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The Facts on Same-Sex Adoption Rights

With renewed cries for same-sex adoption rights, some clear thinking is in order. These quick facts will help to separate fact from fiction, and bring a bit of reason back into the debate.

-It is abundantly clear from the social science research that children are best served when raised with their biological mother and father.

-For the best outcomes for children, no other parenting combination comes close to that of the mother-father union cemented by marriage.

-No one has a “right” to children.

-Every child has a right to a mother and a father.

-A child needs a father, not just “male role models”.

-A child needs a mother, not just “female role models”.

-A child needs to see how men and women interact and relate to each other on a daily basis.

-Long-term homosexual relationships tend to be very rare.

-In contrast, heterosexual relationships have a much better record of permanency.

-Most homosexual relationships allow for other partners and/or other sexual outlets.

-In contrast, heterosexual relationships involve fewer outside partners and fewer outside sexual contacts.

-The fact that heterosexual relationships may not always last, or may not always be faithful, does not mean we should further harm our children by including homosexual couples. Two wrongs do not make a right.

-Studies purporting to show that children do OK when raised by same-sex parents have been criticised for many methodological shortcomings.

-Studies also exist showing the harm children experience when raised in same-sex households.

-These studies also show that children raised in same-sex households are more likely to become homosexual themselves.

-The rights of children should always come ahead of the desires and whims of adults.

-Children should not be treated as guinea pigs in grand social experiments.

-Many other groups are denied adoption rights: those who are too young or too old, those with criminal records, etc.

-The family unit of mother-father-child has been the norm throughout human history and should not be jettisoned by radical alternatives.

-For the sake of our children, we should reject same-sex adoption rights.

[341 words]

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