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When Madness Reigns, Children Suffer

In an age obsessed with granting adults every single whim and craving, often the biggest losers are children. We are so intent on pleasing the desires of adults, especially those from the various noisy minority groups, that the wellbeing of children is often the very last thing taken into consideration.

And sometimes this catering to adult selfishness takes on moonbeam proportions. I can think of no greater slap in the face to children and their fundamental needs than when we cave in to the homosexual activists who demand adoption rights and/or access to fertility treatment. And a case featured on the front page of yesterday’s Canberra Times really has to take the cake for sheer madness.

A lesbian couple is suing a Sydney obstetrician and gynaecologist because they had twins through an IVF procedure. The doctor is being sued for “wrongful birth” because they only wanted one child.

The article quotes the 40-year-old mother as saying, “I remember sitting on the couch and feeling devastated, absolutely devastated”. The article continues, “She and her partner, who were living in Watson at the time, had planned to go to England after the birth, but their plans were scrapped when they discovered they would be having twins, jeopardising their careers, relationship and health.”

There is so much mind-boggling lunacy going on in this whole story that one hardly knows where to begin. But let’s consider just a few issues.

First, these two lesbians are denying the two girls (who are now three years of age) one of the most basic and fundamental of all human rights: the right to be born into a family with one’s own biological father and mother. As has been shown time and time again in the social science research, there is nothing better for a child than to have been born and raised in a biological two-parent family, preferably a married family.

Any other family structure is proven to be much less likely to secure a range of positive outcomes for the child. But the interests of the child are the last thing being considered by the radical social engineers. Children have now become just a commodity to please basically selfish adults who seem to care little about their wellbeing.

Given the overwhelming evidence about the need of children to have their own biological mother and father, to deliberately bring children into the world in other alternative lifestyle arrangements is arguably a case of child neglect.

Not only has this lesbian couple deprived these girls of a father, but they are now condemning at least one of them to a life of rejection and misery by wishing she had never been born. What an incredibly anti-child state of affairs this is. Imagine growing up knowing that your own “mother” has publicly declared that she wished you had never been born. How will this poor girl cope?

Young people are already so very vulnerable and racked with low self-esteem and feelings of being of no worth. What is this public rejection of the child going to do to her?

And incredibly, the article states that one of the reasons why these two lesbians were so devastated was because of concerns about their “careers”. The article stated that the mother is “claiming more than $400,000 for the cost of raising” the second child to the age of 21.

Yet, according to the article, the “birth mother told the court she earned more than $100,000 in the recent financial year, and her partner also worked full time”. This lesbian couple seems to be earning more than many heterosexual couples, yet they are suing because a second child will cramp their very cosy lifestyle.

This just seems to be the height of selfishness. Once again, the child is a mere commodity, apparently meant to fit into a lifestyle of the rich and famous. It seems their mindset is operating something like this: let’s go out and buy a fancy new sports car, take a world vacation, and, oh yeah, let’s throw in a kid with that as well.

Kind of like, throw in an order of fries with the burger and coke. That’s all this grimy little affair appears to be. It’s all about selfishness and greed, with children just another commodity to make the free-wheeling lifestyle of some adults more fun.

And then there is the whole problem of IVF and assisted reproductive technologies. Briefly stated, in order to improve their quite low success rates, IVF specialists tend to resort to various means, such as superovulation to produce more eggs, and implanting more than one embryo at a time. Of course the result is quite often multiple births: twins, triplets, and so on.

The whole thing is designed to get more bang for the buck, even though there are many more medical risks associated with such procedures. But the fertility business is just that, another business, where profits come first, and cost-cutting measures take priority over health and safety concerns.

Suffice it to say that we seem to have lost the plot altogether. Chesterton said it well: “When common sense ceases to be common, a society is in terminal decay.” So intent are we on catering to lunacy that we are quickly on the verge of losing many of the gains made in the last few millennia of Western civilisation. How much longer any nation can last when we continue down a path of reckless disregard for reason, for common sense, and for our own children, remains to be seen. But one suspects it cannot be too long.

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