Why we must support the brave Dutch farmers against the globalists: The Dutch are a tolerant people, and they have a long-standing reputation for that.…
Another important resistance thinker: As an American I greatly value Independence Day. And it so happens that I write this piece on the eve of…
Harvest House, 2022. The inspiring story of two churches defying the secular state: The basic right to worship God freely was severely challenged over the…
One of the most incredible years of political upheaval was 1989: There have been plenty of horrible tyrannies over the centuries, perhaps none more so…
How might we think about resistance to evil rulers? (Author’s necessary preface: This is one of those pieces where I must say something up front…
Who will prophetically speak truth to power today? The Bible certainly has a lot to say about justice. If I simply listed just some of…
Some key volumes on political theology and the like: Let me say at the outset that this is a very selective reading list. The truth…
The church is silent far too often: If you are a biblical Christian you ought to know what my title refers to. It of course…
Abraham Kuyper has so much to teach us about church and state: As someone who formed the Anti-Revolutionary Party (ARP), Abraham Kuyper may not seem…
Chesterton has a lot to teach us about liberty and tyranny: It is no secret that the English writer G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) may be…
The Canberra rally for freedom is a massive game-changer: There is one thing that will always be with us: those who want to tyrannically rule…
Um no, not all laws are just or moral: You can tell when Statist propaganda and leftist narratives are really having an impact: you get…
This is a depressing but must watch documentary: Anyone who has lived in Melbourne over the past few years as I have knows what a…
We need to properly understand what Paul means concerning government authority: Biblically literate Christians in general, and those aware of the church-state debates of the…
Rutherford and his Lex, Rex are still vital for today: A hugely significant figure in what is known as resistance theory is Samuel Rutherford, the…
Why does the state exist? There are different types of government of course: there is church government, self-government, and so on. But here I refer…
We are now witnessing the development of a new underground: Many of you would be aware of past “underground” movements and activities. I am. But…
Reflections of the state, statism, and our response: Up until recently the Christian could rejoice in the great amount of political freedom, human rights and…
These two stories will inspire us all: I have been writing a lot lately of the great outcomes that can be achieved when two powers…
So proud to be part of this MASSIVE freedom rally: Big crowds, colourful characters, spirited chanting, plenty of placards, energetic marches, large rallies, defying the…