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More Trendy Artists, More Boring Sacrilege

Yawn. Here we go again. More “cutting edge” artists seeking to make a statement. Another “bold” bit of social commentary. Another case of tax-payer funded anti-religious bigotry and sacrilege. Yet another attack on Christianity. Yet another compelling reason why some artists should be forced to get real jobs.

This time the “work of art” has appeared at the prestigious Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow. So what is this great piece of art all about? The Made In God’s Image exhibit is simply a Bible with a bunch of pens, in which viewers are invited to scrawl any remark on its pages.

Sure enough, those learned and sophisticated art lovers took the bait, and laced the Bible with plenty of puerile comments, profanities and vulgarities. And they seemed to have a ball doing it, much like a two-year-old would love defacing a wall with a crayon.

The Glasgow “artist” Anthony Schrag said he wanted homosexuals and transsexuals who felt left out of religion to “write their way back in” to the holy text. Oh really? How meaningful and how moving. So I take it he would not mind if a bunch of religious folk went into some cherished homosexual site and defaced it with all sorts of anti-homosexual commentary.

The Pope also condemned the exhibit, rightly pointing out that Schrag very wisely decided not to include a Koran in the exhibit, even though that religious book also takes a strong stance on homosexuality. Of course this artist wouldn’t dare do that. He is too chicken.

He knows that Christians won’t issue fatwas against him, or seek to blow up the art gallery. As usual, Christians are soft targets. These trendy lefty arty farty types are always keen to declare open season on Christianity, offering all sorts of blasphemous and sacrilegious works, all justified of course in the name of “art”.

The only bit of sanity to come out of this episode is that there were in fact enough people who complained about this work of desecration that the gallery was forced to “put the vandalised Bible on show in a locked case, while still allowing visitors to write comments on blank sheets of paper” as one newspaper account puts it.

This is simply another example of two worrying trends in Western culture: the way the artistic community is increasingly getting away with murder, and the way the homosexual activists keep showing their true colours. Art used to involve things like creativity and talent. But today anyone can do anything and call it art, thus trivialising the whole enterprise.

And the homosexual activists carp all day about how much they are into toleration and openness. Yet that is the very last thing the militant homosexual activists show to anyone who dares to cross their agenda. And forcing taxpayers to subsidise this garbage is really the last straw.

If some twit wants to do this at his own expense in some private gallery that is one thing. But to force taxpayers to subsidise “art” which is a frontal assault on many of their most basic and cherished of values and beliefs is beyond the pale.

Not only should this “artist” get a new day job, so should the egghead buffoons and bureaucrats who allowed this foolishness to be displayed in the first place. But with the inmates evidently running the asylum over there, I guess we shouldn’t hold our breath.

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