The UN Migration Pact
World leaders are meeting in Morocco as I write this, discussing a UN pact on migration. It is already a highly contentious issue, with many countries not going to the conference, and many not signing up for the pact. A Wiki piece puts it this way:
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) is a “intergovernmentally negotiated agreement, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, [that covers] all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner”. The United Nations conference to adopt the compact will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco, on 10–11 December 2018. The Global Compact is not an international treaty, and it will not be formally binding under international law. However, as with similar U.N. agreements, it is a politically binding commitment.
Joining Chile, the United States, Australia and Israel, eight European countries have announced they will refuse to participate at the Marrakesh conference and endorse the agreement, including Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Croatia, Latvia. Italy, Bulgaria and Belgium may join them in dissent.
One description of it makes it sound so benign and beneficial: “The non-binding UN pact is aimed at making migration safe and orderly. It addresses issues such as how to protect people who migrate, how to integrate them into new countries and how to return them to their home countries.”

But it has real problems. Let me discuss some of these. The main concern is that it is a pro-migration pact. However, many nations are aware of the harms of migration – certainly open-slather migration. Many nations see this as yet more globalist baloney, and more threats to national sovereignty.
Perhaps the best way to make this case is to let the various nations themselves explain why they are not interested. Europe is especially at the forefront of all this, so let me look at how the continent is reacting, utilising the helpful Voice of Europe website. Let me start with Hungary. A recent article said this:
Hungary officially notified the United Nations on Tuesday that it is quitting the approval process of the Global Compact for Migration, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said. It has become clear that differences between Hungary’s position on migration and the UN’s approach are irreconcilable, Szijjarto told a press conference. “Hungary will maintain its position and no global package can change that”, he added.
“We see migration processes from a different perspective,” he said. The UN believes that migration is unavoidable, beneficial and should be supported, while Hungary considers it a danger to Hungary and Europe, he said, adding that the UN’s aim was to encourage migration whereas Hungary’s goal was to stop it.
The Global Compact for Migration includes some agreeable targets, such as taking action against human smugglers, but its effect will be contrary even to these, he said. A document that encourages migration will only benefit human smugglers because they can then convince more people to set off, telling them that they will be accepted in line with the global compact, Szijjarto said. Hungary’s position is that it would be unnatural to change the population of the continent and global efforts should instead be made to stop migration, he said.
France, which is in flames at the moment with its climate change taxes and out of control immigration, has many leaders saying no, including Marine Le Pen:
The leader of French political party, the National Rally has lashed out against President Macron for signing the UN Migration Pact. “We ask the president of the Republic, who is on the verge of signing the Marrakesh compact with a glorious disregard for consequences to renounce this act of betrayal.
“If this text were to be signed, let me make it clear that the Rassemblement National would fight each measure there in every inch of the way,” Le Pen said at a press conference end November. Le Pen, who is a lawyer, explained the most important parts of the compact.
“What it comes down to, in violation of all the principles the French Republic stands for, is delivering the country into the hands of parallel societies of alien origin by granting diasporas… “full legal recognition, and then give them the means of public action and their own financial capacity such as the creation of investment funds for those diasporas,” she added.
In Austria, further concerns:
Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache defends his country’s choice to pullout of the UN migration pact saying he’s only concerned with what is best for Austrians. “We are only responsible to our Austrian population as government officials. Austrian sovereignty has top priority for us, this must be preserved and protected,” according to the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), Kronen Zeitung reports.
Mr. Strache said that the migration pact would also create a possibility that “people who are unlawfully coming to Austria are legally compliant.” “In the government’s program, we have promised to stop illegal migration, to protect citizens’ safety, and to protect the borders,” he said and added that voters would question the government if they reneged on that promise by signing the pact.
Many in the UK are also fighting this. For example, Janice Atkinson, MEP, has warned that the Pact will flood Europe with 59 million migrants:
Plenty of ordinary Brits also want out:
The petition demanding that the UK government REJECT the United Nations Global Migration Compact has already surpassed the Parliamentary requirement for debate. The petition went from 10,000 signatures 11 days ago to passing the 100,000 mark today. Leave.eu among others have been promoting the petition.
As of yet, there has been no response from the government, which falls in line with their previous record of signing such things without the consent of the British public (Lisbon and Maastricht for example). The list of countries refusing to sign the compact is growing amidst global public opposition to the proposed ideology that all migration is a human right, therefore removing the possibility of any being ‘illegal’. It also makes any criticism of migration as criminally punishable ‘hate speech’.
Even Sweden is getting into the act:
Around 1000 Swedes gathered outside Parliament in Stockholm to protest against the UN Migration Pact on Saturday.
Plenty of Swedish flags, placards and yellow vests were seen. Children participated as well. “We are not extremists. We are ordinary Swedes”, shouted the protesters.
“It’s not about political colours, it’s about the people, one of the speakers”, journalist Katerina Janouch stated. “I am here for the 9-year-old girl who was raped and beaten in a junk room. I am here for all the women who no longer dare go out.
“I am here for the poor elderly who paid tax their whole lives and now are forced to starve. I am here for the homeless. I am here for those who don’t get what the social contract promises.” According to Janouch, all Swedes, regardless of political affiliation, should participate in the demonstrations and protest against the politics in Sweden.
“We don’t need more division in this country. It is the ones in power that want us to turn against each other. We need to unite. I want the Swedish people to stand together against the abuse of power that’s going on in Parliament. “We will not give up”, she continued.
And consider Israel:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Tuesday that Israel will not be signing the United Nations’ global migration pact set to be signed next month in Marrakech, Morocco. Israel must protect its borders. The Prime Minister said in a statement: “I instructed the Foreign Ministry to announce that Israel won’t participate [in the Marrakech gathering] and won’t sign the migration pact”.
He further states: “We have a duty to guard against illegal infiltrators.” The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is due to be formally approved at the 11-12 December meeting in Marrakech. Jewish Nation-State Law requires the government “to stand up for a clear migration policy that protects our borders from illegal infiltrators.”
Also, Italy:
As President Trump said when speaking before the UN on 25 September, “Migration should not be governed by an international body unaccountable to our own citizens,” and Gianluca Savoini, a member of Italy’s Lega party, has said much the same on Friday. He believes that Italy should not sign the UN Global Migration Pact that threatens the country’s sovereignty and the nation’s cultural and religious identity.
And this from Poland:
Poland’s Interior Minister Joachim Brudzinsk said on Tuesday during a meeting of the G6 interior ministers in Lyon that Warsaw should not approve the UN migration deal. Quoted by the Interior Ministry’s twitter account stating it was a threat to the national security: “The UN migration agreement is not in line with the priorities of the Polish government, which are ensuring security of Polish citizens and maintaining control over the migration flows”. His opinion is that the draft UN migration deal would put Poland’s security at risk, and may encourage illegal migration.
The political group Europe of Nations and Freedom said this about the pact:
MEP Marcel de Graaff, Co-President of the ENF and leader of the Party for Freedom in the European Parliament, held a press conference regarding the UN Migration Compact of Marrakesh. In his speech de Graaff warns for the UN’s plans with the compact as it will make criticising migration a criminal offence and will lead to legalising mass migration. The Europe of Nations and Freedom co-President calls it “a coup d’etat of pro-migration liberal globalists, which will greatly benefit multinationals”.
Islam expert Bill Warner said this about it:
This UN Migration Compact is an attempt to make hijra (Islamic migration) a human right, while at the same time undermining a nation’s sovereignty. All Western nations should withdraw unless their goal is to establish Sharia. The seeds of this UN Compact were planted back in the 70’s when the Economic European Community (which later became the European Union) and the Arab League established their vision for “Eurabia”.
The number of countries refusing to get involved in the Pact is growing. We will have to see what happens over the next two days in Marrakesh. Sadly many nations will still sign up, although many less than first expected:
More than 150 countries will join a United Nations conference to adopt a global pact to better handle migrant flows, a senior U.N. official said on Sunday, less than the number that initially worked on the plan. In July, all 193 U.N. members except the United States finalised the so-called Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration to better handle migration. Since then, the text has come under fire from European politicians who say it could increase immigration. At least six European Union members – mostly in formerly Communist Eastern Europe – have shunned the accord.
I will add any new and significant developments to this story as they come along.
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Combine this pact with the new Android app which has launched with the focus of allowing Muslims to report individuals who commit blasphemy, or insult Islam and it’s PURE Big Brother.
The app, “Smart Pakem”, which launched in Indonesia last month at the request of the Indonesian government, will allow users and government officials to uphold Sharia law and target and report people who hold “misguided” beliefs in violation of Islamic law, which forbids insults of Islam, insults against the Prophet Mohammed, or the recognition of any other religion besides Islam. According to Human Rights Watch, 125 people were convicted of blasphemy in Indonesia between 2004 and 2014. 23 additional people have been convicted since 2014. From Iman Tawhidi’s facebook page.
This is an example of trying to fix what isn’t broken. Countries which want immigrants already have programs in place to attract them, choose them, and integrate them. There have long been programs in place for dealing with refugees. The only thing new is the attempts of vast hordes of illegal immigrants from Third World countries to force themselves into Western countries. This should be opposed, not facilitated.
Good article. Everyone should read the main points and summary of the UN Migration Pact. An accurate assessment is that’s it’s basically a worldwide open borders policy and anyone at any time can move into any country that signs the pact, and enter completely unchecked. Of course, the vast majority of migration will be from the third world to the developed world. The pact also endorses the punishment and closing of media outlets that disagree with the pact. Talk about control freaks! If say Canada signed the pact, which Trudeau says he will, then potentially, 10 million African migrants could pack up their bags tomorrow, enter Canada, claim welfare, housing, health care, full legal representation, and heaps more without contributing anything! Goodbye Canada! It’s really hard to identify the single worst point in the pact because it’s all so bad, but having to let in ISIS, known terrorists, convicted paedophiles, etc, without discrimination is simply pure evil from evil people who will one stand before God in judgment. Defenders of the pact harp on that it’s non-binding so what’s the issue? But if it’s non-binding, what’s the point in signing it? However, stupid governments that do sign it will very quickly learn that non-binding doesn’t ‘really’ mean non-binding. Legally it can’t be enforced but imagine the lefty manipulation towards signatory countries! Moral obligations, political obligations, human rights obligations and the endless list of manipulatory tactics from the left will pressure signatories. The UN just like the EU is an evil organisation of anti-God lunacy. So I guess until Judgment Day, we’ll just have to put up with them a little bit longer 🙂
Dear Stephen Green,
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “The UK should not agree the UN’s Global Compact for Migration”.
Government responded:
The Global Compact for Migration will support global co-operation on migration without affecting the sovereignty of all countries to control their own borders.
Uncontrolled migration erodes public confidence, damages economies, and places those on the move in situations of intense vulnerability. The UK is taking significant steps to tackle uncontrolled migration by:
– Addressing the root causes of migration, through our targeted assistance for livelihoods, healthcare, education and economic development
– Tackling modern slavery and organised immigration crime
– Supporting enhanced border management
– Providing critical humanitarian support and protection for vulnerable migrants, as well as offering voluntary return and vital reintegration support to those wishing to return home
– Supporting refugees to stay in a first safe country through our humanitarian and development work in Africa, the Middle East and Asia
The Global Compact for Migration embeds these efforts within the global system, enhances cooperation between states, and sets out ways that countries may choose to deliver these objectives.
The Compact is not legally binding. It creates a framework to allow countries to work together to make global migration more beneficial for everyone.
It respects the sovereignty of all states to decide who enters their territory. It will not affect our ability to determine and implement our own migration policies, including in areas such as asylum, border controls and returns of illegal migrants.
It does not establish a ‘human right to migrate’ or create any new legal categories of migrant. It explicitly stresses that migrants are entitled to the same universal human rights as any human being, and that these are different to the legal protections available to refugees.
Too many people, including vulnerable women and girls, are taking risky journeys to migrate through dangerous channels. The Compact will help us take important steps to keep migrants around the world safer and to protect the most vulnerable, by supporting international cooperation on the protection of migrants, in line with our obligations under international law. It outlines ways of preventing exploitation, and of combating the heinous crime of modern slavery.
A key objective of the document is to support cooperation on reducing uncontrolled migration. It sets out the responsibility of countries of origin to ensure effective control of their borders, and to cooperate in accepting the return of their nationals when they no longer have the right to remain in another country. Furthermore, the text also calls on countries of origin to work with the international community to address the drivers of irregular migration, by creating economic opportunities for populations in source countries, and improving governance and respect for the rule of law.
When migration is safe and regular, it can bring great prosperity. The Compact also sets out possible actions to harness the economic benefits of safer, regular migration, for example by reducing the costs of remittances that migrants send home. These can foster economic development in source countries, helping to address some of the causes of migration.
The Compact is the result of months of intergovernmental negotiations. Though it is legally non-binding and no country can be compelled to conform with its provisions, we are aware that a small number of countries have chosen not to endorse it. We respect this choice and note that countries will be able to endorse the Compact, or cooperate with other states on delivering its objectives, at any point in the future.
Department for International Development
Click this link to view the response online:
This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee: https://petition.parliament.uk/help#petitions-committee
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
Jo warns us about the dangers of Indonesia. We must think carefully before entering into a free trade agreement with this country. Deeper trade ties means more people traveling between here and there. Maybe we should move our Embassy to Jerusalem just to spite the Indonesians so they tear up the free trade agreement!
On top of the UN we also have to be vigilant about a group called “CANZUK” but their real agenda was given away by their old name “The Commonwealth Freedom of Movement Organisation”.
If we join up and then hand over to CANZUK the power to negotiate an accession agreements with other Commonwealth countries, for just India alone this will open our borders to 1.1 billion Hindus and 200 million Muslims to move here freely without visas!!!
We are desperately trying to stop the UK from signing this, but I fear we wont be able to. Our government is utterly deaf to all protests. Britain is in real trouble unless we can overturn the government and disrupt proceedings. Couple this with a fake Brexit and we have one of, if not the, biggest crimes ever committed against the nation. We are a tiny country, physically; we know that many more migrants will head for Britain for the welfare handouts. We can’t even care for our own properly; we’re being swamped.
Hi Bill,
Once the LEFT controlled LABOR GOVERNMENT is back in control in Australia we can expect compromise after compromise on Migration. It’s any deal to get more votes for Labor. To hell with Australian values and rights for our citizens. I hate to think all the hard work that Abbott and Morrison did to stop the “out of control” illegal invasion could well be flushed down the round basin in a few months. Our cities are clogged enough. Our Christian values and our respect and value to the Community is already under massive attack.
Australians can be very foolish. UK and Germany are toast. Theresa May’s behaviour is appalling displayed by her gutlessness rejection of Asia Bibi.
God bless,
They say that the migration pact is non-binding. This is a trick that the UN uses all the time. The national governments will ratify the pact. Once the migration pact is ratified it will become the national law of each country that signed it. Why do we need open borders? No one has explained why this is necessary. What is the agenda behind this? If a migrant is travelling from one country to another they must have money. They might travel like a normal traveller or pay a people smuggler. These people are not poor. They even take photos of each other on their mobile phones! I have lived in Nigeria. There are skilled workers such as doctors, teachers, nurses and engineers. Some of these workers get jobs overseas. It means that some good workers go overseas. Some of them may never come back permanently. It means that Nigeria loses a lot of skilled people. If this pact goes ahead more skilled people will leave Nigeria. This pact will make things worse in countries such as Nigeria. The migration pact will make things worse in developing countries. The developing countries will find it more difficult to achieve development because they will have even fewer skilled people. How can a country develop when there are very few skilled people? The migration pact will make everything worse in developing countries.
Hi Bill
I suspect that all of the Muslim countries will be signing the pact. I would also be very surprised if this will open the doors of migration TO any of these countries. Although I wonder why anyone would want to emigrate there except for the incentive of mammon.
Thanks guys. See more on this here:
Hi Bill,
Here is a link to a Petition well worth signing – to Protect the Right to criticize / speak truthfully about Islam – it needs to be signed before 22nd January 2019
Petition:Sharia Law is Incompatible with Human Rights