The State Sexualisation Of Our Children

The militants’ war on our children and their attempt to sexualise them has been going on for many decades now. Sexual perverts like Alfred Kinsey of course led the way here, claiming children are sexual beings from birth. He and his cronies even conducted diabolical experiments on babies and toddlers to “prove” their claims.

One simply has to be aware of one chart from his book on human sexuality to see how demonic this guy was. As I wrote in an earlier article:

We know that Kinsey and his associates used children ranging from 5 months to fourteen years in his sex experiments. For example, in Table 34 of his Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948), Kinsey sought to show that the youngest of children could be sexually active. He said that even “the youngest males, as young as 5 months in age, are capable of such repeated reactions [orgasms]”. In the table, four-year-old boys, for example, were sexually stimulated for 24 uninterrupted hours. A five month baby is said to have produced 3 orgasms in an unspecified amount of time. An eleven month baby is reported to have had 14 orgasms in 38 minutes….

If you are wondering why our kids are being sexualised from day one; why we have dangerous comprehensive sex ed classes targeting the youngest of children; and why we have schools pushing hyper-sexual content like the so-called Safe Schools programs, here is why: Kinsey’s “research” has become the basis for most talk about sexuality by Western governments and is found in most of our schools.

His entire agenda has basically been bought by our sexperts, and they are pushing all this on our helpless children. I have been documenting this war on our children for decades now. For example, way back in 1995 I wrote the following:

The Australian Education Union has just proposed that AIDS and sex education classes become compulsory from the earliest years of primary school. It wants homosexuality to be taught in a “positive” fashion as well. The AEU claims that children’s rights are violated when parents, for reasons of conscience or religion, seek to withdraw their children from such classes. It even urged that these parents should be prosecuted for violation of human rights legislation.

That was nearly a quarter of a century ago! Things have obviously gotten much, much worse since then. Governments and schools keep seeking to destroy our children via sexualising them at every turn and at ever earlier ages. But thankfully most concerned parents still resist this assault on their kids.

Consider the most recent outrage that parents are up in arms about. The Victorian government has once again declared war on our children, this time in the form of a sexualised survey. On the surface it might seem harmless enough. Indeed, if you went to the government website that discusses this survey you would be misled into thinking all this is just fine: it is asking children about what they are eating, etc. It opens with these words:

Victorian student health and wellbeing survey
The student health and wellbeing survey (known as the About You Survey) is conducted every two years in Victorian schools with students in Years 5, 8 and 11. About You collects important information about the health development, learning, safety and wellbeing of children and young people in Victorian schools. The 2014 survey included a sample of schools where student height and weight was measured. The survey covers topics relating to nutrition, health, physical activity, safety, life satisfaction, and family relationships.

But wait, there is more – much more. It is asking young children intrusive questions about their sex lives. Here are just some of them:
70. Have you ever had sexual intercourse? 
71. How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?
72. When you do have sex, do you or your partner use condoms?

You can see pictures of this survey, and more information on this, at this important page:

As they rightly state at the end of their article:

If there is a gap in sexuality education, educate parents. As the primary educators and care-givers of our children, being kept in the dark and alienating us only serves to drive a wedge of division between parent and child. What can possibly be gained by doing that? Parents, this has already gone too far. Why are you staying silent and letting this happen? Time to speak up! Contact your State MP and let them know we won’t be silent any more. Our kids are too precious to damage them with unnecessarily sexual content. Share this to ensure every parent knows what’s really going on in schools behind our backs!

We have the same thing happening in the US. And even the mainstream media is reporting on it, and the comments on the social media show how very alarmed parents are. One MSM site says this about the survey:

A mother in Vermont was infuriated when her daughter’s teachers handed out an intimate survey about students’ sexual history. Vanessa Beach’s 10-year-old daughter, Zoe, was in class last week when her guidance counselors handed out a questionnaire. The questions included intimate ones about students’ sexual orientation, whether they’ve been in a relationship, and whether they’d had a sexual partner.

Although students were instructed to hand the paper back into their teachers, Zoe put her copy into her pocket. She took it home and showed it to her mom. And when Vanessa saw the survey, she was, understandably, shocked and outraged. She took to Facebook to share her thoughts. “Zoe did a survey at school today… now I don’t think sexuality is a dirty thing… and by that I mean ANY sexuality. That being said I am honestly a little taken aback that the school thinks it’s ok to ask my child about her and her peers’ sexuality at the age of ten,” Vanessa wrote.

“What if my child was having a hard time with her sexuality?? What if any child in that class were!! Do you really feel like it’s your jobs to make them put an answer on paper for others to read!!?? I find this ridiculous and unnerving to say the least,” Vanessa wrote on Facebook. Furious, Vanessa contacted the school. “I spoke with the school and the first person was the guidance counselor who told me she herself had reservations about the survey and several teachers also expressed concern. That bothered me a lot,” Vanessa told Scary Mommy.

Finally, let me point out how our leaders are also pushing all this filth on our children. Kerryn Phelps, the lesbian activist, was once the head of the Australian Medical Association. She has now (if the current vote count holds) just won a seat on Federal parliament.

So she is using her position of power and influence to continue to push outlandish hyper-sexualisation of children. As exhibit A, consider this 15-minute video in which the good doctor informs us that ‘masturbation is normal for babies’. Yes, you read that right. Check it out for yourself. Her remarks are found in the first minute of the video:

This entire video is an important expose of the dastardly “Safe Schools” program and the attempt of the Victorian government to sexualise our children. Academics, politicians and other elites are all banding together to undermine parental rights and get easy access to our kids.

These movers and shakers are using every means available to get to our vulnerable children and sexualise them. Shame on them. It is time all concerned parents in this country stand up and be counted on this. Enough is enough. Leave our children alone.

Let me finish with two quotes. Back in 1981 David Elkind wrote an important book, The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon. In it he speaks to this assault on children and childhood:

It is children’s right to be children, to enjoy the pleasures, and to suffer the pains of a childhood that is infringed by hurrying. In the end, a childhood is the most basic human right of children….

Hurried children are forced to take on the physical, psychological, and social trappings of adulthood before they are prepared to deal with them. We dress our children in miniature adult costumes (often with designer labels), we expose them to gratuitous sex and violence, and we expect them to cope with an increasingly bewildering social environment – divorce, single parenthood, homosexuality. Through all of these pressures the child senses that it is important for him or her to cope without admitting the confusion and pain that accompany such changes. Like adults, they are made to feel they must be survivors, and surviving means adjusting – even if the survivor is only four or six or eight years old.

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20 Replies to “The State Sexualisation Of Our Children”

  1. These are extraordinarily sick people and the very sad fact is that no matter which government is in power they are being subsidized by the taxpayer to promote their sick-in-the-head ideologies. We have plenty of scientific evidence to prove homosexuals are not born that way. Every non-pervert parent knows that the affection parents have for their children is not sexual. Everyone with an ounce of decency knows that children are not mentally developed enough to cope with the influences of sex.

    My first impression is that taking these people out and shooting them is way too good for them (and that includes Daniel Andrews) yet these filth are being subsidized by you and me. I am so looking forward to justice being brought against these filth.

  2. Eww-w-w-w-w-w, I was playing soccer and taking those dreaded tap and ballet lessons when I was a kid. If I’d have had to listen to this stuff, especially at school, in front of all those other kids, I’d have died on the spot. Yuck! I mean, this message isn’t really about the “birds and the bees,” which no kid upon hearing it for the first time ever believes their parents would do something so disgusting and nasty….no, these creeps are talking about messing around with your own self. God help us; I’m an adult and I couldn’t handle that video, how are children supposed to deal with that? All gross-out and yucky stuff aside, this is evil, hands down. It’s meant to confuse and twist the mind and spirit of children, to warp their view of sexuality and gender, as created by God, and mold them into gender-neutral darlings of the state. We need to pray like never before. Thanks, Bill, for having the guts to post this. This is exactly the kind of thing the apostle Paul spoke of as a topic we should not even [have to] be a topic for discussion in PUBLIC. smh

  3. Wah, confronting indeed, but a necessary wake-up call for many Christians–thank you Bill for writing it.

    Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you:
    Do not arouse or awaken love
    until it so desires. (Song of Songs 8:4)

  4. Why are we robbing our children of thire childhood, schools are there to teach the 3″R”‘s not to be brainwashing machines used by gays and lesbians to normalize thire lifestyle, or by uneducated, unemployable, egotistical, academic’s for social engineering experiments…It’s a good job I don’t have a child in school now, or these uneducated thickwitts would be “educated” in what life in the real world, outside thire academic and/or sick lifestyle bubble, is really like….Teach our children what they need to know to get a job and earn money to live … Cut out the PC bullshit….

  5. So, the “education moguls “ want to sexualise OUR Children! All parents MUST BE EDUCATED to understand just WHAT THE AGENDA of these monsters is! Home school your Children! Take them out of the monsters’ hands! Thank you for sharing this Truth.

  6. We’re fighting the same situation in California. It’s difficult to wake up the church but we won’t give up.

    Your work is important and valuable to your readers.

    Thank you Bill.

  7. What on earth is going on here? Doesn’t seem to matter how much public opposition there is, this vile material is still being forced upon young kids. And not just in Aus, other countries have similar programs (e.g. Stonewall in UK). What I really want to know is who (or what) is pouring so much effort into this? Why can’t it be stopped?

  8. Many of us Victorians know that Daniel Andrews sends his own children to a Catholic School where the Safe School Program/materials would never be allowed. Enough said.

  9. alienating us only serves to drive a wedge of division between parent and child. What can possibly be gained by doing that?

    That is precisely the aim of all these interventions. The pressure is on to separate children from their parents so that the parents CANNOT influence them.

    Parents and grandparents, please wake up to the war that is already raging around us.

  10. Thanks Bill, One wonders what it takes for people to wake up and bring this vile nonsense to a stop. Yet when it comes to voting this things aren’t mentioned.

  11. If transsexuals cannot convince adults of their cause they simply turn to children-docile captive audiences.

  12. If anyone is in doubt as to whether we live in the end times, show the video in this article to that person.

    It is clear the antichrist is in power now and holds the reigns of the worldly authorities.

    Christians can be fired and banished from universities for simply refusing to call a man a she or for stating that homosexuality is unnatural and immoral, yet somehow on the other hand it is legal for researchers to promote pedophilia in universities.

    The fact that the so-called Safe Schools program was developed in the same faculty as these pedophile promoters should be in the mainstream news.

    Israel Folau is demonised continually in the media for speaking the truth about homosexuality, yet not one word about the architects of the Safe Schools program being pedophile promoters.

    The antichrist is currently in power and will be from now on, these are quite clearly the end times.

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