Regnery, 2024. Can America be saved, or is it too late? Many Christian observers of the West have noted for quite some time now that…
Shocking scenes are coming out of Chicago right now: While I watched a fair amount of the RNC in Milwaukee last month, I cannot bring…
She was a champion who will be greatly missed: One of Australia’s greatest pro-family, pro-life and pro-women campaigners has just passed away at age 93.…
Battling it out in the meme wars: The battle for ideas and things like the culture wars are fought on many levels. They can be…
Important new developments in assisted reproductive technologies: Two recent media stories about IVF have made headlines around the world. Both stories raise important issues that…
On the horrific new law in France: The first and greatest human right is the right to life. Without that right, none of the other…
One can oppose abortion while supporting morally licit forms of killing: There are some believers – especially some Catholics – who seek to argue that…
Calling abortion a “blessing” is a sure sign of spiritual death: If someone murders innocent human beings, and then celebrates and promotes it, that tells…
The ugly vilification of Moira Deeming is reprehensible: If you think it is the norm that men and women are fully interchangeable, that marriage is…
Pro-aborts say the dumbest things: When you want to defend unspeakable evil, the only way to get away with it is to do a demolition…
This is a shocking bit of propaganda presented as journalism: To defend the indefensible always means one has to resort to euphemisms, subterfuge and deception.…
The onslaught of diabolical darkness is escalating rapidly: We live in a time where evil is celebrated and promoted while godliness, holiness and goodness are…
The despicable hypocrisy of the secular left is never-ending: It is a truth that we hear all the time, but it must be repeated nonetheless:…
How dare they even think of employing a Christian: Woke Western culture is known for a few things. Among them would be hypocrisy and double…
Some Christians think we should not celebrate the SCOTUS win on life: Sadly too many evangelicals are tending to become far too woke, too PC,…
The mindless rhetoric of the pro-aborts is really quite bizarre: In my 2015 book on abortion I dealt with a number of common myths and…
What a momentous decision this was: June 24, 2022 will go down in American history as Independence Day – freedom for Americans, at least for…
Wonderful news for the unborn: In a 6-3 decision, the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has overturned the infamous Roe v Wade decision of nearly 50…
The pro-aborts are imaging their real mentor: It is imperative for the Christian to always view things from a much bigger perspective – not just…
The despicable treatment of Bernie Finn will not be forgotten: Two giants have fallen today. One has been falling for quite some time and looks…