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Privatise the ABC

“Our” ABC is nothing of the sort. Sure, we are all forced to fund it through our hard-earned tax dollars, but it is certainly not mine, or that of most Australians. It does not reflect the whole of Australia, but only one very narrow part of it: the secular left, and the Labor party. That is basically all that it exists for.

It is filled with Labor supporters (simply witness how many ABC folks leave the broadcaster and become Labor Party politicians) and those of the secular left. Thus they constantly push every secular left cause, be it abortion on demand, homosexual marriage, or socialist foolishness.

They are pro-Obama, pro-Islam, pro-homosexuality, while being anti-family, anti-Christianity and anti-free market. The list can go on and on. And we see this reflected constantly in what the ABC has to offer, how it presents things and the slant it gives to its programs.

Even their news is awash with leftist bias and anti-Christian animus. What stories they choose to cover or don’t cover; who they give the most air time to; how they portray various current affair items – all this tells us much about how these guys operate.

And perhaps most galling of all is the fact that the Managing Director of the ABC, Mark Scott, claims to be a Christian. Yet for the life of me I fail to see that he has done anything to turn back the anti-Christian bigotry and leftist bias and propaganda. It is just as bad under him now as it was under his predecessors.

So when people say, “well we just need to get some Christians on board” it helps very little – we already have one as the head honcho and nothing has changed. Yes by all means we need more Christians there, and in all of the MSM. But some cultures are so entrenched in their overwhelming bias and slant that it seems that not much can be done.

That is why at the very least, the whole thing should be privatised. Why in the world should I and millions of other Australians be forced to subsidise and keep alive a broadcaster which we find odious, bigoted and unrepresentative? Let them survive on their own if they think they are such great shakes. Sink or swim.

Of course I have already written plenty of articles on just how bad the ABC is. I could put them together and turn out a small book if needed. But what has really got me stirred up was another absolutely appalling episode of Q&A. This program is always appalling for its blatant bias, bigotry and complete one-sidedness.

It usually features at best one, possibly two, folks representing conservative and/or Christian values, while everyone else, including the appalling “moderator” Tony Jones, are all of the secular left. Thus it is always a stacked deck, and always terribly unbalanced and unfair.

And of course the ABC ensures that the audience overwhelmingly shares its secular left bias and anti-Christian bigotry as well. The program held in Sydney last night was the most horrific example of the sheer prejudice, bullying and anti-Christian hate to date.

UK conservative and Christian Peter Hitchens (a former lefty and brother of the late Christopher Hitchens) was the lamb before the slaughter this time. He was the only intelligent, rational, calm and courageous guest on the show. In addition to lefty Jones, we had two feminists and a known bully, homosexual activist and anti-Christian bigot, Dan Savage.

So, one Christian against basically four radical secular lefties – utterly appalling. You have to see it to believe it (see the link below). It was typical ABC rubbish. The four always were ganging up on Peter. Whenever Peter tried to speak, he was incessantly shouted down, especially by Savage, yet Jones did absolutely nothing to stop these constant interruptions and harassment.

Yet whenever Peter tried to get a word in edgewise while the others were ranting away, Jones specifically told him to quiet down and wait his turn. This alone should infuriate any fair minded person, and prove once again what a biased and bigoted host Jones is, and how bad the entire show is.

And of course there were the screaming hordes, roaring with applause for Savage and the others, while reviling Peter. It was actually quite shocking and alarming to behold. Why was I reminded of the Nazi rallies here? Even Peter referred to this toxic audience and all their odium.

The show left me visibly shaken and enraged. It was arguably the worst Q&A show I have ever seen – and there have been plenty of bad ones. Another gal I know of was left in tears after the show. It was that bad and that palpable. It was spiritual warfare in action.

I am just so shocked and outraged at this despicable bunch. The show and all involved are bad enough, but it was so scary to see the deluded masses in the audience bare their fangs and bray for blood. These rather deluded and deceived masses cheered and praised a demonic character like Savage while pouring hatred and contempt on Hitchens.

Peter Hitchens of course did an admirable and superlative job under such horrific and unfair conditions. The ABC should be ashamed of itself as it does these Christians-to-the-lions shows. And why did my mind keep going back to a similar sort of scene in history?

“Give us Barabbas!” the crowd shouted. The same demonic crowds back then also had a choice between good and evil – between Barabbas and Jesus. And they chose Barabbas. Hate was on display 2000 years ago, and hate was on display last night in Sydney. They might as well have shouted out, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”

You could really feel the demonic vibes. It was utterly horrible. Yet Peter stood rock solid, and finished with a remarkable pitch for Jesus Christ which shocked everyone, including the contemptible Jones. Please pray for Peter. What a hero he was.

That plug for Jesus was in response to the final question, “Which so-called dangerous idea do you each think would have the greatest potential to change the world for the better if it was implemented?” (The show was held there as part of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas.) In marked contrast this is how Savage savagely replied:

“Population control: there’s too many god-damned people on the planet – I’m prochoice … I think abortion should be mandatory for about thirty years.” Mind boggling! And this is just some of the more bland stuff that comes out of his darkened mind, hardened heart, and foul mouth. In contrast, this is how Peter replied. It was the highlight of the entire evening:

“The most dangerous idea in human history and philosophy remains the belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and rose from the dead, and that is the most dangerous idea you will ever encounter.” When Jones asked him to explain, he continued:

“Because it alters the whole of human behaviour and all our responsibilities; it turns the universe from a meaningless chaos into a designed place in which there is justice and there is hope, and therefore we all have a duty to discover the nature of that justice and work towards that hope. It alters us all; if we reject it, it alters us all as well. It is incredibly dangerous, that is why so many people turn against it.”

Wow! What a tremendous public testimony for Jesus Christ. Well done Peter Hitchens. He was an absolute saint and champion last night. He deserves our praise and our prayers. And I know exactly what he went through as well. I have been on such ‘debate’ shows dozens and dozens of times over the years – TV, radio, etc. They are certainly no fun.

You are always outnumbered 4, 5, or 6 to 1. It is without doubt a real spiritual battle. And in the early days I had nothing like FaceBook or even emails to alert other people to at least pray for my time on these shows. I must say those were terribly lonely and tough times.

As Hitchens said two years ago: “People like me – though still allowed to speak – are allowed on to mainstream national broadcasting only under strict conditions: that we are ‘balanced’ by at least three other people who disagree with us so that our views, actually held by millions, are made to look like an eccentric minority opinion.”

And the ABC and other lefty MSM outlets will never allow a real, fair and proper debate – you know, like one on one, or two on two, or three on three, with a genuinely impartial moderator. That is just too much to ask. These clowns know that they always must have at least four to one to have some “balance”. Appalling.

I often wonder now if they are even worth doing. Often it means flying to another city, staying in a hotel, and coming back the next day – all to maybe get a few minutes’ air time to present your point of view! So I again say, well done good and faithful servant Peter. You were such a hero last night.

And I also say it again: it is time to privatise the ABC. This is such a despicable and contemptuous lot. They have no right to take my money to subsidise their trash.

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