By now most of you will be aware of the latest madcap idea to come from the Victorian government and its hard-core left Premier Dan…
Modern mass public education is a relatively new phenomenon. It has been a mixed bag, depending on what people expect from it. If the idea…
Various Western leaders, elites and media commentators are enabling and encouraging Islamic terrorism in our lands by refusing to think honestly and realistically about Islam.…
If you are looking for a sure-fire way to destroy a culture, the gender bender moonbeams seem to have found the perfect solution. They have…
When people stand up for what is right, often against all the odds, they deserve a whole lot of praise and credit. Such people are…
An early Christmas present has just come our way, and it is worth publicising and celebrating. In the culture wars you win some and lose…
I realise that many contenders for this title could be mentioned, but it is becoming clear that one man is head and shoulders above all…
Eight years ago the Australian state of Victoria passed one of the most liberal (read: most anti-baby) abortion laws in the world. So for eight…
Things are growing darker by the day in the People’s Republik of Victoria. I have documented a number of very ominous developments here under the…
I started writing this piece before the counting began on Saturday’s federal election. Now, a few days later, it still may be premature to complete…
A lot can happen in a week in the culture wars. The fight over the very unsafe Safe Schools program has certainly heated up, with…
One of the greatest challenges I face is getting the great bulk of believers in the West to wake up to the basic truth that…