Thoughts on the tragedy that has befallen Los Angeles: With a number of people dead and thousands of homes and businesses destroyed, the massive fires…
Carrying on in difficult times: Life does not always go along smoothly and without interruption. One day you might be living a normal life, doing…
On being reunited with departed loved ones in the next life: Just as war was breaking out in Europe, the hit song We’ll Meet Again…
God’s parental love for his children is a real tonic: Here are some basic biblical truths we believers must always keep in mind: One, we…
Comforting words for those who grieve: One main benefit of doing public talks – and something I quite look forward to – is having discussions…
Do not waste your suffering: All true people of God, from the ancient Jews, to contemporary Christians, have understood the reality that pain and suffering…
On answered and unanswered questions: As I have said so often now, getting the biblical balance right is crucial. And this applies in so many…
When we are afflicted, God is afflicted too: People often ask me how I can manage to write so many articles (this is my 6623rd…
When (and why) is it time to go? The biblical Christian knows that when any big theological questions arise as to significant – and not…
Great comforting truths from MacDonald: It is nearly one year since my wife left this world. During that difficult year and a half battle with…
Spurgeon on the healer of our broken hearts: In this world of tears, torments and trials, the believer can take great comfort in knowing that…
We can always bank on God, even in dark times: A recent online discussion that I was involved in about what believers can do when…
Forget about your own strength – we need HIS: Sometimes for the Christian the best thing they can do is utter phrases such as this:…
Christians will one day meet again with lost loved ones: Two basic truths the believer can count on are these: in this life we will…
We all hurt and have needs – yet there is real hope for us: Yesterday as I was walking the dog I was reflecting on…
Was God wrong to tell Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? One of the more puzzling and questionable stories found in the Old Testament has to do…
Trusting God in the dark: There are some truths that people – certainly Christians at least – can always bank on. Here is one of…
Does it seem that God has abandoned you? One cannot accuse Scripture of whitewashing things, or just painting a rosy picture about life. It presents…
Yes, your life means so much: Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What would life have been like if I was never born?” I…
Lotta tears and death of late: When you are young you likely do not think very much about death and dying. But when you get…