(This is the third of a four-part article) Thus our big problem was our way-out beliefs. The truth is, we all need the various giftings…
(This is the fourth of a four-part article) Then another thing happened which really finalised my conversion process. Two old Christian ladies in Tacoma were…
Broadside Books, 2012. The Lefties are going to really hate this book. You see, almost everything the Left hates or denigrates or minimises, such as…
I have written often before about the major differences between left and right political thought, and the bigger battle which is occurring: the struggle between…
The greatest dangers to freedom today come from unlimited government. And communists and fascists do not have a monopoly on this. Western democratic nations are…
OK, I have not seen the film yet, and I am not sure if I will. I keep getting mixed signals on the new film…
Two noted political leaders have just passed away: the Czech political liberator, Vaclav Havel, and the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. The two lives could…
I became a Christian in mid-1971, the same time that a groundbreaking work appeared. Saul Alinsky’s influential Rules for Radicals came out then, so I…
There have always been useful idiots around. Lenin’s phrase is quite apt: these gullible and naive folks end up doing the work of those intent…
One of the more odd sets of bedfellows today is the Western left and Islam. While it might seem that the two groups should be…
Sometimes stuff is better when rehashed or reused. I just had some refried beans for lunch, and it is a great component to a Mexican…
The Occupy Wall Street movement is now spreading out of New York and overseas. I witnessed some of it first hand while just recently in…
As my last full day in the US nears an end, it is interesting to reflect on my brief time back in my homeland. Admittedly…
You can always tell when real science has long ago given way to hysteria and agenda setting when the arguments being dragged out become more…
Since I first wrote on this topic two days ago, a lot more light on what exactly has taken place has been shed, and a…
Do nations just drift into decline, stagnation, and degeneracy? Or is the process aided and abetted by those who actively seek to undermine and subvert…
One hundred years ago Ronald Wilson Reagan was born. The 40th American President is remembered for many things, but here I wish to highlight just…
I have noted before how so much of the social decay and moral collapse which we are witnessing all around us has not been happening…
We have a pro-death atheist running our country, a homosexual secular humanist second in command, and now we have sworn in our first Muslim MP…
Sometimes I find myself in another state or country, alone, a stranger in a strange land, somewhat lost, not quite knowing what the next step…