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The Religious War Against Marriage

That there are plenty of secularists who are happy to push the homosexual agenda is not so surprising. What is surprising, and sad, is when Christians get on the bandwagon. When they totally ignore or reject their own biblical absolutes and instead embrace the latest trendy fads and crusades, then things are going downhill fast.

There has been a growing chorus of religious folk singing the praises of the homosexual agenda, even pushing for same-sex marriage. The most recent example was in today’s Australian when Anglican writer and feminist Muriel Porter had a piece entitled, “Highest Praise for Nuptials” in which she blasted other Christians for daring to stand up for Biblical morality on this issue.

The whole article was one tired exercise in homosexual apologetics. It could have been written by any secularist or atheist. It trotted out all the tired clichés and red herrings. A secularist writing nonsense about what the Bible says concerning sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular might be excused for being out of his or her depth. But when someone who claims to be a believer writes such patent nonsense, then the deed is all the more dastardly.

For example, Mrs Porter makes this quite ludicrous claim: “Yes, there are a few (contested) Bible texts that condemn certain homosexual practices. But there are far more uncontested texts that denounce divorce.”

Sorry Muriel, but there happens to be at least nine quite clear passages on homosexuality – every one of which condemns the behaviour. And they must be read in the light of the entire biblical teaching on human sexuality, which always insists on heterosexual marriage as the only acceptable context for sexual relationships – end of story.

As to divorce, there are around the same number of passages on the subject, and some in fact are highly debatable. The grounds for divorce, if any, and the place for remarriage are topics that some believers can and do strongly differ on.

But given that theology and biblical studies are obviously not her strong point, Mrs Porter spends most of her article appealing to pity and emotion. For example, she goes on about how practicing homosexuals do not feel all that welcome in some churches. She does her best to portray them as pitiable victims, who are being rejected by hard-hearted Christians.

But she is both confusing the issue and distorting the picture here. All sinners are welcome in the Christian churches, but always with a view that they be willing to listen to and receive the Christian gospel. Sinners as seekers are always – or should be always – welcome in church.

But that is an altogether different matter from those who have embraced the gospel, and are now seeking to walk in obedience to Christ and biblical teachings. When people claim to be followers of Jesus, they renounce claims to being the boss, and now submit to the Lordship of Christ, and the Word of God.

In that sense, anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus but at the same time insists on being a practicing homosexual is simply kidding himself. In the same way, anyone who persists in adultery, or fornication, or any other sin, must seriously ask whether they in fact are real followers of Jesus.

Paul makes this quite clear in 1 Cor. 6:9-11: “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”

A homosexual, like any other sinner, who seeks to learn about Christ, is welcome to come to church and find out about him. But someone who claims to be a follower of Jesus yet insists on living in known sin is not only a contradiction in terms, but is to be subject to church discipline. Obviously under those circumstances anyone who wants to insist on engaging in clearly unbiblical behaviour may not feel all that welcome in a church setting.

Two final howlers can be mentioned here. Incredibly Muriel Porter wails and gnashes her teeth over the fact that people like her who support same-sex marriage have been “effectively silenced” and have become “increasingly low profile”. That’s odd. Here she is with an entire op ed piece in the Australian, and yet she complains about censorship and not being heard.

The real truth is, when was the last time one recalls seeing a major op ed piece resisting the homosexual lobby in these or similar pages? The grip of political correctness is so strong that the last taboo is actually to take a stand publically for heterosexual marriage and family.

Mrs Porter can play the victim all she likes, but she is well aware that the relentless march of the homosexual lobby is near to its final goal, while those who look on in concern are the real victims and the real silenced voices.

The last amazing statement to appear in this circus of words is this: “It may be one thing for the church to have its own rules in this area [of sexuality], but to use its influence to stop outside arrangements is outrageous.” Hmmm. Just try substituting a few words here, and see how sensible and intelligent this remark sounds:

“It may be one thing for the church to have its own rules in this area [of racism], but to use its influence to stop outside racism is outrageous.”

Or again, “It may be one thing for the church to have its own rules in this area [of saving the environment], but to use its influence to stop outside pollution is outrageous.”

Again, “It may be one thing for the church to have its own rules in this area [of rape], but to use its influence to stop rape outside the church is outrageous.”

Obviously Mrs Porter has bought hook, line and sinker the nonsensical secularist argument that believers may have their moral views, but they damn well better keep them to themselves, and not seek to push them in the public arena.

Funny, but I bet big money that Mrs Porter wants the church to speak out publically and loudly on all sorts of moral issues, be it racism, environmentalism or sexual assault. But when it comes to her pet sin, homosexuality, then the church should just shut up and keep out of the public discussion.

Sorry Muriel, but it does not work that way. The truth is, you have just entered the public arena (in the form of an article in the national press) telling us that your version of events is the right one, and the Christian one. Yet when others who disagree with you seek to enter the debate, and in fact support the biblical position on this, you want them to butt out and just stay silent.

Well, those who love God and his Word are not about to zip the lip just so that radical activists can have a free run in the public square with their anti-biblical morality (or immorality). As long as there is still religious freedom in this nation, biblical Christians will stand up for what is right, and will speak up when those claiming to represent the church instead represent the latest secular, and unbiblical, agenda.,25197,23650444-7583,00.html

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