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Is Obama Really the Messiah?

There are plenty of people who seem pretty convinced that Barack Hussein Obama is the Messiah, or pretty close to it. Of course one expects such silliness from gullible lefties who think heaven will come to earth if Obama wins the US presidential election in a few days’ time. It seems a Democratic America will be a land flowing with milk and honey, and utopia will have finally arrived on planet earth.

Incredibly, many who should know better also seem caught up in the hype. Even some folk claiming to be conservatives or Republicans seem to have come under his trance. Indeed, if comments on my website are anything to go by, there are a lot of confused people out there.

Of course with a mainstream media doing everything it can to prepare the way for the Lord, I mean Obama, it is hard to hear anything more or less resembling truth about this guy. It is only in the blogosphere that we seem to find any sensible and reliable information about the man who would be King.

Indeed, one excellent recent piece about Obama comes from Brazil of all places. Noted Brazilian philosopher, Olavo de Carvalho wrote an important article last week entitled “The Candidate of Fear”. Thankfully it has been translated into English, and I here offer large segments from it. I encourage everyone to read the entire article.

de Carvalho begins by noting the messianic adulation being heaped upon Obama: “Called ‘the Messiah’ by radical Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan and ‘My Jesus’ by the college associate editor of a student newspaper, Barack Hussein Obama informs us, ‘contrary to the rumors you have heard, I was not born in a manger.’ What if he did not let us know?” But his next paragraph is devastating reading:

“Whatever the case, he has already performed at least one confirmed miracle: he is the first presidential candidate who has won the applause of all the enemies of the United States without it having ever aroused the least suspicion of the American establishment against him. Counted among his enthusiasts are Hamas, Iranian president Ahmadinejad, Muammar Khadafi, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez, and the television station Al-Jazeera. I wonder what would have happened to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s candidacy in 1932 if he had received ostensible support from Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini.”

The reason why all these enemies of America so like Obama is not hard to come by: “It is true that Obama pledges to dismantle the space defense system of the United States, to slow down unilaterally the American program of nuclear research, to turn victory in Iraq into defeat, to ban new oil drilling, and to grant driver’s license and health care to illegal aliens, that patriotic mob which wants to turn Texas and California into Mexican states. But if you insinuate that any of those things is a good reason for Communists and radical Muslims to like him, the media en masse will say that you have ‘crossed the line’ and that you are virtually guilty of a ‘hate crime’.”

Consider what these enemies are saying: “Ahmadinejad has declared that the victory of the Democratic candidate in the election will give the green light to the Islamization of the world, Khadafi has proclaimed that Obama is a faithful Muslim financed by Islamite millionaires, and Louis Farrakhan, availing himself of the wave of pro-Obama enthusiasm, has announced that the Nation of Islam, the secret society of radical Muslims he presides over, which has been making slow progress for decades, is having a ‘new beginning,’ and will be fully operational soon.”

But if anyone dares to mention these unpleasant facts, they are branded as hysterical or worse: “The meaning of those facts is clear, but noticing it is immoral: every decent citizen has to swear that the support coming from the enemies of America is only a mistake on their part, since Obama has never given—oh, no!—the least pretext for them to sympathize with him. To insinuate any convergence of interests is to impute to Obama ‘guilt by association’—an act of perfidy, obviously, loaded with racial ‘overtones’.”

de Carvalho  notes the way in which the MSM has protected Obama and has acted as a de facto agent for the Democratic Party: “The major newspapers and television companies protect the Democratic candidate not only against his adversaries but against himself. Acts or statements that may show him in an unfavorable light are carefully omitted. In all the American mainstream media one will not find a single word about Obama’s long career as an abortion militant, let alone about the only important activity he undertook on the international level: the campaign set up, with public money, to bring into power in Kenya the anti-American and pro-terrorist agitator Raila Odinga, guilty of ordering the murder of more than a thousand of his political opponents and of conspiring with Muslim leaders to impose the Islamic religion on a Christian-majority nation. Not only did Obama help Odinga with American tax-payers’ money, and introduce him to contacts in the Senate, but spoke in his favor at rallies in Kenya. If there is something that shows the true nature of the international commitments of the Democratic candidate, it is this episode—but even Fox News omits touching upon the subject.”

He concludes, “As to Obama’s campaign, its profile is clear. The amalgam of utopian promises, overwhelming advertisement, psychotic beatification of the leader, racial appeal, media control, and systematic intimidations of voters is identical in the least details with Hitler’s electoral strategy in 1933, but in order to say this in public—or even to become aware of it in a low voice—it takes more courage than one can expect from the average voter nowadays.”

This is certainly a candidate to greatly fear. The trouble is, most of the world does not know anything about the real Obama, thanks to a partisan media and the deception of the left.

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