Silencing Trans Dissent
The trans militants are harming children and silencing those who care for children:
I just penned a piece on ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ legislation that various governments around the world are proposing or have already implemented. These are the sorts of laws that would make the heroic characters in 1984 be massively concerned about.
Indeed, just after the horrific Covid tyranny, we all should be completely wary of any such attempts of censorship, banning information, and regulating how people think and speak. See my previous piece here: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2023/11/08/say-no-to-dangerous-misinformation-legislation/
I have also written plenty about how the militant trans steamroller keeps moving along, crushing anyone who dares to have a different view of things. Contrarians WILL be silenced one way or another. Just like the activist homosexual lobby before, the trans tyrants want all opposition completely dealt with.
Thus we see people being fined, losing their jobs, and even being incarcerated for daring to affirm that males can never become females (and vice versa), that children should not be permanently disfigured by this, and women should not be erased.
It is happening everywhere, and it is frightening to behold. One of the more recent cases involves a Queensland child psychiatrist who has dared to challenge radical gender ideology. For doing so she could be permanently barred from doing the work she loves, and from helping children who really need her help.
Her story has been written up in various places. It is good to see it is getting the attention that it deserves. Dr. Julie Sladden for example has said this about the case:
Dr Jillian Spencer … now faces serious threats to her position, professional career, and livelihood, including potential regulatory action. Her crime, it seems, is to question out loud the affirmation model of transgender care. Spencer says she is not alone in her concerns: ‘I would say that the vast majority of Child and Adolescent psychiatrists hold very serious concerns about the affirmation model, but to speak up in the current climate or even to take a more cautious clinical approach puts their employment at risk,’ she shared at a recent forum. If there is any doubt that questioning ‘the narrative’ is dangerous for medical professionals, Spencer can set the record straight. Her experience of raising concerns within the organisation through the ‘proper channels’ has not gone well.
“The process is to raise concerns internally (within an organisation) so that you’re doing it professionally and appropriately, rather than having to speak out. But when I pushed that to the maximum internally, it went very badly. So now I’m in the position of speaking out (publicly). The majority of child psychiatrists (are silent) for good reasons and self-preservation. The good reasons being wanting to be available to help people and to not be perceived as biased. But also, a lot of it is fear. And I don’t think my case has helped either, as I’m at risk for my employment and my (registration). It’s very serious. And so, I can’t blame them.”
She concludes:
In voicing concerns at a recent rally, Spencer stumbled on another issue facing doctors who dare speak out. Soon after, the hospital told Spencer she allegedly broke the Queensland public services Code of Conduct through her public statements. It’s an allegation Spencer contests, saying she was speaking as a private citizen. In the speech, Spencer neither identifies herself as a doctor nor makes mention of her role or employer. The question is, where does a doctor’s autonomy begin and the employer’s jurisdiction end? Have we already entered the era where the reach of our employers and regulatory authorities extends fully into our capacity to speak publicly anywhere?
The AHPRA Code of Conduct for medical professionals outlines several expectations of health professionals to question, examine and discuss the potential risks and benefits of treatment in addition to advocating for vulnerable communities, including children. It would seem, therefore, that Dr Spencer is simply doing her job. https://dailydeclaration.org.au/2023/09/01/protecting-children-takes-courage/
And thankfully the ever-helpful Human Rights Law Alliance has also come to her aid. As John Steenhof writes:
Dr Spencer is expert in her field, with over 20 years of experience as a medical practitioner and 10 as a specialist psychiatrist. She has been open about preferring a cautious and holistic approach to the treatment of gender dysphoria cases, rather than an automatic ‘affirmation’ only approach. Her approach is consistent with growing international medical discourse on gender treatment for minors following investigations in the UK, Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Nevertheless, this cautious approach is not permitted by the Queensland Children’s Hospital….
As a consequence of her professional opinions and courageous stand, Dr Spencer has had a complaint against her, which is being investigated by the hospital, and she has been stood down pending the investigation. She is challenging this in a separate employment law matter, alongside the legal case being run by HRLA contesting the breaches of her fundamental rights and freedoms. HRLA and Dr Spencer will argue that the imposition of the requirement to adopt a gender affirmation approach is incompatible with human rights, limiting her freedom of thought, conscience and belief, her right to hold an opinion without interference, and to impart ideas in a manner that is not reasonable, proportionate or demonstrably justifiable under law….
By forcing doctors to facilitate medical affirmation and constraining their ability to provide safe and ethical medical care for their patients in line with the best available scientific evidence, policies such as those of the Queensland Children’s Hospital infringe the human rights of doctors to act in conformity with their conscience. They also infringe the rights of patients to receive proper treatment and informed consent, which includes information about different treatment options and the pros and cons of each.
It is not a doctor’s job to affirm unreality. Nor is it a doctor’s job to promote political ideologies. This case will test the limits of the government’s ability to override the conscience rights of medical practitioners in a field of medicine that is highly contested, lacks robust evidence and is rapidly evolving. https://www.hrla.org.au/queensland_child_psychiatrist_challenging_gender_ideology
My friend Bob McCoskrie of Family First in New Zealand has just done a 34-minute interview with her which is well worth watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT46B3j9zew
Thanks for that Bob. Finally, and thankfully, some brave and sensible Australian politicians are speaking out about this madness and the ugly war on our children. Consider what Liberal Senator Alex Antic is seeking to do:
Those under the age of 18 wanting to undergo gender reassignment surgery or treatment should be banned from doing so, according to a bill proposed by conservative Senator Alex Antic. The South Australian Liberal MP argued there have been many reports of people overseas who had transitioned who then came to regret their decision. He also said many had chosen to undergo gender reassignment surgeries due to pressure from peers as well as health professionals, and did not have a genuine medical reason to do so.
The private bill proposed by Mr Antic would also ban the use of puberty blockers for teenagers, with reassignment surgery and treatment only available to those who had diagnosed sexual development disorders. “There is a growing number of young people who, having sought ‘gender-affirming care’, including hormone therapies and surgery, now believe that pursuing this course of action was a mistake and are seeking to undo the damage done to their bodies,” Mr Antic told The Australian.
“Why are children as young as three or four years old being diagnosed with gender dysphoria? The notion that some ‘expert’ is qualified to tell a child that they are, in fact, the opposite gender to their biological sex is absurd.” The senator claimed his proposal had support from Liberal colleagues, despite being made in a private capacity. He said those under the age of 18 were banned from buying alcohol and getting a tattoo and the same should be made for treatment that would ‘stunt their physical development’. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12642035/Alex-Antic-gender-reassignment-ban.html
Well done Alex! This is a much-needed step in the right direction. But much more needs to be done. We all need to be alert and vigilant here. Our children should not be allowed to be put in the meat-grinders of the militant adult social activists.
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Thanks Bill.
This is good work – and important work.
Thanks Trevor.
Help out NSW on this matter:
Thanks for that Mark.
God created two genders, man and woman.
* God created man with XY chromosomes in each of his 37.2 trillion cells.
* God created woman with XX chromosomes in each of her 37.2 trillion cells.
Man says, no, there are 58 genders.
We are told to, “follow the science”, which inevitably leads to, “the money”.
Quite so John.