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Remaining Silent at Our Own Execution

In a recent post I mentioned how one especially foul-mouthed misotheist was sacked from her own newspaper. Given how atrocious she has been over the years, this decision was long overdue. But sadly, there would be plenty more such anti-Christian bigots working for the mainstream media.

The MSM is largely made up of those who are hostile to religion and who are far left of centre. Numerous studies have documented this. Some recent book-length studies on this include, The Media Elite by Lichter, Rothman and Lichter (1986), and Bias by Bernard Goldberg (2001).

Many media insiders even admit to this blatant secular-left bias. For example, David Salter, a former executive producer of the ABC’s Media Watch, said this several years ago: “The long march of young liberal-humanist progressives through the ABC’s many portals is as much a self-perpetuating cycle as the daughters of doctors choosing a medical career or the sons of great football players striving to match the sporting deeds of their fathers.”

While even those on the other side admit to this bias, it seems that plenty of Christians are unaware of this or not bothered in the least by it. Indeed, I have written before about how Western Christians are sleeping through their own execution. They either do not know or do not care that the Christian faith is slowly but surely being buried all around the Western world.

They seem oblivious to the steady assault on their very faith, and seem unconcerned about how the media is regularly trashing their belief system. The surrounding culture has declared war on the Christian faith, and many believers are sleeping through the whole thing.

Thus if religious freedom is totally snuffed out one day soon, we will have only ourselves to blame. We can’t say we haven’t been warned. Not only have certain Christian watchmen ministries sought to sound the alarm, but even non-believers have pointed this out.

Indeed, there is a new book out which is quite incredible in this regard. It quite clearly sounds the alarm about the war against Christianity. It very carefully documents the relentless MSM bias against Christianity. It nicely makes the case for the media’s anti-Christian bias. Yet it is written by an atheist!

I refer to the new book by American social commentator, S.E. Cupp. Her brand new book, Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack on Christianity (Threshold Editions, 2010) is a damning indictment of the secular left’s war against Christianity. And as I say, it is penned by a non-Christian – an atheist no less.

Here is how one book blurb describes the volume: “From her galvanizing introduction, you know where S. E. Cupp stands: She’s an atheist. A non-believer. Which makes her the perfect impartial reporter from the trenches of a culture war dividing America and eroding the Judeo-Christian values on which this country was founded.

“Starting at the top, she exposes the unwitting courtship of President Obama and the liberal press, which consistently misreports or downplays Obama’s clear discomfort with, or blatant disregard for, religious America – from covering up religious imagery in the backdrop of his Georgetown University speech to his absence from events surrounding the National Day of Prayer, to identifying America in his inaugural address as, among other things, ‘a nation of non-believers.’

“She likens the calculated attacks of the liberal media to a class war, a revolution with a singular purpose: to overthrow God and silence Christian America for good. And she sends out an urgent call for all Americans to push back the leftist propaganda blitz striking on the Internet, radio, television, in films, publishing, and print journalism – or invite the tyrannies of a ‘mainstream’ media set on mocking our beliefs, controlling our decisions, and extinguishing our freedoms.”

In a recent interview she explains why she wrote the book and why this topic is so important. She explains why Christians are especially being targeted by the MSM, and why they are such an easy target:

“Hollywood started treating Christianity like it was some kind of social disease decades ago. These days, it’s practically company policy in Hollywood to mock Christianity as hopelessly uncool and unsophisticated. The liberal media has, in the past 10 years or so, joined in the action. I think they’ve both been so successful in promoting that message in the popular culture, because Christians represent a vast majority – and majorities get complacent. But, if Christian America doesn’t stand up to the liberal media and demand more respect, they might not be a majority in the future.”

She explains why it is such a target: “Two reasons: One, it’s a way of getting at conservatism. If they can effectively paint Christians as dangerous fanatics, it’s just a skip away from painting conservatives as dangerous fanatics. They conflate politics and religion here because, well, it works. Two, the moral relativism of liberalism is threatened by the fixed value system of Christianity, which holds people accountable for their actions. Liberalism can dismiss a lot of bad behavior, and that’s just the way they like it. Liberals in the media are deeply mistrusting of, and uncomfortable with, judgmental morality.”

She explains how the MSM has lost all accountability, and focused its attacks on Christianity, instead of keeping government honest: “That’s right, the Fourth Estate used to be the watchdogs of the state, and now the media is targeting YOU, the private citizen. It’s targeting your values, your beliefs, your freedoms, your politics, your way of life, all to advance a secular, liberal agenda of its own. Well that’s not what the press is there for; that’s not its responsibility. The mainstream media has lost its way – it can either rediscover responsible journalism, or it should repackage itself as an alternative press, which in many ways, it is.”

And she shows believers how to get involved in standing up for religious freedom: “Peaceful protest. I’m shocked that there aren’t protesters outside of The New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, etc. on a daily basis protesting the way Christians are talked about. The liberal media calls Christians terrorists, extremists, simpletons and much, much worse. They treat them like they are pariahs. Well, I’d like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow and Lisa Miller and Glenn Greenwald and the rest of them to feel like pariahs. Instead, they’re protected within a tiny, liberal, secular bubble, and they have no idea that the majority of the country shudders in disgust when they attack the values upon which America was founded. I think it’s time Christian America woke from their slumber and saw just how bad it’s gotten.”

Once again, we have a non-believer rolling up her sleeves and getting her hands dirty, defending Christians. The obvious question that arises here is this: where in the world are the Christians? Why aren’t they speaking up? Why are they remaining silent on such a vitally important issue?

Indeed, why do atheists have to come to the defence of Christians? Why are not Christians standing up for what is important? Why do they sit by passively and lazily, forcing non-believers to pick up the slack and fight their fights for them?

I am very grateful for the likes of S.E. Cupp. We need many more of them. But we really need many more Christians who will wake from their slumber, repent of their gross apathy and indifference, and start getting involved in the battles of the day.

If we don’t we are simply digging our own grave.

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