The elites admit to their nefarious agendas: The radical leftists who are hellbent on recreating the world in their own sordid image do not even…
This very dangerous law must be repealed: Yesterday I wrote about the new censorship bill that the Australian government is trying to ram down our…
We must resist the government censorship bill: Most of you have heard about the Australian government misinformation bill that is being pushed by Albanese and…
Regnery, 2024. The West is quickly descending into totalitarianism: We used to think of ugly totalitarianism as applying to monstrous ideologies such as Communism and…
A big swing to the conservatives in Europe is a game changer: Recent national elections and European Union elections have sent shock waves down the…
We MUST reject the war against cash: There are many folks working overtime to see cash removed altogether, making us all dependent on trackable methods…
Global governance is a threat that must be resisted: Many of the left attack transnational bodies such as global corporations and the like. The very…
We must be aware of Harari’s brave new world: One does not need to be a “conspiracy theorist” to know that there are some pretty…
On being careful in our public statements: All believers are commanded to love God with their minds – among other things. We are also told…
The shocking things that are happening behind the scenes: Naomi Wolf is a gutsy woman. And for daring to think outside of the box, to…
The spiritual journey of Naomi Wolf: If you are not into reading and want immediate answers, let me say this: Had I asked, ‘Is Naomi…
When radical leftists make a massive U-turn, we better stand up and take notice: When people come to see that they were living a lie…
It is time we wake from our slumber: It is interesting how some individuals make a radical about-face as they become aware of inconvenient truths…
USA Press, 2023. A new resource on the war we are in: There are now quite a few very good books available which offer telling…
Two public commentators with opposing worldviews: One does not expect that we should get all of our information and knowledge about important world events from…
Medicine and science have been massively abused over the past few years: Some of us were quite sceptical of what was being done to us…
We do NOT want a post-human future: It is often the case that writers of science fiction and various filmmakers can sometimes be much more…
The religious basis of transhumanism: Many of the folks pushing things like transhumanism, AI, posthumanism and so on have often made clear the religious nature…
80 years ago Lewis clearly sounded the alarm, but we paid no heed: He told us so. He tried to warn us. He sounded the…
It seems AI is becoming another weapon in the woke arsenal: Artificial Intelligence is just that – artificial. It takes real intelligence – human intelligence…