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When the Pink Mafia Are In Control

Wow, the nerve of this guy. Sheer evil. Horrible beyond belief. So crucify him already. He is obviously not fit to live on planet earth. And his crime? Horrific child abuse? Multiple murders? Horrific KKK-type activities? No, something much, much worse.

So what exactly was his heinous crime deserving of the greatest punishment and condemnation? Well, he told the truth about homosexuality, that’s what. Shocking! Appalling! Utterly disgusting! How dare he! Does he not realise that this is the number one unpardonable sin in Australia today?

Does he not know that for daring to do so he will face the strictest of sanctions and punishment? Does he not know the re-education camps are reserved for such recalcitrants? Well, he does now obviously. The book has been thrown at him, and the whole world now knows about his monstrous crime.

Yep, telling the truth about homosexuality is today the worst thing you can do. Lying about homosexuality is perfectly acceptable, and promoting this dangerous deathstyle is just peachy. But dare to tell a few basic truths about this lifestyle and all hell will break loose.

Here is how one news outlet is running with the story:

A homophobic comment posted on social media by a Tasmanian school chaplain has drawn widespread condemnation. Hobart College chaplain and Kingborough youth outreach officer Troy Williams re-posted a comment on Facebook that said “homosexuality is not normal” and “no-one is born gay”. The post has since been removed and Mr Williams has issued an apology.
He told the ABC: “I’ve made a mistake and learnt from it. I’m deeply sorry for any offence I’ve caused. I was very careless in posting that image for discussion. I will work with my employers to ensure there is no repeat.” That not only means young gay people won’t be able to seek support from him, but he’s actually making their life worse, he’s perpetuating stigma against them.
Gay rights activist and academic Rodney Croome said he was shocked by the post. “I was quite horrified because what this post says to young gay people is that someone they should be able to trust and who should support them thinks that their sexuality is abnormal, unnatural and a choice,” he said.

Ha! Here we have the militants and their craven supporters hyperventilating over what? The poster in question said this: “Homosexuality is not ‘normal’ On the contrary it is a challenge to the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction. No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous.”

And the author of this horrific statement? Yep, lesbian activist Camille Paglia. So let me get this straight (no pun intended): if a lesbian says something that is not politically correct, then she is a homophobe? Right, got that. Makes perfect sense. Obviously she is bigoted, homophobic, and narrow-minded.

To even dare quote a lesbian today means the gay mafia will jump all over you and you will be forced to go to a re-education camp to correct your dangerous thoughts. Yep, just like the Communists did, now the homosexual fascists are doing it: this poor guy will now receive mandatory “counselling”. That is Orwellian doublespeak for thought control.

And sadly, we even have the Liberal Party up to their ears in this moonbattery: “Education Minister Jeremy Rockliff said he was seeking an urgent explanation from the Scripture Union. ‘Bigotry, in all its forms, is unacceptable in our community, and it certainly has no place in our school environment,’ he said.”

And to further show how he feels about freedom of speech and real diversity in the community, the Minister said this: “We expect much better. My department is seeking an urgent explanation from the Scripture Union about what it is doing to ensure this does not happen again.”

Hey, I thought the Liberals were supposed to be the conservative party, not the party of political correctness, stifling conformity, leftist social engineering, and anti-Christian prejudice. Since when is telling the truth “bigotry”? Since when is simply quoting a lesbian activist “bigotry”?

When you get a supposed conservative party kowtowing fully to the militant homosexual agenda, then you know they are a lost cause. The pink mafia may bully this poor chaplain, and seduce the Libs, but I will not let them bully me, intimidate me, or silence me.

Since this mob and their supporters in politics are so much into censorship, let me defy that right here and now. Let me repeat for the whole world to see the truth that Ms Paglia spoke:

“Homosexuality is not ‘normal’ On the contrary it is a challenge to the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction. No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous.”

There. So arrest me already. Tar and feather me already. Lock me up already. Send me to the gallows already.

I will never bow to these totalitarians. Never.

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