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Liberal Christianity’s Assault on Religious Freedom

Hard on the heels of the passage of Obama’s anti-Christian hate crimes law, we now find he is being aided and abetted by liberal churchians who also want to shut down free speech and silence conservative believers. Indeed, they have sided with the radicals in seeking to undermine the freedom of believers to speak out on the dangerous directions of our leftist leaders.

They want to use the American Federal Communications Commission to effectively censor conservative voices in radio and television. There is an interfaith group of liberal religious types called “So We Might See” which had declared war on the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and other very popular conservative media commentators.

Columnist Michelle Malkin has written up this alarming development, and she is worth quoting at length. Her piece is entitled, “How the FCC and Liberal Churches Are Scheming To Shut You Up “. These leftist churchians are aiming for the same thing Obama is doing by government law: squashing religious freedom, especially that of biblical Christians.

It seems the initial issue which has got these liberals upset is the immigration debate. With porous borders and millions of illegal aliens in the US, this is certainly an important topic which deserves proper debate. But the lefties want to effectively shut down such democratic debate. Says Malkin,

“The ‘interfaith coalition for media justice’ is led by the United Church of Christ. Yes, that’s the same church of Obama’s race-baiting, Jew-bashing ex-pastor Jeremiah Wright. Other members include the Presbyterian News Service, the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the National Council of Churches. These religious liberals have partnered with the National Hispanic Media Coalition, which filed a petition in January demanding that the FCC collect data, seek public comment and ‘explore options’ for combating ‘hate speech’ from staunch critics of illegal immigration.

“Open-borders groups have sought to marginalize, criminalize and demonize those of us who have raised our voices for years about lax immigration enforcement – and to impose an Orwellian Fairness Doctrine-style policy on illegal alien amnesty opponents. During the presidential campaign, the National Council of La Raza launched a ‘We Can Stop the Hate’ project to redefine tough policy criticism from the right as ‘hate.’ La Raza President Janet Murguia called for TV networks to keep immigration enforcement proponents off the airwaves and argued that hate speech should not be tolerated, ‘even if such censorship were a violation of First Amendment rights,’ according to Broadcasting and Cable News.”

They know that Obama will be quite sympathetic to their cause: “Their FCC petition calling for a crackdown on illegal immigration critics cites Obama’s own words in a fall 2008 speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Obama told his amnesty-supporting audience that he knew they were ‘counting on us to stop the hateful rhetoric filling our airwaves.’ Unsurprisingly, far-left billionaire George Soros’ money is backing the So We Might See/National Hispanic Media Coalition effort.”

In fact, the FCC Commissioner, Michael J. Copps gave a lecture at the UCC’s Riverside Church in New York City recently, approving of the liberal church leaders’ goals and encouraging the congregation to take action on “media reform”.

She continues, “Jeffrey Lord, who happens to belong to the United Church of Christ, reported in The American Spectator that not long after that speech, the UCC sent out a mass e-mail to its millions of members urging them to join the nationwide fast and regulatory drive. The church-state alliance missive directed its followers: ‘As a participant, you will be asked to sign a petition to the Federal Communications Commission asking that it open a notice of inquiry into hate speech in the media’.”

Malkin rightly notes the gross double standards here: “No word on when they’ll be launching an inquiry into the fear-based, fact-free ‘hate speech’ from the mouth of Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who accused Republicans of wanting sick patients to ‘die quickly,’ likened health care problems to the ‘Holocaust’ and attacked an adviser to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke as a ‘K Street whore’.”

She concludes, there is also no word on “when they’ll be going after MSNBC and Air America radio hate-mongers who have openly wished on their airwaves for the deaths of George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. But I digress. In the age of Obama, the targets of left-wing hate speech don’t have a prayer.”

It is bad enough when the secular left wages its war upon the freedom of biblical Christians to use the airwaves to share their message. But when leftist churchians join in the attack, this is a real cause for concern. But we should not be surprised. We have long been warned about such things in Scripture. What did Jesus say about ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’?

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