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The Attempted Eradication of Christianity

The secular jihadists have declared war against Christianity, and are working overtime to ensure that it is eradicated in the Western world. This site has documented many dozens of examples of this, and each new week provides further case studies in this.

The secular crusaders think all would be sweetness and light in this world if we could only get rid of those pesky Christians and their awful religion. They somehow expect us to believe that utopia will arrive on planet earth when Christianity is gone and secularism reigns supreme.

Yeah right. More people were killed last century in the name of secular humanism than all the world’s religious conflicts put together. The bloody side of secularism is unfortunately a historical reality. And the overwhelming good which Christianity has done for the world is also a matter of historical fact, as I discuss elsewhere:

Unfortunately Australia is also keen to join in this secularist demolition derby. Not surprising really, considering we have two atheists running the country at the moment. Here are two of the most recent examples of this move to banish Christianity – at least from the public arena.


In Western Australia some of our enlightened legal eagles have declared war on Christianity, and want to see it taken out of public discourse. Here is how one news report covers this story: “Mateship, the Anzac spirit and Christianity should be excluded from planned changes to the preamble of Australia’s Constitution, the Law Society of WA says.

“In a paper discussing a national bipartisan plan to update the constitution via a referendum, the Law Society supported changes that would formally recognise Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders and guarantee racial equality while allowing laws and policies that specifically benefit indigenous people.

“The paper, submitted to the Law Council of Australia, said while preambles often described a nation’s history and values, the Law Society had ‘mixed views on whether the proposed preamble should be broader than just about recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’.

“The society said while such a move could foster ‘popular ownership’ and garner support for the proposed changes, it could also complicate the matter and risk a lack of bipartisan support. It recommended against referring to ‘God, Christianity, mateship and the Anzac spirit’.”

This is incredible for all sorts of reasons. It is simply blatant anti-Christian bigotry, disguised in the garb of legal mumbo-jumbo. But even more bizarre is the utter ignorance of our indigenous brothers and sisters. The simple truth is, there is probably a far greater recognition of God and Christianity in the Aboriginal communities than in Australia at large.

Indeed, I have shared in many meetings with some of these brothers, and there is a strong Christian conviction amongst many of them. They would be far more concerned about faith matters than these secular legal folks are. Yet this handful of secular activists wants to impose its narrow and ugly anti-theism on the rest of society.

The other recent Australian example of this is the move by the new national history curriculum to effectively eradicate Jesus from both history and our school system. Here is how the story has been covered: “A decision to use politically correct terms – which do not mention Jesus Christ – for dates BC and AD in the new national history curriculum was an act of Christian cleansing, church leaders said yesterday. BCE (Before Common Era), BP (Before Present) and CE (Common Era) are the new neutral terms to replace the historical terms BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini).”

Given that the clear majority of Australians are Christians, how dare the government make such insensitive and unnecessary changes? Unfortunately, they don’t seem to even give a rip: “A spokesman for Education Minister Adrian Piccoli said yesterday the minister was not concerned about the changes, adding that BCE and CE were commonly used terms.”

But others have rightly expressed their outrage. Archbishop of Sydney Peter Jensen said this was an “intellectually absurd attempt to write Christ out of human history. It is absurd because the coming of Christ remains the centre point of dating and because the phrase ‘common era’ is meaningless and misleading.”

Liberal education spokesman Christopher Pyne agrees: “Australia is what it is today because of the foundations of our nation in the Judeo-Christian heritage that we inherited from Western civilisation. Kowtowing to political correctness by the embarrassing removal of AD and BC in our national curriculum is of a piece with the fundamental flaw of trying to deny who we are as a people.”

And Fred Nile of the CDP said the deletion was “an absolute disgrace … the direction of the national curriculum is towards almost a Christian cleansing to remove from our history any references to the role Christianity had in the formation of Australia and still has today.”

There are two important biblical responses to all this. On the one hand, Christians must wake from their slumber and start getting involved in these battles over religious liberty. There is an unholy war which has been declared against religion in general and Christianity in particular, and we must all get involved in this.

We must stand up for the right of the public proclamation of Christianity. We must not remain silent about this. If we do lose all our freedoms here, it will largely be our own fault, because of being so apathetic and uninvolved in all this. But there is a second response.

That is the good news that at the end of the day, all the secularists’ attempts to eradicate Christianity will come to nothing. God is still on the throne, and he will build his church. And as Jesus reminded us, “the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

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