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It is hard to know in which area Barack Hussein Obama is the most radical. Will he be the most pro-abortion American president ever? Or will he be the most pro-homosexuality president ever? Probably both, one suspects. He is not yet even president (five more days remain before that happens) but he is already making quite a stir.

Consider the issue of homosexuality. When he invited megapastor Rick Warren to say an Inauguration Day prayer, that stirred things up. The choice was in many respects a sop to the evangelical community which unfortunately was duped into supporting Obama in the first place. But since Warren has supported California’s Proposition 8, which forbids homosexual marriage, the homosexual activists have gotten into a frenzy about Obama’s choice.

But this choice was all about appearances. Obama is anything but an evangelical Christian, and this was simply a move to persuade evangelicals to remain onside with Obama. But his real colours appeared a few days ago when he chose a homosexual church leader to give the main invocation on January 20.

New Hampshire Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, the Church’s only openly homosexual bishop, will join Warren in a few days time, giving a much different message. This is how one press account details the story:

“The choice of Bishop Robinson to preside at Monday’s Lincoln Memorial event is a clear effort to reassure the gay community, which strongly backed both the Obama and Clinton campaigns. Bishop Robinson and his long-time partner, Mark Andrew, were married in a civil ceremony in June, after the New Hampshire legislature made such unions legal. ‘It is an indication of the new president’s commitment to being president of all the people,’ Bishop Robinson said. ‘It will be my great honour to be there representing the Episcopal Church, the people of New Hampshire and all of us in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.’ Bishop Robinson advised Mr Obama on gay rights during the campaign. His consecration in 2003 set off a growing rift in the Episcopal Church’s parent body, the Anglican Communion. Since then, Bishop Robinson has become an internationally known spokesman for gay rights – a hero to some and an object of scorn to others.”

It remains to be seen just what Warren will say at the Inauguration. But we can be assured that what the homosexual Bishop says will be a very unbiblical affair. This is what the press said of the proposed prayer: “Bishop Robinson said he had been reading inaugural prayers through history and was horrified at how ‘specifically and aggressively Christian they were. I am very clear that this will not be a Christian prayer, and I won’t be quoting scripture or anything like that,’ he said. ‘The texts that I hold as sacred are not sacred texts for all Americans, and I want all people to feel that this is their prayer.’ Bishop Robinson said he might address the prayer to ‘the God of our many understandings’, language that he said he learned from the 12-step program he attended for his alcohol addiction.”

Let’s unpack all this a bit more. Here we have a major church leader who could not even control his use of alcohol. Then there is the matter of him dumping his wife and young children – breaking his Christian marriage vows in other words – to take up with his homosexual lover. This is a man driven by immoral lusts, who cannot remain faithful to his own wife and family, and certainly cannot remain faithful to the clear teachings of the Word of God.

Yet he is a big cheese leader in a major American denomination, and is being asked to parade his idolatry and immorality before the watching world. A great pick, Obama. He is a perfect match to Obama’s worldview. They should get on together swimmingly.

Indeed, he is a perfect choice: a “Christian” leader who shies away from everything specifically Christian. Notice that the homosexual bishop was “horrified at how specifically and aggressively Christian” past prayers were. Yes, I suppose it is rather amazing that Christian leaders would actually pray “Christian” prayers. What does the good bishop want? Hindu prayers? Atheist prayers?

Actually, it seems that he does. Note that he will address “the God of our many understandings”. In other words, the god of our choosing. Want to be a homosexual activist? No problems – just remake God in your own image. Want god to be a political revolutionary or an eco-freak? Easy-deasy. God can be whoever you want him to be.

Of course all this should come as no surprise. If the bishop cannot get basic biblical sexuality right, then he will not likely get much else right in Scripture. Indeed, as Robinson once said, “I believe in my heart that the church got it wrong about homosexuality.” That is just fine if one rejects the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, fully relevant to both doctrinal and moral issues.

So if one believes in one’s heart that the church got it wrong on paedophilia or fornication, well, fine. Our feelings obviously take priority over the clear teachings of Scripture. At least that is what our homosexual bishop thinks. What we have here is simply what Scripture so strongly warns about: the time when everyone does what is right in their own eyes.

Indeed, the prophet Isaiah warned millennia ago that a corrupt people, choosing self over God, would come to a place of turning basic morality upside down: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20)

When we put sin and self ahead of God, we turn the moral universe upside down. And when we choose idolatry and immorality ahead of worship of the one true God, we end up in all kinds of error and moral confusion. No wonder Robinson does not want to use the Bible in his invocation message.

Indeed, why he even refers to the Scriptures as “sacred texts” is beyond me. What is sacred about them, in the bishop’s eyes? He does not seem to believe a word of them, yet he can give us this baloney about them being sacred. If he really regards them as being sacred, his first response would be to obey them, not ignore them in order to justify his own immoral lifestyle.

If Robinson is an abomination to biblical Christians everywhere, then he is a ‘godsend’ to the Obamanation. His worldview and that of Obama fit together perfectly. The secular humanism and amorality of the President-elect are nicely matched by the open defiance and rebellion of the idolatrous bishop. They make a beautiful couple.

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