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A review of The Homosexual Agenda. By Alan Sears and Craig Osten.

Broadman and Holman, 2003.

Democracy is about balancing the needs and interests of the majority with those of the minority (or minorities). It is a juggling act, and often it is difficult to achieve the right balance. Majorities cannot ride rough-shod over minorities, but neither can minorities push their agenda onto an unwilling majority.

The homosexual minority is a case in point. All homosexuals deserve to be treated fairly and with respect. However, societies have a right and an obligation to consider whether they allow the homosexual lifestyle to be embraced and normalised on a large scale. Most societies have recognised the public health risks of the homosexual lifestyle, and have chosen to carefully allow some tolerance while not fully endorsing the homosexual agenda.

That is quickly changing however. This new volume shows how much of the radical homosexual agenda is being pushed onto society, and how little resistance is forthcoming.

It needs to be pointed out that this book describes the American situation. However this book will be of real value to Australian readers, given the many similarities between the two countries concerning the homosexual agenda.

The authors make it quite clear that a determined, active and very vocal homosexual lobby is making great gains in pushing their agenda on the rest of society. The main aim of the lobby is to ensure that the homosexual lifestyle is accepted, normalised and approved of by the surrounding culture.

And they have been quite successful in this. On a number of fronts, many of their goals and objectives have been realised.

Corporations, for example, pour millions of dollars into the coffers of homosexual activist groups. Many large American corporations also require workers to embrace homosexuality in the name of tolerance and anti-discrimination policies. Mandatory courses on “diversity training” and “sexual-orientation”  are offered at many major corporations. Workers who refuse to participate in these indoctrination and propaganda sessions often lose their jobs or find themselves blocked in career advancement.

Corporations seek to placate the homosexual minorities in other ways. For example, 31 per cent of Fortune 500 companies offer “domestic-partner” benefits to homosexual workers. The line between family and non-family relationships continues to be blurred. In these and other ways corporate America is pushing the homosexual agenda on its workers. The authors of this book document how many employees who object to having homosexuality forced upon them are either intimidated in the workplace or fired from their jobs.

Schools have also been heavily targeted by the homosexual activists. Not just colleges or high schools, but elementary schools especially. This book documents how the school system has become a recruiting ground for homosexuals, and shows how gay propaganda  courses are finding their way into the nation’s schools. Also documented are cases of school children being harassed and intimidated if they do not embrace the homosexual indoctrination.

The National Education Association, for example, has mandated that pro-homosexual courses and materials be provided in schools, beginning in kindergarten. The message delivered is that sexual orientation is fluid, not fixed, and young people are encouraged to “explore their sexuality”. Ironically, however, the NEA insists that students be told that “once gay, always gay”. Moreover, it tells students that only “intolerant religions” oppose homosexual behaviour.

The churches too have been a special object of attention by the gay lobby. And many have already capitulated. The authors show how many churches already have fallen victim to the revisionist theology promoted by the homosexual lobby. And churches that oppose the gay agenda are increasingly becoming the target of ugly and violent homosexual protests and attacks.

Many Americans are losing their religious liberty because of the various anti-discrimination and equal opportunity laws being passed to placate the homosexual lobby. Thus the subtitle of the book: “Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today”. The authors show how the real aim of many homosexual activists is to silence Bible-believing Christians altogether.

The authors encourage all those concerned about liberty to resist the new intolerance being promoted by the homosexual activists. If not, pro-faith and pro-family Americans (and Australians) will find themselves increasingly at risk of facing fines and jail terms just for standing up for what their consciences dictate.

This very real threat to religious liberty is of great importance. This book makes the case quite convincingly that our freedoms are at risk. Those concerned about faith and family need to read this book and pass it on to a friend. Unless we are as active in safeguarding our social and religious freedoms as the other side is in removing them, the future looks very bleak indeed.

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