On August 10 Fr Frank Brennan published an article entitled, “Why a conscientious Christian could vote for the Greens”. It has since appeared in various…
What’s that old saying about ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’? Well, what about the friend of my enemy is my enemy? Something…
Both the Labor Party and the Greens are seeking to win Christian votes by claiming to be the real deal in the faith stakes. Julia…
I have written previously about Green policies and the dangers they pose. This becomes even more pronounced now that they have struck a deal with…
We live in very dark times. Indeed, it can be rightly argued that we are descending into a new dark ages. The moral freefall that…
The weekend by-election held in Victoria resulted in a huge 12 per cent swing away from Labor to the Liberals. The Greens also made some…
Over the years some of the more extreme green groups have been willing to use violence, coercion and intimidation to achieve their aims. Groups such…
Those who are biblically-literate will know that an Egyptian Pharaoh of 3,500 years ago and a Jewish King of 2000 years ago share at least…
Fear-mongering about the environment is not new. And using our classrooms to terrorise our kids about supposed environmental catastrophes is not new either. The people…
It is to GK Chesterton that we attribute the line, “When a man ceases to believe in God, he does not believe in nothing. He…
The recent Make it Count forum put on by the Australian Christian Lobby in Canberra has created a predictable stir amongst our intelligentsia and Christophobes.…
The Greens, along with the Democrats, are among the most supportive of the homosexual agenda, with Labor not far behind. Thus religious folk in general,…
In any number of social causes, extremism often enters the debate, with the result that truth and common sense get trampled on along the way.…
Robert Nisbet once remarked that environmentalism has become the third great redemptive movement in human history, following Christianity and Marxism. Indeed it already has its…
Peter Singer is considered by many to be Australia’s leading ethicist. He is well known as an animal rights crusader. However, he holds some very…