On fairness and impartiality in Western law: Two high-profile cases of wrongdoing in Australia need to be closely examined. One case involving a female has…
This is how nations die: We can be thankful that the horrific grooming gang crimes in Britain are now back in the news, and it…
Thankfully, there is a renewed outcry over what has taken place there: We have long known about gangs of men, mostly Muslim migrants, that have…
We are learning more about this evil attack: Yesterday I reported on the devastating terror attack in the German city of Magdeburg. A man from…
Yet another terrorist attack in the West: We can often tell when we are nearing Christmas because even more terrorist attacks occur. Europe has had…
Antisemitism, and history repeating itself: Exactly 86 years ago in Nazi Germany, Kristallnacht took place. On November 9-10, 1938 the Nazis along with Hitler Youth…
How much longer will the West last? To speak of the West in decline, decay and deterioration is a big subject with all sorts of…
These two courageous politicians sure are a breath of fresh air: Yes it might seem like an oxymoron, but it does sometimes happen: a politician…
We can rightly ask: whither the West? As is so often remarked, civilisations can die from at least two things: external attack or internal decay.…
Is France about to erupt into civil war? It is a fact of history – as well as simple common sense – that no nation…
Moonbats everywhere! A number of years ago I was asked to contribute a chapter to a book on conservatism and politics. Although the book never…
Multiculturalism and identity politics are destroying societies, not helping them: Identity politics is killing us – literally. Consider just two very recent and very tragic…
World leaders are meeting in Morocco as I write this, discussing a UN pact on migration. It is already a highly contentious issue, with many…
OK, another week, another dozen or so cases of Europe going down the gurgler, mainly because of patently failed multiculturalism policies, and a political ideology…
Less than a week ago English activist Tommy Robinson was sentenced to 13 months in prison. Given that he has been doing his best to…
I have written often now on the deep decline of the UK, and now we may be safe to say it is just about officially…
When a nation that used to value freedom, democracy, and the rule of law is willing to throw all that away because of the mistaken…
Europe is in a real bad way. Secularism, immorality, porous borders, an inability to understand Islam for what it is, the rapid decline of Christianity,…
Times are a changing. After Brexit and Trump – two unexpected victories – other countries are now looking at radical political and social turnarounds. This…
For daring to suggest that Muslim immigration policies should be looked at a bit more closely, Sonia Kruger was blasted by every leftist moonbeam in…