Covid Wars: Shoddy Science and Medical Malpractice
Medicine and science have been massively abused over the past few years:
Some of us were quite sceptical of what was being done to us in the name of Covid from very early on in the piece. Things did not seem to add up, and the hysterical media alarmism, coupled with Statist overkill via lockdowns and all the rest certainly made us wonder.
And many of us wondered out loud. We got absolutely hammered and hated on for daring to ask hard questions and query the official narrative. For simply expressing our concerns we were turned into despised pariahs and treated as the scum of the earth.
Yet increasingly we are being vindicated. Barely a day goes by when we do not learn even more about just how wrong so much of the “science” was, how dictatorial and totalitarian our governments were, and how much medical fascism was allowed to take place. Simply considering all the injuries and deaths so far with rushed and improperly tested medicines should wake us up.
All this, coupled with the clearly stated aims of individuals and groups like Schwab, Harari, Gates, the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset mob, makes it clear that we whistle blowers and questioners were absolutely right to stick our necks out and dare to look closer at what was – and is – happening.
There are now innumerable articles and videos and plenty of books on all this. Last year I offered this list of titles:
Four recent articles that have appeared on these matters are worth drawing your attention to. The first one speaks about slodderwetenschap (the Dutch term for ‘sloppy science’). The authors say this especially occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic:
We had front-row seats to witness the media reporting claims of a breakthrough made one day, then dismissed the next. It’s one of the first occasions the public has been able to clearly see how messy the scientific process can be – when it’s done sloppily.
One of the more public facets in the swirling whirl of COVID-19 misinformation was the continuing role of Dr Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer to the President of the USA. Fauci insisted that his pronouncements of the moment, such as suggesting it would only take 15 days to slow the spread of the virus or that masks were ‘unnecessary’, were ‘science’ and as such not to be questioned. Yet, the main method of science is to question. Fauci was abusing his claims of expertise and in the process helping to erode the public’s trust in science itself.
The researchers argue that one of the drivers of sloppy science is that people find it hard to accept results that are a work in progress; they much prefer the neatness and superficial completeness that often comes with incorrect work. It can mean that shortcuts are taken – and alternatives are ignored because they cause disruption.
Results that are desired are often declared correct due to political and financial pressures or even fears. This culture involves accepting storylines that are presented without further examination (eg, Fauci’s ‘I am Science’). Naïve acceptance can cause real harm – especially when the initial claims need to be qualified or are disproved. What arose during the COVID-19 pandemic was the increasing proliferation of unsound science, which meant policy leaders – misled by misinformation – made terrible decisions with devastating ramifications. The debate about the longevity of lockdowns as a means of dealing with COVID-19 and the seemingly deliberate suppression of the role of natural immunity post-infection stand out as two prominent examples.
They close their piece by outlining seven critical mistakes where sloppy science can creep into the scientific process:
1. Jumping straight into giving explanations for unexpected observations. The impulse to be the first to obtain results makes shortcuts tempting.
2. Disregarding variables that could be of importance to the research. Selecting suitable variables is critical for good science – it’s a process that should not be rushed.
3. Not correctly considering the context of the experiment. For example, how the research relates to the real world.
4. Inflexible modelling. For example, only using a single model instead of an open-ended model to determine outcomes.
5. Making bad sampling assertions. Like applying statistical functions across populations as a whole – when they may only apply to specific subsets.
6. The overuse of labelling and categorisation. Mislabelling a category too quickly and without proper thought to meaning.
7. Prematurely applying scientific findings. Dangerously utilising early results; they may not be well understood or used by others to make misinformed decisions.
A second article is “What Happened to Medical Ethics during the Pandemic?” Dr. Elizabeth Evans begins the piece this way:
We have a global crisis of medical ethics. In the last three years, under the excuse of the pandemic ’emergency’, we have seen the destruction of the sacred doctor-patient relationship and the violation of fundamental human rights and the ethical principles of informed consent and bodily autonomy. Politicians and health officials have effectively practised medicine on individuals they don’t know, and worse, have done so through enforced Covid treatment protocols and mandated testing, face masks and vaccines, which were required for the public to access basic freedoms and rights such as to work, travel and even to shop.
She continues:
Covid policies restricting and banning visitors for hospital patients led to countless people being cruelly deprived of support from their family and friends during times of suffering, and even being forced to die alone. These policies were disproportionate, unethical and barbaric.
Enforcing the wearing of face masks (which have known physical and psychological harms) and Covid testing for staff, patients and visitors, in order to work or to access healthcare, violates ethical principles and informed consent.
The way in which the Covid vaccine rollout was conducted around the world was shocking in its failure to adhere to normal ethical practices and in the widespread use of glib marketing, coercion and even bribery.
Unbelievably, we have seen Covid vaccines – a completely new technology with no long-term safety data on health, fertility or cancers – rolled out not just to those at most risk from Covid, but to those at little or no risk, including children and even pregnant women. This goes against all common sense and well-established medical practice and ethics.
It was unprecedented that a pharmaceutical product still in the clinical trial phase was administered to children and pregnant women on such a mass scale. That this was done without full disclosure of the known and unknown risks, and with aggressive marketing, seriously undermined the ability of anyone to give full, voluntary and informed consent, and was reckless in the extreme.
Evans finishes as follows:
This ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach is a dangerous and unethical way to practise medicine. At the heart of the practice of safe and ethical medicine is the doctor-patient relationship, where the patient’s unique medical history, his or her individual risk-profile and personal philosophy and wishes should always be the prime concern of the doctor administering a treatment.
If doctors cannot uphold their oath to ‘First, do no harm’ and are mandated to follow top-down ‘one-size-fits-all’ policies and protocols, they become mere agents of the state, patients are dehumanised and harms and atrocities will inevitably follow. It is urgent that the erosion of medical ethics we have witnessed over the last three years is halted and reversed. It is time for medical professionals to reclaim their profession and ethical values and for patients to demand ethical care from their doctors and nurses.
A third article also discusses how doctors are very much concerned about what has transpired over the past few years. The piece begins:
Doctors who have dedicated their lives over the past three years to fighting for medical freedom spoke out Thursday against censorship and the use of government power against critics of the COVID-19 narrative at the 2023 White Coat Summit held in Washington, D.C. by America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS). “Defending our right to speak freely is critical,” said former emergency room doctor Dr. Simone Gold, an early opponent of draconian COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates and founder of AFLDS.
“This threat of censorship cannot be overstated,” said Gold, who had been sentenced to solitary confinement for entering the U.S. Capitol building during the January 6 disturbance, where she spoke out against government mandates and COVID lockdowns. “It is the foundation of America, but it is also the foundation of all human liberty that we can be able to speak freely.”
One doctor said this:
According to Jensen, the censorship practiced during the COVID response was a type of “cancer” that began at the policy level and continually metastasized as researchers failed to push back against pharmaceutical companies and doctors were threatened with job loss for refusal to accept prevailing narrative. He recounted that private citizens took on the role of “tattletales” to report neighbors or churches that were bucking lockdown orders while governments tracked people’s movements by tracing their cell phones.
The last layer of the “cancer,” according to Dr. Jensen, was the rotting away of “informed consent,” robbing individuals of the ability to thoroughly examine and assess all relevant information. “Informed consent was a casualty of this metastatic cancer called censorship,” he said. Jensen also highlighted what he called “sins of omission,” the decision not to report or emphasize vital information.
“We had fact-checking bullies who knew not what they were fact-checking,” he said, remarking that “natural immunity [was] kicked to the side like some stray dog” while opposing opinions about the durability of natural immunity, the safety of ventilators, and the efficacy of PCR tests were not heeded. “Individual rights, one by one, were taken away from us,” Jensen said. “And that’s where I got ticked off.”
A final set of pieces has just appeared in the Weekend Australian. It is behind a paywall, and I am waiting to get access to the text. But the two headlines and info I offer here should be enough to get you interested:
‘Covid cover-up: how the science was silenced’
Anthony Fauci deliberately downplayed suspicions from scientists that Covid-19 came from a lab to protect his reputation and deflect from risky research his agency had funded, his boss says.
‘Patient zero and the hijacking of Covid’s truth’
Secret research, frantic emails and scientific subterfuge with catastrophic consequences… new revelations about the likely origin of Covid-19 are shocking.
As I say, if and when I get access to the articles, I will share some of them with you here.
In sum, we are told to “follow the science”. What we have witnessed far too often over the past four years is “follow the money”. Be it corrupt politicians, Big Pharma, medicos with vested interests, or globalist bodies seeking to control us all, we have seen how quickly and easily science and medicine can be corrupted and hijacked for nefarious ends.
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The love of money is the root of all evil .
Thanks for this article Bill. With all that has now come to light, it is staggering that, do far, no one appears to have been made accountable or taken responsibility for the world changing decisions made. I have such admiration for all those brave scientists, doctors, politicians and individuals that did speak out in the name of common sense and sanity. Some of them have paid dearly for it, professionally and personally. It still causes grief when I think of the number of people I know who were ostracised and lost their jobs due to standing firm. Some are still suffering repercussions to this day. All these brave people may not see justice or vindication anytime soon it appears….. even the the truth is being uncovered. It is like a story is being told but no one was responsible for any word, verse or chapter! The whole tale just all happened with no authors!
Spot on Bill. Apart from the medical side of things, we also have the enormous financial cost to countries around the world, and the billions of dollars made by the”corona virus” industries.
I don’t want to disregard what you’ve said. You are completely right.
It is the implications of the environment we now live in which this highlights.
The pillars of the global democracies are broken.
Politicians are driven by ideology. Often anti Christian. They no longer seem to care about the nation unless it affects their election chances. The truth is only important if it benefits them.
The legal system is broken. There is little to no justice for victims of violent crime let alone justice for those who have deliberately impacted by the government’s so called science.
The media is broken. It is mostly infotainment. Ratings are the most important. Certainly not the things that affect the people.
We are witnessing the end of western civilisation.
The people only want to forget and move on. There is no point in saying we were right. No one wants to know. They all have received their shots. There is no benefit for them finding out they were wrong.
We as Christians can only stand. Their world is going to shake. They are like sheep with an evil shepherd.
If they shake we will need to be a safe place for them because there will be no safe place for those who have rejected the truth.
God bless.
Just as well despot Dan learnt a lesson from the miserable failure of his authoritarianism…!!!
Oh wait he just banned new gas top stoves for new buildings.
I am trying to find the origin of the quip, “You must be governed by God, or, by God, you will be governed”. The Great Covid Panic was a great uncovering,
It seems us Untermensches we’re right all along and yet many of us still bear the scars but it has only made us stronger than before.
Hi Bill
Just thought I would draw your readers attention to a major article which has appeared in Weekend Australian this weekend, closely related to the topic you have written on in your article above. There is a front page article “on gain of function research” and the article presents very strong and well presented evidence that the Covid virus “escaped” from the lab. This is followed by an even more extensive cover story in the Weekend Magazine for the Weekend Australian titled: “Inside the Cover-up”. (I’m talking about the July 29 – 30 edition of the Weekend Australian.) The value of this story is its penetration into the Australian community. Also, it well researched, and while it is not the main story _ dangers of the vaccines – we are still seeking to bring to the surface, the fact that this article has the potential to reach so many means that it is useful if many of your readers were conversant with it to contribute to discussions which are likely to arise because of the prominent of this publication in a national daily. There also is likely to be further spin offs that will arise from this publication. There may even be a few copies of the Weekend Australian out there. But I would encourage people to access a copy if they can. (Can the Weekend Australian Magazine be accessed online?) If you can’t access it. As stated, the Weekend Australian Magazine give strong evidence that Fauci was involved in a major cover-up. And yes, the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab. Not new. But this is the most emphatic statement I have seen or heard in the Australian mainstream media concerning this issue.
Cheers, Chris McNicol
Thanks Chris. Yes, I mentioned it in my article. But being behind a paywall I could not quote much from it. Anyone who has access to it is encouraged to share relevant quotes here thanks.
Well done, Bill and the authors of those articles/sources.
However, may I please add that governments around the world, at the behest (probably) of The W.H.O and BigPharma, moved swiftly to restrict access to hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in particular, since they were well-known anti-inflammatory drugs capable of dealing with the early stages of Covid without resorting to a yet-to-be-developed vaccine?
About the only positive aspect of the entire saga is the de-throning of “science” and “medical authorities”. People have seen behind the curtain and the Wizard of Oz has been exposed.
Dear Bill. Thank you for the article. Our leaders and that includes some religious leaders ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves about how they encouraged the mass hysteria and fear deliberately created because of Covid. Looking back it was obviously an exercise in control to see how far they could go. We need a Royal commission into it because people are still suffering from the effects of the lockdowns etc. Some more than others.