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The Ugly PC Assault on Our Children

Each day another horror headline. The latest outrage concerns two Scottish grandchildren snatched away from their own grandparents and forcibly given over to two homosexual men instead. Bloody-minded bureaucrats thought homosexuals were better for the kids than their own grandparents, who they deemed to be too old.

This is barbarism, PC madness, and the ugly face of the homosexual activism. The gaystapo are becoming unstoppable, and the Western world is going down the tubes fast. The way things are going the thought police will soon wander from house to house, snatching children away from their parents and forcing them to be raised by militant homosexuals, all in the name of tolerance and PC.

Indeed, kids are already being snatched away in various circumstances, including from parents who have the nerve to home school their own children. We are without doubt entering a new dark ages. As Christianity has been marginalised and increasingly made illegal, the forces of darkness are having a field day, and the first casualties are our children.

Of course homosexuals cannot procreate, they can only recruit. So they appreciate the way they can so easily get access to our children. And our governments are letting them get away with this. In fact, they are aiding and abetting them in this activity.

Consider something that just arrived in my inbox, seconds ago: “MADRID, January 29, 2009 ( – After three days of debate, the Spanish Supreme Court has declared that parents do not have the right to opt out of a national civics program that includes indoctrination in homosexualist ideology and other offensive elements. The program, ‘Education for Citizenship,’ teaches children to make a ‘critical evaluation of the social and sexual division of labor and racist, xenophobic, sexist, and homophobic social prejudices’ and instructs teachers to ‘revise the student’s attitude towards homosexuality.’ It was formulated by Spain’s Socialist Worker’s Party, which has held power since 2004.”

Such examples are popping up every day. The militant homosexual activists are targeting our children, and they are winning all around the world. And as always, there are two parties to blame for all this. One is the militant activists and social engineers supported by leftist governments around the world. But the other party includes those who should know better: parents, Christians and others who may worry about all this, but for some reason refuse to get involved, refuse to speak out, and refuse to dirty their hands in these most important of battles.

One is reminded of the words of German pastor and Holocaust survivor Martin Niemoller: “In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”

Fortunately there are a few voices of sanity left in this decadent and amoral world, and a few people willing to take a stand. English commentator Melanie Phillips expresses her outrage at this latest example of child abuse. She is worth quoting at length. She begins with these words:

“When homosexuality was legalised back in 1967 did anyone dream that some four decades on a British grandmother and grandfather wanting to adopt their own grandchildren would be refused permission and the children adopted instead by two gay men? The case in Edinburgh reported today, where precisely this grotesque development has occurred, illustrates the sickening way in which what started out as a decent attempt to be tolerant towards a minority lifestyle has turned into a totalitarian assault upon family life and human rights.”

She continues, “There are so many layers to this gross and terrifying abuse of power that one hardly knows where to start. The reason why adoption is so successful at raising healthy, well-adjusted children is that it replicates as far as possible the biological mother and father whose presence in the family is so crucial to the well-being of their children.”

“The prevailing argument that all types of family are as good as each other as far as the children are concerned simply isn’t true. While some children emerge relatively unscathed from irregular households, children need to be brought up by the two people ‘who made me’ – or, in adoptive households, in a family which closely replicates that arrangement. Where that does not happen, the child’s deepest sense of his or her identity as a human being is at some level damaged.”

Of course the social science data on all this is overwhelmingly clear. The best interests of children occur when they are raised by their own biological mother and father, or in a household as close to this as possible. This documentation is voluminous and overwhelming.

But our bureaucrats and social engineers don’t give a rip about the evidence, or the welfare of our children. They are into only one thing: promoting the agendas of the radical minority activist groups. These folk have declared war on our children.

“The powers invested in social workers to interfere in family life are extensive and draconian, and are granted only because of the acknowledged need to safeguard the interests of children against abusive family situations. But in this case, it is Edinburgh social services department that has grossly abused its position of trust by intentionally placing these most vulnerable children in a position of disadvantage and maybe even harm for nothing other than ideological reasons. Worse still, they have threatened and intimidated the children’s grandparents – for daring to object to a course of action for their own grandchildren which they think with good reason would be detrimental to them.”

“It is beyond pathetic to read the grandfather trying to protest that he is not ‘homophobic’ – all for having the temerity to say that his own grandchildren need a mother and father figure in their lives. For that he is branded a bigot. Indeed, where ‘gay rights’ are concerned the old joke that what was once forbidden becomes in due course mandatory has now come all too true in post-morality Britain. Despite the fact that gay adoption is opposed by most people – polls suggest that some 90 per cent are opposed in Scotland – the law that enabled it was rammed through Parliament with the help, to their eternal shame, of the politically correct Cameroons. Ever since, it has been promoted assiduously by left-wing councils – some of which forbid adoption by smokers and obese people but actively support gay fostering and adoption.”

“The underlying agenda behind gay adoption, as it is behind the whole gay rights movement, is nothing to do with protecting the rights of gay people. Were it really so, there would be no objection. No-one should be discriminated against simply on the grounds of his or her sexuality. That does not mean, however, that gay lifestyles must be regarded as of equal value to heterosexual households when it comes to the raising of children. To say that anyone who makes such a distinction is prejudiced is to turn reality on its head.”

“But that is indeed the whole point of the gay rights movement – to destroy the very notion of heterosexual norms of sexual behaviour and the definition of the family so that gay lifestyles can present themselves as ‘normal’. This in turn is part of the broader onslaught upon the Judeo-Christian principles upon which British society and western civilisation are based, which has been mounted now for decades by ideologues of the left and which has progressively eviscerated family life on the altar of individual ‘lifestyle choice’.”

Phillips concludes, “The result is a world turned on its head in which what is harmful is said to be good and what is good is said to be harmful; tolerance has turned into gross intolerance; and upholding human rights has turned into an onslaught upon human rights. The hapless Scottish grandparents are but the latest victims of a brutal totalitarian dogma, which anyone with an ounce of real liberal principle should denounce for the attack on justice, humanity and common-sense that it undoubtedly is.”

This latest attack by the gaystapo shows the real depths of the PC cesspool. And it demonstrates the very real war we are in. It is a war that is fundamental and pervasive. And the real prize being fought over is our children and our grandchildren.

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