‘Safe Schools’ Debunked – Again
Much has been said and written about the so-called Safe Schools program. Indeed, this happens to be my 22nd article on the issue. But many others have been concerned about this and have detailed its many shortcomings. One of the most extensive and most recent attempts to do so is by Sydney University Law professor Patrick Parkinson.
His just released academic paper, “The controversy over the Safe Schools program — finding the sensible centre,” is a carefully researched examination of the program. The 32-page paper contains 92 footnotes, and is a thorough and useful assessment of a very flawed program.
He introduces the paper as follows:
The Safe Schools program has attracted great controversy. On one end of the spectrum it is defended as an anti-bullying program. On the other end of the spectrum it is regarded as social engineering. It is important to have programs in schools that offer support for same-sex attracted youth, or those experiencing confusion about their gender identity, particularly those who do not have support at home. However, this particular program has some serious flaws.
This paper seeks to draw attention to various problems in the Safe Schools materials which ought to be rectified if a program like this is to continue to be offered in schools. First, the materials present statistics on same-sex attraction and transgender prevalence that have no valid scientific basis. Secondly, they present sexual orientation as fixed when for school-aged adolescents it is very volatile, and many same-sex attractions are transitory.
Thirdly, they present gender as fluid when for about 99.5% of the population, there is complete congruence between sexual characteristics and gender identity. Fourthly, they promote gender transitioning without the need for any medical and psychological guidance and even without parental knowledge or consent. Finally, they offer potentially misleading legal advice to teachers. While a program of this kind may offer benefits for some young people, there is reason to be concerned that it may cause harm to other young people who experience same-sex attraction or gender confusion. There is certainly a place for an anti-bullying program that addresses the issues with which the Safe Schools program is concerned, but this program needs to be rescued from its progenitors.
Let me offer a few more quotes here. Consider this in the section on “The volatility of teenage same-sex attraction”:
Even if the adult figure for identification as exclusively or mainly gay or lesbian were corrected to be about 2% (or more detailed and accurate figures were given for adolescent same-sex attraction) it would not resolve another problem: it seems as if the entire program is premised on the assumption that same-sex attraction is something fixed, and defines a young adolescent’s identity, rather than being, for many, a transitory phase in psycho-sexual development.
Talk of ‘coming out’, being ‘queer’ and so on presupposes that a year 7 or 8 girl’s attraction to another girl is definitive of her sexual orientation as she grows into adulthood. The evidence suggests that this may be the case for some, but it is unlikely for most. There is, in other words, a major difference between having feelings of romantic attraction towards someone of the same gender as an adolescent, and going on to enter into a continuing same-sex relationship. There is also a gulf between ever having had a same-sex experience and identifying as an adult who is either exclusively, or predominantly, gay or lesbian in orientation.
And this is from “Gender Fluidity as a Belief System”:
What then could be the explanation for the exaggerated statistics promoted by the Safe Schools Coalition? A likely explanation for the exaggeration of transgender and intersex conditions is that it is regarded as necessary to support the authors’ belief system to show that gender is “fluid” and can even be chosen. This idea has its origins not in science but in philosophy. Leading gender theorist Judith Butler, for example, wrote in 1988 that
“…gender is in no way a stable identity or locus of agency from which various acts proceed; rather, it is an identity tenuously constituted in time – an identity instituted through a stylized repetition of acts… Feminist theory has often been critical of naturalistic explanations of sex and sexuality that assume that the meaning of women’s social existence can be derived from some fact of their physiology. In distinguishing sex from gender, feminist theorists have disputed causal explanations that assume that sex dictates or necessitates certain social meanings for women’s experience.”
The differentiation made between sex and gender, and the notion that gender is fluid and may be socially constructed, lie at the heart of the Safe Schools program. Here is a passage from All of Us instructing teachers on how to explain this idea to 7 and 8th grade students: “Explain that sex is about the body you are born with (male, female or intersex), while gender is about your identity, or how you feel inside. Gender refers to the way that you feel on the inside. It might be expressed by how you dress or how you behave and for some people these things may change over time.”
This is now quite a widespread belief system, especially in parts of the western world. This belief system is deeply held by some, and has many characteristics of being a religious belief. As with religions, there is a new language, helpfully explained in detail in All of Us for the uninitiated. The 99.5% (or more) of us who do not think we are transgender are “cisgender”, as if we represented just one type of gender identification. A vast array of terms have been developed to allow people to describe themselves as neither male nor female, and such terms have been adopted by social media such as Facebook.
The belief system also has its rituals. When students introduce themselves at formal meetings in university student unions across Australia (such as debating events), they are asked to say what their name is, the gender with which they identify, and their preferred pronoun….
His conclusion is also worth reproducing here:
It is unlikely that the concern about the Safe Schools program will go away. Without significant changes, the Safe Schools program risks conflict between school principals and teachers, and between schools and parents. Large ethnic communities are likely to become more vocal in their opposition. If parents knew that their school would assist their child to change gender identification at school without their knowledge and consent and without any expert medical or psychiatric involvement, the vast majority would, I expect, be extremely concerned. For the most part, politicians have defended the Safe Schools program because it is an anti-bullying program. If they continue to do so, without insisting on major reforms to it, they are likely to experience a severe political backlash in the more culturally diverse constituencies. Furthermore, the risk is that opposition to it will become so strong that eventually the baby will be thrown out with the bathwater and neither this program, or one like it, will continue to exist. That would be detrimental. In any school there will be students who are struggling with aspects of their psychosexual development.
There is a need to support same-sex attracted youth, especially those who are unable to discuss these issues in their families. Many will not be same-sex attracted ten years later, but while they struggle with their sexual orientation, they need support and reliable information about same-sex attraction in the appropriate classes in the school curriculum. So it is with young people experiencing gender confusion. Expert professional help from those with the relevant medical or psychological expertise is essential. The program, or something like it, will no doubt do much good if it is brought back into the sensible centre. While a program of this kind may offer benefits for some young people, there is reason to be concerned that it may cause harm to other young people who experience same-sex attraction or gender confusion. This is not good enough for an educational resource. The Safe Schools program needs to be rescued from its progenitors.
One of the most telling facts which show us just how bad this program is, is the number of our elites who sing the program’s praises, yet refuse to send their own children to schools which have it! Miranda Devine has just penned a piece on how NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli has been defending this program. She too cites the Parkinson paper, and then closes with these words:
Plucky Revered Fred Nile is about the only NSW MP game to stand up to Piccoli over Safe Schools. Just turned 82, at Budget Estimates on August 29, he forced Piccoli to state his continuing support for the discredited program and elicited the disturbing revelation, that a four-year-old about to enter kindergarten has identified as transgender.
Rev Nile pointed out to Piccoli that his children go to Catholic schools so aren’t exposed to Safe Schools material. “It says how much confidence you have in the programs when your children attend schools that do not have it,” he said. Exactly. Like Mike Baird, Bill Shorten and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, these great defenders of Safe Schools have ensured that their own children are safe from it.
Use the link below to read the entire paper by Parkinson, and then share it far and wide. Enough is enough. We need to protect our children from the social engineering ideologues who care only about adult radicalism, and not our children’s wellbeing.
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I wonder how many lawsuits the Department could face in future when children exposed to Safe Schools become gender confused and suicidal…Funny how this report has not been publicised very widely by the mainstream media!
The best anti -bullying program is contained in the Bible.
The sooner we reinstate the Bible as a textbook in schools the better.
1. Love God 2. Love others
You can’t get anymore anti bullying than that.
Additionally Love in a social situation as opposed to love (sex) in the romantic sense.
Far too much exposure and emphasis has been given to romantic (sex), the physical side on screens in particular and not enough teaching has occurred depicting the heart component (non sexual side) of love.
The conversation has gradually shifted from sex to gender. Hmmm
What a mess…….So much more to say.
This was posted by me on another thread earlier today.
The conversations need to change NOW. New conversations of life, life affirming messages. No not just positives but Scriptures. Salt and light needs to be spread. Meat not milk.
It’s time to stop bashing Christianity and fully embrace Gods word again. Many will not know that the bible used to be read in schools. Yep about 50 years ago.
We see the result of taking it away.
Hmmm can e bring it back???
Keep reading it at home. Get a phone App. Teach our kids and grandkids.
I thought the Constitution disallowed new religions. Gender religion should be banished.
I’ll say it again best behaviour management book around is the Bible.
Unreservedly so. The early scholars and educators knew that.
In the end we could also have a gender category, the “Somethings”. That should settle it, not?
It is worth viewing Sir Ian McKellen peddling his “gays being bullied” propaganda in schools throughout Britain.
It is significant that the “useful idiot” Head teacher at the time quoted Stonewall, saying that 6% of the population was queer. I telephoned him to ask if he had identified the 72 pupils, based upon this figure, whom he claims are gay. His answer was “No.”
Essentially subversives like McKellen are not interested in identifying or giving support to any child who identifies as being gay. What they want is to silence any child, teacher or parent who declares the truth that we live in a binary universe. All our children will have to bleat “Multiple genders are good, two genders are bad.”
We are being dictated to by a minority of mad sociopaths who are able redefine reality. This is a privilege we do not have, but instead are being forced to play their nightmarish game. It is as though they are allowed to play Russian roulette using a toy gun whilst forcing us to play with a real gun and real bullets.
Unless they are comprehensively dealt with, using the strongest, available legal constraints, they will destroy us all, including themselves.
David Skinner UK
Tragically these serpent whisperings into minds of immature teenagers and that of their equally vulnerable parents, tormenting them with the thought that homosexuality is a state of being, as opposed to being merely a behaviour – a man mixing his semen with excrement in the waste passage of another man- has had tragic consequences. And no doubt will result in many more deaths.
Read this story of the destruction of a once close knit family which was suddenly blown apart with a helping hand from Stonewall, the gay charity.
Ben Summerskill, Stonewall’s chief executive, who worked closely with the couple whispered these thoughts into the minds of all parents.
“It was genuinely uplifting to see the way he and Paola were trying to make sense, both of what had happened and of the future. It would have been terribly easy for them just to immediately move on and not consider how they might help to change other people’s lives.”
“We don’t know whether Dominic was gay or not, but one of the sad truths of so many similar cases is that parents tend to go into complete denial, even when there is quite significant evidence as to why their child committed suicide. In these cases, those parents are going through all the emotions of discovering their child might have been gay, as well as facing the trauma of losing a child.”
I pray that Ben Summerskill and Stonewall will day have to give an account for the destruction of this family.
David Skinner UK
This is an excellent report by Prof Parkinson. It is great to see some sense and courage in academia. With a background in child protection, he is taking a great step here in advocating for the children of Australia. We need to pray that this can be a step to more courage amongst our leaders.
‘Safe’ Schools “is demented beyond parody” (Greg Sheridan, The Australian); and Jo Deller is correct in saying that the mainstream media has failed to be analysed and reported on for the horrors of this programme – masquerading under a harmless-sounding title as ‘Safe’ Schools.”
This is the programme of TOXIC SLUDGE (developed by Marxist Roz Ward) that is being presented to early and mid-primary school children (who are forced to endure, while they are still far too young to begin to even understand – and thus DENIED AN INNOCENT CHILDHOOD free from topics which responsibility solely belongs to parents at a much later age of the child.
Here is another example:
This toxic “programme” encourages students to think about describing gender in terms of a spectrum, similar to the way temperature might be described. Then to illustrate the point, students are given an activity in which they needed to determine the sexual orientation of a number of characters, including” Joseph”, who is described in the course materials as being “married with three children” but “when he masturbates, fantasizes only about men”.
It is hard to imagine ANY justification for requiring students (of ANY age) to analyse the sexual thoughts and activities of fictional persons, or a key learning area to which it corresponds.
There are other examples of highly irregular (actually sinful in concepts of horribly-irresponsible individuals) for “activities” that very young students are asked to undertake (even though they are far too young and completely ill-equipped to even comprehend.
Parents of course are deliberately kept out of the loop and are unaware of what their children are being taught… as if the children now belonged to the State which will take over their upbringing.
BUT at long last some responsible political representatives are taking heed and the subject is about to be debated in Parliament.
This horror saga is the latest in a long series of reminders to parents that they URGENTLY need to be actively involved in their child’s education and seek information from schools about what children being taught in matters of sexuality and gender (the responsibility of which rightly belong to parents alone).
Please, please readers, ALERT all the parents you know to approach the schools and demand that this irrational irresponsible toxic programme be terminated immediately!!!
It is God who has created an orderly universe of boundaries and clearly identifiable categories. If anything is absolutely true, the opposite is absolutely false. If truth is truth it is not non- truth. If good is good it is not non- good. If bitter is bitter it not non- bitter. If the moon is the moon, it is not non- moon: the sun . If red is red it is not non-red: green and if male is male it is never non- male: female.
But the gay fascists have introduced a new absolute: the absolute truth that there is no absolute truth, morality, nor reality. – except that which they define.
God created the boundaries and categories of existence of light and dark, day and night, land and sea, and living plants. And God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so” and God created the animals, “great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
Finally God created mankind from the dust of the Earth. But unlike the rest of creation man is not non- man: he is not merely “a puddle of water whose only freedom is death.” He has dignity, is personal and has an eternal soul whom God mandated to steward the Earth. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.” Genesis, chapter 1.
The notion that gender is fluid and socially constructed flies in the face of Genesis and is the same argument that paedophiles and child molesters use to say there is no difference between adults, children and animals. Homosexual Professor Eric Anderson of Winchester University said at Oxford University in 2011, “The damage that’s caused by child molestation is socially constructed by the western world;” he contrasted this to other cultures where children engage in sexual activity with adults as a rite of passage.”
Gays like him and Sir Ian Mckellen are well on down the slope to smashing all boundaries and categories of a binary universe and of removing all restraints and moral filters protecting parents, children and the unborn child from sexual predators. Peter Tatchell boasted in 2012 at World Pride. “There are no borders or boundaries when it comes to LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender) human rights. No nationality, no culture, no belief system can stand in the way of the historic quest for LGBT freedom.”
In this YouTube, Mckellen and other degenerates openly boast of removing the filters restraining their lust and ambition and proudly admit they are driven by their own social constructs, ideology and philosophy.
John Adams, second President of America, said in 1798, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
This gay fascism has to be destroyed before it destroys us and our children.
David Skinner UK
The notion that gender is fluid and socially constructed flies in the face of Genesis and is the same argument that paedophiles and child molesters use to say there is no difference between adults, children and animals. Homosexual Professor Eric Anderson of Winchester University said at Oxford University in 2011, “The damage that’s caused by child molestation is socially constructed by the western world;” he contrasted this to other cultures where children engage in sexual activity with adults as a rite of passage.”
Gays like him and Sir Ian Mckellen are well on down the slope to smashing all boundaries and categories of a binary universe and of removing all restraints and moral filters protecting parents, children and the unborn child from sexual predators. Peter Tatchell boasted in 2012 at World Pride. “There are no borders or boundaries when it comes to LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender) human rights. No nationality, no culture, no belief system can stand in the way of the historic quest for LGBT freedom.”
In this YouTube, Mckellen and other degenerates openly boast of removing the filters restraining their lust and ambition and proudly admit they are driven by their own social constructs, ideology and philosophy.
John Adams, second President of America, said in 1798, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
This gay fascism has to be destroyed before it destroys us and our children.
David Skinner UK
According to the American Orthodox Institute, the American Psychological Association, who as we all know was instrumental in the marriage redefinition case in SCOTUS, now concedes in their handbook that homosexuals are in fact not “born that way” and sex orientation is in fact not fixed. (http://www.aoiusa.org/american-psychological-association-course-correction-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-not-fixed-after-all/)
Whether this can be in time for the marriage redefinition decision in Australia is yet to be seen. Clearly getting information and true scientific facts out into the public arena is currently extremely difficult.
Yes, Michael Weeks, but if I may say, this will not help children, parents, teachers or anyone who is prepared to resist gay fascism. For though these degenerates might admit that their depravity is not hard wired, in the next breath they will also say that heterosexuality ( another false nomenclature coined by Carl Maria Kertbeny in the 19th century) is neither natural, fixed nor immutable. They deny the complementarity of men and women: that a man and woman are two constituent parts of a one flesh whole.
When I go to buy an electrical connection, I always expect to receive both a plug and socket. Two or three plugs or ten sockets are not the same as a plug and socket. Current has to flow from the positive to the negative. The power station and electrical grid are essential for bringing to life the electrical appliances – never the other way around. In the same way life has to flow from the sperm to the egg. But this coupling is not confined to the genitalia.
They deny not only the basic plumbing and engineering of men and women but also as 1 Corinthians 6 and Ephesians 5 say the profound mystery that it is God who has joined one man and one woman together. Humanity is accordingly ordered not to attempt to break asunder that which He has joined. The whole man and whole woman, become in some mysterious way one body, mind and spirit. As Proverbs 30:19 says “Three things are too wonderful for me; four I do not understand: ……. the way of a man with a maiden.”
Let us not forget that young Young Grace Evans said it perfectly a few years back:
And yet one thing does not change with the gay fascism, it produces in the mind of the pink fascist, madness, hatred and murder.
David Skinner UK
“Safe schools” are teaching the culture of death.
Thank you Michael Weeks . That is another article to put in the bank.
However, in the same way that Lisa Diamond claims that homosexuality is not hard wired, Peter Tatchell claims that heterosexuality is not hard – wired either and that we are all potentially queer.
In Beyond Equality he says : “….queer politics challenges the heterocentric view that exclusive heterosexuality is somehow natural and eternal, and that lesbian and gay sexuality is inevitably destined to remain a minority sexual orientation. It sees sexuality as being primarily a social construction, rather than a biological given.
Who we are attracted to largely derives from a combination of social experience and ideology. In other words, everyone is born with the potential to be queer. Exclusive heterosexuality is mainly the result of a socially-encouraged repression of same-sex desire. In a society where there were no pressures or privileges associated with being straight, a lot more people would be queer or bisexual. Lesbian and gay attraction would cease to be a minority sexual orientation and become something that almost everyone would experience.”
Indeed Dominic Davies of Pink Therapy goes as far to say that heterosexuality will not just be a minority orientation but will disappear altogether. we shall all be polyphilias. The American Psychiatric Association has identified over 100 paraphilias which are sexual attractions to objects, situations, or individuals that on the fringes of society but which in the name of human rights need affirmation. [1]
Dominic Davis of Pink Therapy in Soho speaks of the need to counsel such people since many of them are afraid that if they admitted their proclivity to unsympathetic therapist they might find themselves in trouble with the law [B2] for instance Anthropophagolagniasts who are orientated to raping someone before cannibalising them[3]
[1] Paraphilias
[2] Dominic Davies Pink Therapy
i) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K07qGwk35s
ii) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp4h6N8TAtA
iii) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9E_rZVOkhA
iv) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EMccrDhCko
v) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4Ktp6jU9wQ
[3] Anthropophagolagniasts
i) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2155672/Luka-Rocco-Magnotta-Video-Canadian-cannibal-sent-fans-run.html
ii) http://www.alexanderboot.com/christmas-roast-dutch-style/
iii) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/3286721.stm
v) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/3228711/Former-Mr-Gay-UK-jailed-for-30-years-for-cooking-and-eating-flesh-of-boyfriend.html
David Skinner UK