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Church and Nation at Risk in UK

And you thought churches would be safe – hah! You simply fell for the lies of the militants. They keep claiming nothing will change with homosexual marriage, and churches can go on with business as usual. Of course they are lying through their teeth. They know full well that their aim is to shut down entirely all opposition – and the churches are first on their hit list.

All over the West the push for homosexual marriage is often being accompanied by sham talk of exceptions and exemptions for religious folks and institutions. Don’t believe a word of it. These are merely tactics to deceive gullible religious folk into thinking these law changes won’t be so bad.

And of course once the laws go through, then the exemptions will be taken away. We have a classic case of this just being revealed in today’s press. The very person who ought to know in the UK – a justice minister – has told Prime Minister Cameron that there is no way he can guarantee any exemptions won’t be stripped away. What an incredible admission.

Here is how one news article puts it: “David Cameron’s promise to protect churches from gay marriage laws could hit legal hurdles, a justice minister admitted yesterday. Crispin Blunt said it would be hard to guarantee that clergy would not face court challenges if they refused to preside over same-sex unions. ‘We’re seeking to protect, indeed, proscribe religious organisations from offering gay marriage,’ said Mr Blunt, who announced two years ago that he is gay.

“Crispin Blunt said it would be difficult to guarantee that clergy would not face court challenges if they refused to preside over gay marriages ‘That may be problematic legally, but the proposal the Government are putting forward is that marriage should be equal in the eyes of the state whether it’s between a same-sex couple or between a man and a woman. We’ll have to see what happens with that.’

“Mr Blunt’s comments appear to undermine reassurances from both Downing Street and Home Secretary Theresa May yesterday that churches will not be affected by the law. The remarks will be seized on by critics who insist that legalising gay marriage will eventually force bishops to accept same-sex marriages.

“Government ministers yesterday insisted the controversial change would go ahead by 2015, despite a ferocious backlash that saw the Roman Catholic Church join the Church of England in condemning the move. Catholic leaders told ministers that they do not believe Coalition guarantees of protection.

“David Cameron is likely to face a tricky balancing act in the ongoing debate over gay marriage. The European Court of Human Rights is likely to overturn the promised safeguards meant to assure churches they will never have to conduct gay weddings, they said. The statements came in a fiercely-worded response to the consultation on same-sex marriage that is due to end tomorrow.

“The Church of England has already said the safeguards will not hold under the scrutiny of the European court and that the 500-year-old ties between the Anglicans and the state are under threat. It warned it was very doubtful whether limiting same-sex couples to non-religious ceremonies would withstand a challenge at the court.”

Some better news

With all these assaults on faith and freedom, finally Christians there have started to wake up and take action: “The Catholic Church in England and Wales is further asking believers to sign a petition on the Coalition for Marriage website, which has so far gathered over 500,000 signatures opposing the government’s plans to change the definition of marriage.”

And in the meantime, plenty of homosexuals are coming out of the closet saying they do not favour homosexual marriage! Of course we have always known that most homosexuals don’t want it, but now some of the more honest ones are coming out loud and clear on this. Consider this amazing confession of one homosexual activist:

“Well, Mr Cameron, I am a Conservative and a homosexual, and I oppose gay marriage. Am I a bigot? And what about Alan Duncan, the first Conservative MP to come out as gay? Mr Duncan, the International Aid Minister who is in a civil partnership, is implacably opposed to gay marriage. So is Dr David Starkey, the celebrated historian, who is openly gay.

“The Labour MP Ben Bradshaw, meanwhile, who was the first Cabinet minister to enter into a civil partnership, is contemptuous of Mr Cameron’s motive for smashing down centuries of traditional Church teaching in reference to marriage. ‘This isn’t a priority for the gay community, which has already won equal rights with civil partnerships,’ says Bradshaw. ‘This is pure politics.’

“He’s right. It’s yet another sop to the wretched Lib Dems, even though they number only 57 of the 650 MPs at Westminster. The introduction of same-sex marriage became a policy commitment at the Lib Dem conference two years ago, even though there was no reference to it in their election manifesto, or in their four-page manifesto written for the gay community only six months earlier.

“At the time, the former Lib Dem MP Dr Evan Harris hailed the policy as ‘creating clear blue water with the Tories’. Few Conservatives took the idea seriously — until Mr Cameron’s bombshell announcement at the last Tory conference that he backed it, too.

“In spite of the furore caused by the Church of England’s intervention this week, Downing Street is insisting that Mr Cameron, who has so far performed 34 policy U-turns in power, has no intention of backing down on this issue. Even gay rights campaigners are puzzled by the Prime Minister’s conversion to the cause. Stonewall, a powerful pressure group for gay equality, has not called for gay marriage.”

So if all these activists are saying they don’t want homosexual marriage, then why in the world is the leader of the conservative party pushing it? This is madness in the extreme. If he goes ahead with this move, it will entirely fracture the nation.

Is that what he wants? Thanks a lot Cameron – just what they need. Such is the poisonous role of radical ideology – and behind it all the doctrines of demons. At the end of the day this is a spiritual assault on church and nation, with the ultimate aim of destroying both.

With friends like Cameron, watch out for the enemies.–Mr-Cameron.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

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