The need to understand literary devices: Have you ever posted something on the social media, say, a powerful quote from a great Christian, only to…
Not everything we read about in Scripture is meant to be copied! There are various important principles of biblical interpretation. If we keep these in…
We must not read Scripture cafeteria style: God did not give us just some books of the Bible, or parts of some books. He gave…
Not everything described in the Bible is being prescribed: To properly understand and apply the Word of God to our lives, we need to be…
We are rather selective when it comes to claiming God’s promises: Many Christians are very keen on claiming God’s promises. And so they should be.…
Is God’s knowledge limited? At the outset, let me relieve any fears you might have regarding my title. Indeed, it might seem like a rather…
If some believers over-spiritualise Scripture, others can over-politicise it: If my title seems a bit too arcane and academic, please forgive me, But I do…
Are you an approved workman as you handle God’s word? Because even Spirit-filled believers are still finite and fallen and fallible, none of us of…
I recently wrote some articles on biblical interpretation, examining various general principles that we must keep in mind as we seek to rightly handle the…
This is the second half of an article looking at various figures of speech employed in the Bible. I looked at five of the main…
All Christians should be aware of the overriding importance of rightly handling the Word of God. So much harm to the church and to individual…
On who? Hermeneutics is simply the practice or discipline of interpretation. Biblical hermeneutics – which is what I discuss here – is about the basic…
Sometimes Christians who seek to pass themselves off as the most spiritual and the most godly are often the most carnal and the most arrogant.…
OK, we all can be a bit of a know-it-all at times, and we all can now and then become arrogant and averse to other…
If this seems to be yet another rather bizarre or opaque title, just hold onto your hats: all is about to be revealed. Let me…
The prosperity gospel is notorious for bad theology, shocking exegesis (or lack thereof), loopy logic, and dodgy hermeneutics. This is certainly the case with their…
The Word of God is a gift to God’s people, but mastering its content does not always come automatically. While the Spirit of God is…
We live in an age that is hesitant about, or indifferent to, the use of reason, study, mental discipline and religious education. Truth is under…