Doubleday 2000. For quite a few years now research findings have demonstrated the truth that marriage has positive effects on those who partake of it.…
Institute for the Study of Civil Society, 2000. For years now we have been told that cohabitation, or “trial marriages” are a good means of…
Hyperion, 2000. This book will not make feminists and libertines happy, but it may result in happier children. Judith Wallerstein has been tracking children of…
Brian Houston Ministries, 1999 In this book the pastor of Hillsong Church in Sydney shares his concerns about money. He believes that Christians have a…
It has been the habit of skeptics in general and devotees of higher criticism in particular to undermine the authority of the Bible by arguing,…
Human Life International, 1997. Human Life International has done us all a real service in publishing this book. This is a comprehensive, up-to date reference…
Simon & Schuster, 1993. A book appeared recently entitled The Loss of Virtue. It made the point that virtue, both public and private, is becoming…
Multnomah Books, 1994. “Two very sacred and fundamental components of our lives are under attack from our culture,” writes Farrar: our faith and our families.…
Basic Books, 1995. Thirty years ago American Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote a report called “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action”. In it…
Shield, 1996. Today drug use/abuse is not confined to the fringes of society. It is becoming mainstream, glamourised in films, music and magazines. As a…
By E. Michael Jones. Ignatius Press, 1993. In 1988 Paul Johnson wrote Intellectuals. In it he looked at the moral lives of a number of…
Hodder & Stoughton, 1995. In 1956 the Harvard sociologist Pitirim Sorokin wrote: “This sex revolution is as important as the most dramatic political or economic…
Pere Marquette Press, 1993. Several years ago when my then 5-year-old was attending first grade at a local state school, he came home with a…
By Thomas Schmidt. IVP, 1995. The debate about homosexuality revolves around a number of crucial and controversial subjects: human sexuality and emotions, politics, religion, the…
Institute of Economic Affairs, 1995. Patricia Morgan, an English sociologist, here examines the social condition of the family in Britain and the US. She contends…
Institute of Economic Affairs, 1992. The debate about whether there are any deleterious effects of broken homes and fatherless families is pretty much over in…
Little, Brown & Co., 1994. The sexual revolution, which promised liberation and freedom, ended in bondage and despair. The fruit of the sexual revolution has…
Encounter Books, 1993. Myron Magnet’s book is an excellent example of why 1960s leftists should be having second thoughts. In a nutshell, he argues that…
Fontana Press, 1993. When Edwin Abbott wrote his turn-of-the-century minor classic, Flatland, he introduced us to a two-dimensional land where all activity was lived out…
Free Press, 1993. American President Bill Clinton is currently charged with a sexual harassment suit by a 27-year-old Arkansas woman. Ms Paula Jones claims that…