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Coming Soon To a Gulag Near You

All around the world homosexual activists are working overtime to silence any opposition, and make sure that dissenters are rounded up and rendered voiceless and powerless. If not jail time or fines, they will do their utmost to get people fired from their jobs if they dare to differ on homosexuality.

Of course they disingenuously seek to tell us that they just want to be free to do their thing in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Don’t believe it for a minute. They are on a holy crusade to rid the world of anyone who dares to suggest that the homosexual lifestyle is wrong, unhealthy or dangerous.

So the Gaystapo are working ceaselessly to harass, persecute and prosecute anyone who does not conform to their image. And they are using an activist judiciary to especially achieve their aims. Hate crimes legislation is a great way to censor any contrary points of view and silence the critics.

So too are various equal opportunity laws and anti-discrimination legislation. They are all being used to great effect by the militant homosexual activists to wipe out any and all opposition to their agenda. It is beginning to look as if there is not much left for them to do except perhaps engage in some public book burnings and establish new Gulags around the world.

Examples of this crusade can now fill books. Indeed, numerous books have appeared of late chronicling and detailing the relentless march of the Gaystapo. One of the most recent episodes occurred at the University of Illinois. There an adjunct professor was fired because of his stance on homosexuality.

He was teaching courses on Catholicism but he lost his job when a student complained that he was guilty of hate speech since he said the Catholic Church teaches that homosexual sex is immoral. The professor, Ken Howell, had sent an email to students preparing for an exam, saying that “Natural Moral Law says that Morality must be a response to REALITY. In other words, sexual acts are only appropriate for people who are complementary, not the same.”

He later said, “My responsibility on teaching a class on Catholicism is to teach what the Catholic Church teaches. I have always made it very, very clear to my students they are never required to believe what I’m teaching and they’ll never be judged on that.”

As one news report mentions, “Cary Nelson, president of the American Association of University Professors, said professors should be able to tell students their own views and even argue in favor of them, provided students can disagree without being penalized. . . . Howell has taught at the university for nine years, and was recognized by his department in 2008 and 2009 for being rated an excellent teacher by students.”

But all this matters little to the aggressive forces of political correctness which now roam our college campuses and any other public arenas. The militant homosexualists and their PC supporters are now on a search and destroy mission to stamp out any voices opposing their agenda.

All their talk of just wanting to be left alone to do their own thing is now seen for what it is: just a smokescreen. They are now using the law to force everyone to embrace their agenda, or face the consequences. They have long moved on from simply seeking acceptance.

They now want complete endorsement, or else. Thus they have used the courts to push this social upheaval. They well know that law can do three things: prohibit, permit, or promote. The West has long ago stopped prohibiting homosexuality. And it in fact has moved on from permitting it.

Now an activist judiciary is promoting the homosexual agenda, and woe to those who dare to resist this attempt at mass social engineering. Indeed, the activists themselves are amazed at how quickly and easily they have been able to transform society.

One Australian homosexual activist wrote an entire book on all this. After mentioning a number of legal victories granting special rights to homosexuals, he says: “I hope all those clever post-modern academics and nostalgic Marxists who have been arguing all these years that we will never achieve equality or liberation under patriarchal capitalist bourgeois democracy have been paying attention.”

Elsewhere the same commentator makes these remarks: “It is astonishing how in recent years the dynamics of gay rights law reform have changed. In the old days (before about 1990), it took years of patient lobbying, petition writing, fundraising and occasional violent demo-going to bring about change. . . . But in recent years, no sooner does the gay and lesbian community think of some new reform, some new right, than gay-friendly politicians positively … rush to put it into law for us. We scarcely even have to ask.”

Exactly right. The forces of political correctness have pretty much got a stranglehold on the media, the political arena, the judiciary, and the school system. All that remains now is to get rid of any last traces of resistance. Kicking people out of their jobs is certainly one way.

Punishing them with fines or imprisonment also works well. And preventing them from having any access to the institutions of power and influence is another effective means. The old ploy of the “long march through the institutions” advocated by Gramsci is nicely coming to pass, and at the vanguard of all this is the militant homosexual brigade.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. It seems that we have not been very vigilant of late, given the alarming number of freedoms we have recently lost. And it will only get worse, unless concerned citizens start to stand up and be counted.

Once again, the classic words of Burke must be repeated here: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

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