 10 years ago. Maybe I hit the wrong button but I didn’t know how to get out of that section so just downloaded a statement saying that we were no longer self-employed and had closed down the business in August 2012. It took me three hours and I had to log in several times. After submission I have to wait till 2 Jan for a phone appt. Fortunately I have a computer but I thought how daunting this would be to a homeless person trying to get Centrelink payments. I guess they would be able to use the computers at Centrelink or a Services Officer would help them as I had to scan things etc. I guess what I am saying is, where once a Centrelink Services Officer used to help us apply for payments by asking a few questions, now we have to do it ourselves with a lot more questions.

  5. Well I have come to believe that the Bible teaches us to trust in the arm of the Lord and not in the arm of the flesh (Jer 17:5) for all our needs to be met. The arm of the flesh (the world’s system) is man’s ability to meet people’s needs without the power of God (ie doctors, psychiatrists, pharmakeia, banks, government agencies etc) instead of trusting in Jehovah Jirah, our Almighty Provider.

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