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On Learning How To Think (Perhaps For the Very First Time)

An entire generation in the West has been force-fed a steady diet of secular leftism, moral relativism, and postmodern psycho-babble. Our schools, media, legal system and popular culture – among others – have dumbed down an entire generation, instilling in them every idiotic and puerile PC dogma and leftist tenet of belief possible.

Thus most people today, raised and reared in that system, are now becoming close to zombies, parroting the latest trendy leftwing fads and foolishness, not even aware of how little bearing their ideas are to reality, common sense, history or basic morality.

This is the very frightening legacy of years of concerted efforts to wear down the West from within. Gramsci and others fully outlined their intentions in this regard years ago, and we are now seeing the fruit of their labours. I have written about the scourge of cultural Marxism elsewhere, eg:

It is not just the steady stream of indoctrination, propaganda and agenda-pushing from our schools and elsewhere that is so problematic. Even worse still is the result of all this. Not only is Western culture going down the gurgler (just what the leftist militants want), but our very ability to think and reason is being destroyed as well.

Students today are rarely being taught how to think for themselves, how to logically assess an argument, how to critically think through the issues of the day. Instead they are being spoon-fed exactly what their puppet masters want them to think.

Indeed, the last thing these cultural Marxists want is for people to actually be able to think and assess matters for themselves. They want well-heeled mobs that will unflinchingly follow the leftist dictates which have been drilled into them from kindergarten to grad school.

And of course with this neutralism of the mind comes an equally pernicious and harmful neutralising of the spirit. A loss of reason and critical thinking will always lead to a loss in basic morality. Indeed, with political correctness running amok, and kids from day one being taught that there are no moral absolutes and no intrinsic rights and wrongs, then we should not be surprised to see a widescale hardening of the moral arteries.

The rioting in Britain last week is just one clear example of all this. Plenty of other examples come to mind. One occurred last night on TV. I did not see it but was told about it. A pro-marriage advocate was basically howled down on a talk show for arguing that children need a mum and a dad, and that same-sex marriage would open the door for all sorts of other problems.

These young trendy hip TV presenters were so thoroughly steeped in their left PC indoctrination, that they all took offense at this, and said they were insulted by such outlandish remarks. Imagine being offended by someone standing up for marriage and the wellbeing of children!

When a generation of rather lost souls comes to a place like that where mental and moral firmness have disappeared, then we know that society is basically in a terminal condition. Indeed, with minds like mush and morals almost nonexistent, we can expect to see any number of new and horrendous social engineering proposals. And even more tragically, we won’t even bat an eyelid about them when they are presented.

Let me offer two brief examples. Both of these despicable matters reported in the news are just par for the course for a generation which has been robbed of the ability to think or engage in sound moral reasoning. The first has to do with a gathering of various eggheads, sexperts and academics. Now that they have managed to normalise and glamorise homosexuality, they are attempting to do the same with paedophilia.

Here is how one news report covers the story: “Researchers from several prominent U.S. universities will participate tomorrow in a Baltimore conference reportedly aiming to normalize pedophilia. According to the sponsoring organization’s website, the event will examine ways in which ‘minor-attracted persons’ can be involved in a revision of the American Psychological Association (APA) classification of pedophilia.

B4U-ACT, a group of pro-pedophile activists and mental health professionals, is behind the August 17 conference, which will include panelists from Harvard University, the Johns Hopkins University, the University of Louisville, and the University of Illinois. B4U-ACT science director Howard Kline has criticized the definition of pedophilia by the American Psychological Association, describing its treatment of ‘minor-attracted persons’ as ‘inaccurate’ and ‘misleading’.”

There you have it folks. After a generation of mindless and soulless brainwashing we have managed to convince ourselves that there are no longer any adult perverts running around who want to take their sexual thrills out on little children. Now they are so very politely referred to as “minor-attracted persons”.

Isn’t it interesting? Decades ago we argued that if we go down the road of normalising homosexuality, paedophilia will be next on the list. We were shouted down with abuse and ridicule at the time – and still are. But now our exact warnings are coming to pass, yet the radicals will simply keep shooting the messenger here.

Let me give you another example, also having to do with sexual madness. Consider this tragic case coming out of Sydney: “A Sydney man says he is devastated that his name has been taken off a 10-year-old girl’s birth certificate, after a legal challenge by the mother’s former lesbian partner.

“The girl was born in 2001 after the man, who for legal reasons can only be known as BB, answered an advertisement to provide sperm to a lesbian couple. The birth mother’s name was put on the birth certificate, along with BB’s. A law change in 2008 allowed lesbian couples to be listed on birth certificates, but still limited the document to two parents.”

Father? Come on, that is such an outmoded and oppressive concept. We are all so very enlightened now. We know that fathers don’t mean beans any more. As long as various adults are around that will do for parenting. Why get hung up with such quaint and unnecessary concepts such as biological mothers and fathers?

And who gives a rip about the child in question? The right of every single child to know and be raised by his or her biological parents has been stripped away by the single stroke of a pen by an activist PC judge. We have declared war on our own children, all in the name of letting adults fulfil their selfish lusts while destroying society.

Indeed, our Federal Finance Minister and her female lover have publicly celebrated their coming IVF baby, so why shouldn’t we? In fact, anyone who dares to question this move, such as Fred Nile, is immediately howled down by our elites, eggheads and intellectualoids.

We are all just so smart and progressive nowadays. C.S. Lewis said it so very well a half century ago: “We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.”

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