A few words about myself and my reading life: Since it is still a time when many folks are away on holiday or just wanting…
So long Dan Andrews: Arguably the most despicable, deplorable, diabolical and disruptive Premier in Victoria, if not all of Australia, has just announced that he…
An update on my situation: Apologies for nothing new appearing here, but lately all my time has been taken up trying to be at my…
More bits and pieces that might be of use: Well, it is another busy day in which I may not have time to pen a…
Some bits and pieces that might be worth being aware of: A word of explanation might be needed here. As regular readers know, I try…
Writing and reading lovers might enjoy this: We are all different, and we all have different gifts and talents. If you are a Christian, you…
God cares even about the death of a beloved pet: Death is a normal part of life – at least in a fallen world. But…
In praise of books, reviews and reading lists: I begin on a personal note: One of the big advantages of having a rather large, well-stocked,…
People often ask me if they can have or share my stuff. Here are my thoughts on this: OK, a rather vague title admittedly. And…
There is a place for giving credit where it is due online: Let me begin by saying that some of my articles might be more…
The hellishness of dealing with bureaucrats: In his dystopian novel 1984 George Orwell said this: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a…
A personal word about a major prayer need: Yesterday I wrote a somewhat general piece on suffering, cancer, and Christian hope. Given how so many…
Hmm, he seems to write a lot! The very short answer to the question in my title would be this: I like writing. We could…
I get some really weird – and ugly – comments to this site: Here is a truth you can bank on: the more you allow…
Here are some pointers on running a website: I have now had my own website running for over 15 years. It is my main means…
Thoughts on being a Christian for half a century: Exactly a half century ago – August 15, 1971 – a messed up, burned out and…
Just in case you wonder why I write so much: There are various ways I can introduce this article. One, I can say that time…
This 15-year milestone might be worth celebrating! The ministry of CultureWatch has now been going for 15 years. On April 5, 2006 I posted my…
How very relevant is this period for contemporary believers: The 400-year period from the events covered in the last Old Testament book Malachi, to the…