We Tried To Warn You
Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass?
We told you so. We told you so. We told you so. There, I said it. Three times. I know it is not good form to rub it in when you tried to warn folks for decades, only to get rejected, vilified, mocked, laughed at, and hated on, although just about everything you said actually happened. But that has been our lot for a long time now.
Like the old watchmen on the wall, we sounded the alarm, we sought to wake people up, and we said great evil is descending upon us if we do not stand up and act now. But we were derided and treated as fools. That has been the case with all true prophetic voices. Just this morning I read this in my daily reading of Scripture:
“And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers. Then this people will rise and whore after the foreign gods among them in the land that they are entering, and they will forsake me and break my covenant that I have made with them’” (Deuteronomy 31:16).
God warned Moses ahead of time just how the people would act. Other prophets were also told by God ahead of time that the people would reject their message, but they were to proclaim it anyway:
Isaiah (Is. 6:9-10) He said, “Go and tell this people:
“‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding;
be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’
Make the heart of this people calloused;
make their ears dull
and close their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.”
Jeremiah (Jer. 7:27-28) “When you tell them all this, they will not listen to you; when you call to them, they will not answer. 28 Therefore say to them, ‘This is the nation that has not obeyed the Lord its God or responded to correction. Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips.
Ezekiel (Ez. 3:4-9) He then said to me: “Son of man, go now to the people of Israel and speak my words to them. You are not being sent to a people of obscure speech and strange language, but to the people of Israel—not to many peoples of obscure speech and strange language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely if I had sent you to them, they would have listened to you. But the people of Israel are not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to me, for all the Israelites are hardened and obstinate.
We have warned long and hard for so many years now that the war on faith, family and freedom would only intensify and get much worse; that caving in to the demands of the radical activists would not placate them but only encourage them to demand more; and that our ability to live as a free people and to worship freely will be lost if we do not stand up and fight for it. But we were ignored and told to shut up.
There are so many things happening on a daily basis – all things that we had long warned about – that I can only very briefly list a few of the most recent cases. Let me start overseas. Voice for Justice in the UK just sent this email out, beginning with these words:
How long before Christians are excluded from the public arena? The short answer is, never, if we can help it! Yet every day there seems news of fresh outrage and growing attempts to silence any who dare voice Christian belief. For example:
Kate Forbes, Scottish candidate to lead the SNP. Pilloried in the press for saying her faith doesn’t support same sex marriage or sex outside wedlock.
Revd Bernard Randall, sacked from his chaplaincy job at Trent College, Long Eaton and reported to the anti-extremism watchdog – for telling students in a sermon that it was okay for them to disagree with LGBTQ+ teaching.
Dr Aaron Edwards, lecturer at Cliff College, Bristol, accused of homophobia and reprimanded, after expressing the view that homosexuality is a sin which has invaded the Church, and that such teaching is a ‘Gospel issue’.
At every level and in all walks of life, Christians are being reviled and intimidated into silence by secularists pushing an ideological agenda that demands total dominance. At the same time, school children are being relentlessly indoctrinated into accepting life-style choices that expose them to enormous and sometimes life-changing harm.
In North America we have this incredible headline “Catholic student arrested at Canadian Catholic school—for saying that there are only two genders”. https://thebridgehead.ca/2023/02/28/catholic-student-arrested-at-canadian-catholic-school-for-saying-that-there-are-only-two-genders/
That is something we now find on a daily basis, yet some of us warned till we were blue in the face that caving in to the radical sexual revolutionaries would only make things worse for all of us – with public penalties and punishments included. But so few listened to what we had to say.
Here in Australia the never-ending war on Christianity continues unabated, with the latest outrage being a diabolical attack on Jesus Christ by a homosexual activist on a mainstream TV show. As one news report says:
There are growing calls for Channel 10’s The Project to be cancelled after a guest on Tuesday’s show made an off-colour joke about Jesus Christ. Comedian Reuben Kaye was speaking about the hate he receives from members of the public – and Christians in particular – for being gay and wearing drag when he joked: ‘I love Jesus. I love any man who can get nailed for three days straight and come back for more!’ His line left host – Waleed Aly – who is a Sunni Muslim – speechless, but co-anchor Sarah Harris and the rest of the cast laughed along with the joke….
The controversial quip sparked a furious reaction online with some viewers saying the gag went ‘too far’ and others even calling for the show to be taken off the air. One person wrote: ‘I’m very disappointed and will be switching off this show forever. The number one rule in comedy if you want to have a long career is to keep religion and politics out of it.’
Another said: ‘This show needs to be cancelled, period.’ A third commented: ‘Lowest of lows… #boycotttheproject.’ One viewer asked: ‘Since when is disrespecting other religious views cool?’ However, Kaye doubled down on his Jesus joke, posting a screenshot on Instagram of a news article about the controversy, and writing: ‘This may be my best work…’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11805799/Calls-Project-axed-comedians-lewd-joke-Jesus.html
Alexandra Marshall of the Australian Spectator rightly said this about it: “If this joke had been made about Mohammad, not only would the program have been taken off air for hate speech, the comedian and every person on the panel would be in hiding for fear of violent retribution. Christians are tolerant, Islam is not. Guess which one the @Woke prefer?”
And the Australian satire site Damascus Dropbear put it this way:
SYDNEY, NSW – The TV current affairs show, The Project, has admitted to conducting a social experiment surrounding how offensive they can be towards Christians and still be forgiven. The confession comes after they aired a prime-time session with gay ‘comedian’ Reuben Kaye, who went on to make sex jokes surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus – with the panellists laughing hysterically.
Project host, Waleed Aly, outlined the motivation behind the jokes. “We have been fascinated over the years with how much rubbish we can say about Christian beliefs and still get away with it,” Mr Aly explained. “So this time we thought we would really go for it – say the worse thing we could possibly say about their Messiah right in the middle of dinnertime”
“It was hilarious. The next night we said sorry of course, though it was hard not to laugh while doing it. The crazy part is they forgave us again! They’ve gotta crack eventually.” Anglican Minister, David Oldman, spoke to Damascus Dropbear about the situation. “I have actually been commissioned by the bishop to carefully monitor The Project,” Rev Oldman said. “Jesus said we should forgive up to seventy-seven times, this little blaspheme has just got them up to sixty.”
“I assure you that we are storing up our fire and brimstone for when they finally hit that magic number.” It is further report that next week The Project will be pushing even further by running an explicit segment on Mary the Mother of God, followed by the benefits of using a Bible as a fire-starter. https://damascusdropbear.com.au/the-project-conduct-experiment-into-how-far-christian-forgiveness-actually-extends/
Lastly there is the past 3 years of Covid hysteria and tyrannical government responses. We warned constantly about how dodgy and questionable the “science” was, how bad statist overreactions were, and how deplorable the media’s lies about it had been. A few days ago Marty Makary, MD, MPH (a professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) had a very important piece published in the US, which has now even been run by some Australian media outlets.
It is called, “10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked”. It is a MUST read. I can only offer the beginning and end of it here:
In the past few weeks, a series of analyses published by highly respected researchers have exposed a truth about public health officials during COVID:
Much of the time, they were wrong. To be clear, public health officials were not wrong for making recommendations based on what was known at the time. That’s understandable. You go with the data you have. No, they were wrong because they refused to change their directives in the face of new evidence. When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions.
At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR. In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession. Here are 10 ways they misled Americans:
Misinformation #1: Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity…
Misinformation #2: Masks prevent COVID transmission…
Misinformation #3: School closures reduce COVID transmission…
Misinformation #4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection…
What’s most amazing about all the misinformation conveyed by CDC and public health officials is that there have been no apologies for holding on to their recommendations for so long after the data became apparent that they were dead wrong. Public health officials said “you must” when the correct answer should have been “we’re not sure.” Early on, in the absence of good data, public health officials chose a path of stern paternalism.
Today, they are in denial of a mountain of strong studies showing that they were wrong. At minimum, the CDC should come clean and the FDA should add a warning label to COVID vaccines, clearly stating what is now known. A mea culpa by those who led us astray would be a first step to rebuilding trust. https://nypost.com/2023/02/27/10-myths-told-by-covid-experts-now-debunked/
Please read his entire article. It is a terrific summary of just how wrong our “experts,” elites and politicians got things, and a notable case of “We told you so.”
I and others will keep on sounding the alarm and keep on acting as a watchman on the wall. And we know full well the main reaction we get will be that of ridicule, contempt, scorn and hatred. But we must continue to warn regardless. It is our solemn duty to sound the alarm.
[1943 words]
They can’t apologise or say that they were wrong. Not only will the words get stuck in their mouths, but they will show that they are not infallible as they would like us to believe.
We were told to follow the science so we did. Unfortunately for them, we found the answers!
Why should we expect fairness and evenhandedness in the face of the broadcast media. They’re ruled by the voices of the heathen mobs. The media exists by sheer weight of the numbers of their participant audience- its called popularity ratings. The higher the number, the more successful. Do you think Christ was treated fairly- even the government of the day (Caesar) couldn’t find find fault in him. Like today, its was the baying of the mob which committed Him to death (release Barabbas was their choice). It is not fairness or otherwise which will have a say in whether insulting Christianity is banned – it will be the opinion of the mob (ratings) which will decide.
Bill, regarding Ezekiel 33: 2-4 and your post:
“Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man and make him their watchman, when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head.’
The prophet is saying that a sword will come, despite the watchman. Historically, this may refer to the Babylonian captivity, but contemporaneously, it seems pertinent.
Australia has been relatively immune from internal strife during the past 100 years, but it doesn’t take much insight to see that since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the nation is losing sight of the Christian foundations which, like ancient Israel, protected it.
Immorality and idolatry are increasing as you have forewarned. The sword, according to Scripture, must be on the cards as the atheists say and the Lucky Country running out of aces.
Thank you so much for quoting Damascus Dropbear, Bill. I had never heard of them, I only knew of Babylon Bee (USA). When we are surrounded by the ridiculous and profane, it is a breath of fresh air to read some satire aimed at the perpetrators.
Thanks Naomi.
Dear Bill, Thank you for the article.I heard about it on Sky News. Shocking blasphemy! Not that I watch the Project. I wouldn’t lower myself! I went off it when ISIS extremism was at its worst a few years ago and Waleed Aly more or less played down their extremism in defence of more moderate Islam I suppose. I can understand why he would do that and the fact that he did not join in the laughter is significant because many Muslims have the greatest respect for Jesus and his Mother Mary even though they don’t believe in the Divinity of Jesus. Obviously as a Muslim he was defending Islam when Isis was in the news but he is supposed to be employed by 10 as a journalist as well and he obviously didn’t get reprimanded or warned by them at the time for his partiality because he is still prominent on the show. Sky news made the point that these people wouldn’t dare say anything derogatory about Mohammed but they can feel free to ridicule OUR DEAR LORD JESUS. HE appeared to ST Margaret Mary in the 19th century and showed her His Heart crowned with thorns from blasphemy such as this. Sadly, it has got much worse since and never more so than in the upper echelons of society!
All fair dinkum Christians in Australia must continue to sound the alarm of the doom to come. I will not back down. I’d rather die fighting.
Hello Bill
We see all these awful things happening, but we were told they would happen in God’s Word.
We do not forgive just because it is a nice thing to do but Christians forgive because they are first commanded to do so, second is that it is highly beneficial to the person who is forgiving and third the person you are angry with may not even know or care that you have not forgiven them. Unforgiveness causes stress, bitterness, imprisons a person and prevents them from moving forward in life. Forgiving brings freedom to both the wronged and the perpetrator.
As for the anti-Christ spirit in the people of the world, I feel for them.
You are right in using those scriptures because it describes this generation exactly and it starts from the top down.
You can write letters to the government or protest about proposed laws, and they will impose the laws anyway. The opposition will say how bad these laws are and when they get in power, they leave the laws exactly the same as they were set by the previous government.
I rarely see a new government correcting laws when they get into power. This is especially true if the laws are in regard to a moral issue or if the law restricts Christianity in some way.
In general, the laws are always heading towards immorality when measured against the Holy Bible and are never moving into alignment with God’s teaching.
The people appear to be unable and unwilling to hear anything regarding morality these days. They want their freedom and they have it now. They are free to do what they want without boundaries or condemnation. They are truly free to explore all forms of pleasure. The have a reasonable level of wealth and they believe that all is well with the western civilization.
As a person who watches what is going on in the world, you have to be pretty blind to not see that the enemies of our civilization are gathering. They are looking for our weaknesses and they are always trying to exploit them.
Civilizations never last forever. A quick look at the internet and you will see that the Greek empire was about 1500 years, Roman empire about 1000 years, Ottoman empire about 600 years and our own lovely civilization has been plodding along for about 1200 years or so.
So, what is this got to do with the people of today?
God is not blind so that He does not know what is going on.
The bible teaches that God does forgive if you accept Christ into your life and the key thing here is that you also need to turn away from sin.
Most of these people appear to have completely rejected Christ. They are free to do this but if there is a God, which of course I believe there is, then there is a problem.
The God of the bible never said that He does not get angry with the people of the earth but that He is slow to anger.
The people of our nation can no longer hear truth from the Holy Scriptures no matter how hard you try. There are always some that do but the truth of the bible is getting rejected more and more in our western civilization.
In doing the things that the bible said should not be done, the people are heaping the judgement of God upon themselves. The saying is true of this generation, eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. Like I said earlier, civilizations aways come to an end. We will be living a life of peace and then suddenly it is gone. We will be celebrating, and the country comes under attack.
No one expects or wants a civilization to end but they do end and often this may occur with little warning.
No one wants God’s judgement but if you ignore the principals that the earth has been created on, then it will come and may come without warning.
This I will not celebrate but will weep for the people when it happens.
I hope that our civilization will change direction. I hope there is a revival that will change the people’s path but if these things do not happen then the Bible shows that God does become angry and God does bring judgement.
Dear Bill, Reading the article more carefully this time I feel compelled to make it clear that I have been too kind to Waleed Aly! He is nothing more than a pathetic stooge for channel 10. He cannot even be called a devout Muslim because as I said before I think a truly devout Muslim would not utter such blasphemy about Jesus or Mary because Islam teaches respect for them even if it doesn’t believe in the Divinity of Jesus. I said before that he was probably defending Islam when he played down Isis but in view of his other comments it is more likely that he knows the Muslim community too well and had no other option BUT to play down the extremism of Isis. The Project needs to be scrapped and quickly but I doubt if that will happen because there are too many brainless Australians prepared to watch this rubbish.
I have just completed my objection to this dreadful act by the Project – though I wish I had seen your comments before I did so! I can imagine what would happen if Christians did retaliate to these sort of disgraceful acts??? My husband and I just a few weeks ago decided that we would leave the Uniting Church because of its stand on the employment of gay members of the hierarchy and ministry, and we have had so much affirmation for our stance. We will now worship with a congregation which once was part of the Uniting Church, but removed itself from this organisation – 100% of the congregation was in agreement at the time, and they have grown both in their spiritual maturity and faith in God. We are looking forward to our worship there. Thank you for your amazing messages.
Thanks Sandra.
The Project “apology” got a mention in the US on the Dan Bongino podcast. Episode 1960 at the 41.53 min mark. News.com claimed that the apology went out to Muslims because In Islam, Jesus was a prophet of god who was born to a virgin. In Arabic, he is known as Isa. Begs the question, if Waleed Aly a Sunni Muslim wasn’t the host of the show, would there have been an apology? Was an insult to a Muslim the key factor? I know I have complained numerous times to the ABC media complaints department about anti Christian rhetoric and humour only to be told- freedom of speech allows it.
Quite so Philip.
To followup on the Dropbear story, and the idea of counting up to 70, my initial thought was that there should have been an expression of repentance each time.
That requirement of course, while being ideal, traps the victim into waiting for that expression before they can move on.
I am now reminded of Jesus’ saying on the cross, which is surely relevant in many cases, namely, ‘forgive them Father for they know not what they do’.
If we like Jesus, ask God to forgive them, then surely we should not tightly hold to seeking justice in every case.
I’m sure you have come upon, and been involved in such a discussion, but I have not.
Thanks Bruce. Well, it is often assumed that we are to always forgive, no questions asked. But not quite. Simply consider what Jesus said in Luke 17:3 – “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them.” See more on this here: