Even in the West God is still at work: Europe is still likely the most secular continent on earth – at least in terms of…
Who will stand up for men and boys? In the increasingly toxic West, where its enemies are working overtime to deconstruct and delegitimise everything, we…
Important new developments in assisted reproductive technologies: Two recent media stories about IVF have made headlines around the world. Both stories raise important issues that…
On the horrific new law in France: The first and greatest human right is the right to life. Without that right, none of the other…
Lewis captures a crucial Christian paradox: Believers know full well how many paradoxes there are in the Christian faith. We know that in order to…
Pro-Hamas insanity is part of a bigger malaise in the West: In a radio interview I recently did (concerning the willingness of British young people…
Dumbed-down college kids are clueless: I was once a brainless student. By that I mean I was heavily involved in all the radical left nostrums…
We are seeing history repeat itself here: I was just reminded online that Kristallnacht was on November 9, 1938 – exactly 85 years ago. This…
We MUST reject this modern version of book-burning: While we rightly should use the phrase “Never again” for no repeats of the Holocaust, we can…
Enough is enough with this war against women: Times change – but too often for the worse. While we used to laugh at things like…
With so much sloppy thinking, we need his wisdom and clarity: A leading authority on Islam and the situation in the Middle East is Rev.…
Some superb insights as to what is happening in Israel now: The is no shortage of commentary on what is now happening in the Middle…
The amazing transformation of Charles Colson: Many secularists, atheists, misotheists, and sceptics will try to tell you that Christianity is just a fantasy, just a…
Medicine and science have been massively abused over the past few years: Some of us were quite sceptical of what was being done to us…
Do churches need to repent of worshipping youth while ignoring the elderly? There is nothing wrong with young people in our churches, and even young…
We must take a stand against this pernicious social ideology: The trans activism we have been witnessing for the past decade or so is not…
Telling falsehoods is not how we help others: The more I think about it, the more diabolical things appear to be. We do not just…
The only influencers we really need are committed Christian ones: One hears a lot in recent times about “influencers”. They get a fair bit of…
Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass? We told you so. We told you so. We told you so.…
So many are now coming out admitting we were massively wrong in dealing with Covid: Better late than never I suppose. Many of us have…