Much-needed insights on the war against the West: A leading British intellectual and Jewish commentator has just been on a speaking tour of Australia. Her…
On the fragility of democracy: Today there is no shortage of those who enjoy all the benefits and privileges of a free and prosperous West…
This is how nations die: We can be thankful that the horrific grooming gang crimes in Britain are now back in the news, and it…
What we must know about Israel and the Middle East Crisis: January 27 marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Germany’s largest extermination…
The premier work on the topic: The life and death of Jesus Christ is at the very centre of the Christian message. But without his…
A pro-family champion you need to know about: Some 30 years ago when I was heavily involved in pro-family activism and lobby work, the line…
What we need to know to help save the West: Just today three female hostages held by Hamas terrorists for 471 days were released, in…
The age of transhumanism is now upon us: The world of AI is now fully part of our lives, and whether it becomes our ruin…
The enormous task that is facing Trump: In just one week Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated, and he will commence his second term in…
Here are three incredible stories of champs that you should be aware of: There are plenty of heroes that we are all aware of, be…
A must-read theological resource: Christianity is of course Christ. Only by having a correct understanding of Christ can we have a correct understanding of Christianity.…
What we must know about harmful gender ideology: Whenever you want to dehumanise and control groups of people, a major tactic is to get them…
Christianity is rooted in history which we need to be aware of: Sadly far too many believers in the West today tend to think and…
Careful Christian thinking on the AI revolution: Christians need to be aware of what is happening in their world – both the good and the…
When should you go for a revised edition of a book? Book lovers know all about this problem, especially when it comes to works of…
There is no grander person to think and talk about: At the end of John’s gospel we have two interesting and well known passages describing…
Our growth as believers depends upon others: Having just recently read again Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 about the importance of body life and…
More on Wilkerson, the Puritans, and theological differences: Trying to please everyone is a wasted effort. Yes, trying to get along with others and striving…
What a remarkable story this is! Those who know a bit about me and my site know that I have a very high regard for…
The late, great prophecy teacher has just passed away: Eschatology teacher and Bible lecturer Hal Lindsey has just gone to glory, aged 95. Although I…