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Madness at Ground Zero

By now most of you would have heard about the outrageous proposal to build a mosque at Ground Zero. Late in May it was announced that a massive mosque will be built just two blocks from where the Twin Towers fell to Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2001.

This is how the Associated Press reported the news at the time: “A New York City community board has voted to support a plan to build a mosque near the World Trade Centre site. The vote late Tuesday was 29-1 in favour, with 10 abstentions. It came after hours of contentious public comment about the project to build and a mosque and Islamic cultural centre near the site of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

“Supporters say the mosque will build bridges and foster interfaith dialogue. Critics say the proposed lower Manhattan site is an insult to September 11 victims. Some September 11 victims’ families have expressed anger about the mosque being built so close to where their relatives died. The organisations sponsoring the project says it’s trying to meet a need for prayer space. It also wants to provide a venue for mainstream Islam to counter extremism.”

As can be imagined, there has been plenty of debate about this decision, and plenty of anger. And rightly so. Just today a press story appeared about how the mainstream media seems to have sided with the Muslims here. As one media outlet presents the story:

“An ad urging Americans to oppose the building of a mosque near Ground Zero has been turned down and won’t be aired on CBS and NBC, according to several reports. The ad, entitled ‘The Audacity of Jihad,’ shows, among other things, a man falling out of the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks. CBS and NBC said the ad did not meet the networks’ standards and guidelines for broadcast.

“The controversial 60-second spot begins with a narrator saying: ‘On Sept. 11, they declared war against us. And to celebrate that murder of 3,000 Americans, they want to build a monstrous 13-story mosque at Ground Zero.’ Funded by the National Republican Trust PAC, the ad also includes footage of the second plane crashing into the World Trade Center on 9/11 before flashing to video of Muslim men celebrating.”

Notice how this report calls the ad “controversial” but not the proposal to build a mosque there! It is of course not surprising that the MSM would refuse such an ad. As has been demonstrated time and time again, the secular left in the West is happy to lock arms with the Islamists, since both groups so deeply hate the West.

It is also interesting to note that the funding for this mosque is coming from a group called the Cordoba Initiative. Those with a bit of historical knowledge will recall that it was in Cordoba, Spain that the first great mosque was built as part of the Islamic conquest of Spain. It in fact was first a Christian church which they refashioned into a mosque.

The mosque of course is a symbol of Islamic hegemony, among other things. It is a spearhead into kafir territory. It is a sign that the full submission of a pagan nation is underway. And in this case it is a direct and deliberate slap in the face of the three thousand innocent victims of Islamist terror.

But consider further for a moment just what exactly is being proposed here. Try to find some parallels here. Imagine a Japanese shrine built in Hawaii a few years after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour. Or perhaps more to the point, try to imagine a Christian church built in the centre of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

This is sheer madness. It is also just one more case of dhimmitude. This refers to the second-class citizenship status of Jews and Christians living in Muslim-majority nations. But it increasingly is referring to a weak and dispirited West which is caving in time and time again to the demands of the Islamists.

All over the Western world we are raising the white flag of surrender. We are capitulating left and right to the onrush of Islam. What they cannot take by the edge of the sword they will get by softening up a demoralised and politically correct West.

Where all this madness will end remains to be seen. But we are clearly aiding and abetting the attempts by the Islamists to neutralise the West and bring it under a universal caliphate devoted to Allah. Why the West is so cooperative in this demolition job is hard to fathom.

But unless some resolve and backbone is shown real quick, we will all be facing Mecca and saying our prayers five times a day.

The ad which was refused by the American TV networks can be seen here:

And here is a very good 6-minute video assessment of this madness by an English commentator:

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