If you ever wonder why leaders and experts screw up so many things, this should answer your questions: Sometimes the best way to share truth…
Some 2000 years ago the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder very wisely said this: “What we do to our children, they will do to society.”…
Yesterday I wrote an article about the state’s sexualisation of our children. It looked at how so many leaders, politicians and sexperts have declared war…
The militants’ war on our children and their attempt to sexualise them has been going on for many decades now. Sexual perverts like Alfred Kinsey…
Yesterday I wrote about the “Safe Schools” programs against the backdrop of the global sexual revolution sweeping the West. As I documented there, this is…
The controversies over the so-called Safe Schools programs in Australia are simply a reflection of a much bigger war. For many decades now activists have…
I just penned a piece on the tumultuous counterculture, 50 years on. I mentioned that a major part of this social upheaval was the sexual…
The pro-homosexual marriage activists keep claiming our side is putting up a lot of red herrings and false diversions about legalising faux marriage. When we…
Every dictatorship worth its salt knows that a fundamental way to cement power and keep the masses in control is to separate children from their…
I had a bittersweet moment this morning as I happened upon an online newspaper article dealing with one of our resident Marxists and sexual radicals.…
The so-called Safe Schools program was never about bullying: it was always about ramming a radical sexual activist agenda down the throats of our impressionable…
In an ongoing state of war – and that is what the many moral, social and cultural fights are in fact all about – there…
As more than one wit has quipped, dystopian novels like Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four were not meant to be taken as instruction manuals. They…
It has been a long time since we simply taught the three Rs in our schools. In fact, today we have plenty of students leaving…
There are many more ways to sexually assault a child than with actual physical abuse. Flooding their hearts and minds with all things sexual can…
Much has been said and written about the so-called Safe Schools program. Indeed, this happens to be my 22nd article on the issue. But many…
LifeSite, 2015. In 300 well-documented pages, Gabriele Kuby makes it crystal clear that the sexual revolution has been every bit as wide-ranging and destructive as…
Brexit was a stunning victory for liberty, independence and self-control, at least for the UK, and it may well be the first shot fired in…
A lot can happen in a week in the culture wars. The fight over the very unsafe Safe Schools program has certainly heated up, with…
Here is a truth you can bank on: Satan absolutely hates children and is doing all he can to destroy them. He hates all of…