Losing Your Career for Speaking Truth

This Christian doctor needs your help:

I have often written about cancel culture and the woke revolution which is targeting anyone who dares to speak against the secular left agenda. And this is serious, with so many good people losing their jobs, being fined, or even jailed for daring to speak truth in a culture that hates truth and loves lies.

We see this everywhere, including in the medical sphere. I have lost count of the number of doctors, nurses and medical specialists who have been targeted, with many of them being booted out of their job. Just one of them I have been discussing is Dr Jereth Kok, a Melbourne GP who was suspended five years ago. As I explained in one of my articles on this matter:

How would you feel if your only “crime” was to post comments on your own personal Facebook page, and on a few websites, simply saying things that almost everyone throughout all of human history fully agreed with? Things like: ‘Children deserve a mother and father.’ ‘There are only two sexes.’ ‘Killing babies in the womb is morally wrong.’ Yes, for daring to say such truthful and innocuous things, one person I know has lost his entire career, and is now struggling to feed his family, as well as raise funds so he can now defend himself in court….


What has happened to Jereth is an appalling example of diabolical cancel culture at its worst. What we have are noisy minority groups wielding incredible power over innocent and conscientious professionals. This is so very wrong on so many levels. Please support Dr Kok. Please contribute to his legal defence. Please share his story far and wide. Thank you. https://billmuehlenberg.com/2021/08/21/please-stand-with-this-persecuted-australian-christian/

And one of the websites he happened to post on was mine! For daring to speak truth on various issues, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency had repeatedly searched my CultureWatch site and Jereth’s social media accounts using private investigators, to dig up all of his thought-crimes from up to 14 years ago.

None of his patients had ever complained. Everyone loved and respected this conscientious doctor. But it seems the rainbow militants were out to get him. Several years ago we interviewed Jereth about this case. You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_5qzKOXcpc

Well, this travesty of justice has now been going on for some five years. Jereth has been forced to find other work to feed his family, and it has been a long, discouraging road he has had to travel on. But there might be some light at the end of the tunnel, as a trial date has finally been set for next month.

But of course legal expenses are quite hefty indeed, so a Christian crowd funding page – GiveSendGo – has been set up for him. This is the latest update found on their site:

Please support Jereth in a disciplinary case in a Victorian Tribunal where he could be stripped of his licence to practice medicine because of social media posts. Jereth has been suspended for almost 5 years awaiting trial. In July, Jereth will finally face a 5-day hearing to defend his (and all Australian medical professionals’) freedom of speech and religious liberty.


Victorian General Practitioner, Jereth Kok, a well-respected and competent medical professional with 15 years’ experience, was suspended by the Victorian Medical Board in 2019 after being targeted by an anonymous complainant. Jereth had never received a single complaint from any of his thousands of patients he had treated during his career. Yet, the Medical Board pursued selective complaints about Jereth’s social media posts discussing his personal beliefs on religious and political matters like abortion, marriage, Covid lockdowns and transgender ideology.


In August 2019, the Medical Board used its immediate action powers to suspend Jereth in the “public interest” while the Medical Board completed its investigation. For almost 5 years, Jereth has been unable to practice medicine and support his family while he has awaited his day in Court. After five years, Dr Kok will finally have his case heard at a five-day hearing in July. We must ensure that Jereth’s medical license is not cancelled.


Jereth is being represented by the Human Rights Law Alliance, and an exceptional barrister team of Jim Peters AM KC assisted by Owen Wolahan, with expert evidence being provided by top experts on theology, clinical practice in gender medicine and Covid science. Your support is urgently needed to help Jereth and his team with the expenses of a 5-day trial.


Andrew Thorburn, Israel Folau, Margaret Court, J.K. Rowling and many other wonderful people have all been targeted and lost their jobs for expressing their beliefs on contentious social issues. For Jereth personally, the last five years have been a trying ordeal. Notwithstanding the fact that as the sole provider for his young family, he was forced to retrain into a new career in order to support them, but he was devastated to be barred from work that he performed diligently and isolated from his patients and colleagues.


“The greatest difficulty at first was the sudden dislocation and uncertainty. Suddenly I had no job, no income, and was cut off from my patients and workplace. I experienced tremendous grief on many occasions, thinking about my many patients who I’d gotten to know so well over many years.”


Jereth has engaged the help of the Human Rights Law Alliance, a not-for-profit law firm specialising in religious freedom cases. HRLA will be working for Jereth on a heavily discounted basis. However experienced barristers and expert witnesses for Jereth’s case are expensive, and essential to run the best defence possible for himself and other medical practitioners. Legal challenges are expensive. The Medical Board has Government funding behind it.


Jereth can’t defend himself alone – He needs your help. Pray now. Please prayerfully consider this need. All money raised will be put into a legal trust account to run Jereth’s case. Any leftover funds will be donated to the general work of HRLA. Thank you. https://www.givesendgo.com/GT59

The Human Rights Law Alliance is a terrific Christian legal defence group, and they have helped so many other persecuted believers over the years. They have even helped me in the past. So Jereth is in good hands here. But as I say, legal costs are quite steep, so he needs much more funding to ensure that he can be properly defended and that he can win this case

The target is $210,000. So far just over half of this has come in, from some 570 people. Well done to everyone who has given. Whether it is a small amount or a large amount, it all helps. And well done to all those who have prayed for Jereth and his family. They so very much covet your prayers.

So please do these six things to help Jereth and the cause:

1) Share this article far and wide.
2) Share the Jereth GiveSendGo page far and wide.
3) Donate to this urgent appeal.
4) Pray for Jereth and this court case.
5) Support the work of GiveSendGo as it supports Christians.
6) Support the work of HRLA as it stands against anti-Christian lawfare.

Many thanks indeed.

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10 Replies to “Losing Your Career for Speaking Truth”

  1. Such great injustice! My question is, why has his day in court dragged on for 5 years? Certainly praying that Jereth will win in court. However, the punishment has already occurred with what he and his family have suffered.

  2. Thanks for reminding us of this story, Bill. As a teacher who lost their job at a Christian school because of the forced vaccination and mandates, I am sympathetic. Praying he will be victorious and that other medical staff who resisted will be restored and receive a public apology.

  3. Thanks Bill for reminding us to pray and give to Jereth’s GiveSendGo fundraiser. I did get a reminder email last week and had forgotten who Jereth was so will have to find it again.
    And good to know he has some experienced lawyers on his case to fight for him. All this should not have happened at all and things look unchanged around us at the moment but things are happening to bring this belligerent occupying/deep state/cabal system down.
    I cannot say too much as there are still baddies to get rid of but I believe we will gradually see the military start appearing around us. eg the MSM says Klaus Schwab has resigned from the WEF, other reports say he was pulled out of his below ground bunker at No 91 such and such a street, somewhere in Switzerland. Take your pick who to believe but he is not in charge of anything anymore.

  4. It’s the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (what a mouthful) that needs to be struck off. Where do these people get off?

  5. Why is Jereth picked on for his views? Jews & Moslems would be against killing unborn babies, too! It’s only Christians who are picked on! I hope Jereth wins his case, with God’s help!

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