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This is How Moral Relativism is Winning – and Evangelicalism is Losing

Biblical Christians rightly affirm universal truth and absolute morality, while decrying the rise of moral relativism. We see the enemies of the faith – angry atheists, secular humanists, political lefties – constantly pushing moral relativism, insisting that there are no universal moral laws we all are subject to.

But let me tell you something: evangelicals can relax about what our enemies are up to, since we seem to be doing a great job of destroying the faith from within as we also shill for moral relativism in so many different ways. This has been going on for quite some time now.

The religious left has certainly been at this game, championing the immoral causes of the secular left, whether it is homosexual marriage or abortion on demand. They have trashed the faith as they have fully embraced moral relativism.

But sadly plenty of conservative evangelicals are doing the exact same thing. This has been abundantly clear this year as so many evangelicals have made Donald Trump their human messiah to be defended at all costs. I have interacted with hundreds of these folks this year, and it has been one of the most painful and grievous experiences of my entire Christian life.

Everything Scripture has to say about such matters seems to be thrown out the window as the only thing that really matters for these evangelical Trumpites is getting Donald in and keeping Hillary out of the White House. That really does seem to be their driving passion in life, and it seems that everything is morally permissible to attain this end.

The means can be as questionable as all get out, but it doesn’t matter: Donald must win, or else. Thus ‘the end justifies the means’ has now become for millions of evangelicals the new standard of Christian morality. It is how they do Christianity now. It seems for many, “For me to live is Trump and to die is gain” has become the new Christian credo to live and die for.

And yes it really is that bad. I have experienced this first hand many hundreds of times now. It breaks my heart as it must break the heart of God. It is nothing more than sinful idolatry, and it must be repented of. And the perfect example of this has just occurred this weekend when yet another damning revelation emerged of just what a vile, despicable, immoral lout Trump is.

In case you are not up on the latest, he said such edifying gems as this:
Trump: “I DID TRY AND F**K HER.”
Trump: “GRAB THEM BY THE P***Y.”

Yet once again – incredibly – so many of these evangelicals have rushed to his defence. I have dealt with many dozens of such folks in just the past 24 hours. They will actually make excuses for sin, seek to cover it up, water it down, justify it, make it seem OK, and insist it really is no big deal. These are evangelicals we are talking about here, not immoral or amoral atheists!

“Oh it was just some boys’ talk.” “All men talk this way.” “It happened a while ago.” “It is not so bad.” Yes I have actually heard Christians say all this and more. On and on the excuse making machine goes. And this is being done in three main ways which I have seen so often now that it really makes me ill. They are: “Yes but…,” “No one’s perfect,” and “You are a perfectionist.” Let me examine each of these.

“Yes but…”

Yes he is crude and rude, but….
Yes he had the morals of an alley cat, but…
Yes he is not quite my cup of tea, but…
Yes he has pretty reprehensible character, but…
Yes he is no saint, but…

And the second half of these lousy excuses is always this: “But Hillary is worse.” Or, “But Hillary will attack the church.” Or “But Hillary will make bad SCOTUS appointees” etc. etc. Um, since when have biblical Christians decided that it is now perfectly OK to excuse and justify the gross immorality and sins of one person simply because another person is also guilty of such things?

Is that the depths that evangelicals are now descending to? Defending reprehensible filth and perversion because all that matters is keeping Hillary out of the White House? So that is now the sum total of Christian ethics and morality? Whatever it takes to keep her out is the summum bonum of biblical morality and Scriptural truth?

This my friends is nothing other than moral relativism: the very thing we claim to detest in the enemies of the faith. But now it is just fine? Really? As long as Trump wins, everything is of secondary concern?

These defenders of Trump insist that a Hillary win will mean a real assault on Christianity and will prevent us from freely speaking about Christ. Um, earth calling the Trumpites. Trump already is gagging all Christian voices by trashing the Christian faith as countless gullible and undiscerning believers throw all their support and faith in this immoral lefty pagan.

Sorry, that is doing far more damage to the faith than anything Hillary might do. Evangelicals who have become blatant moral relativists have already taken a sledge hammer to the church. Pagans like Hillary can just sit back and watch as we do the demolition job ourselves.

“No one’s perfect”

I have lost count of the number of times I have had this idiotic excuse thrown at me. Why not try telling me something I don’t know? Of course no one is perfect. That is completely beside the point. The issue is, does character, integrity, decency and righteousness count for anything these days, especially when it comes to leaders and the fate of our nation?

It did matter 100 per cent for the American Founding Fathers. But for millions of American evangelicals, the only thing that matters is winning, and everything else is just a distraction. Trump must get in, and whatever it takes to make this happen is now the moral thing to do. Hmm, sounds just like Marxist morality to me: whatever it takes to accomplish our goals is moral. Anything that prevents this is immoral.

Oh, and I thought Jesus actually told us to be perfect as his father in heaven is. I guess these same evangelicals would deride and mock Jesus as well for such impractical idealism. “Let’s get real Jesus – we have to make America great again, so we don’t have time for all these lofty and unhelpful principles and stuff.”

This my friends is nothing other than moral relativism.

“You are a perfectionist”

I have seen so many of these evangelicals savagely smear and vilify Christians who refuse to join the Trump cult. They viciously attack committed, principled Christians who stand on the word of God and their biblically informed conscience, smearing them as being hung up on “principles” and being “perfectionists,” wanting a Sunday School teacher – or Jesus – in the White House, etc.

No I do not want or expect Jesus to run for POTUS. But I do expect a candidate put up by the GOP to actually be a Republican, a conservative, and have some basic values and principles. If any trailer park trash will do, because winning is all that matters, then we have sold our souls to the devil for a batch of humanistic porridge. And then conservatism has died as well as our Christian witness.

And that my friends is moral relativism.

These “Christians” who are still vigorously defending what this immoral pagan says and does are doing far more damage to Christianity than Hillary ever will. They are dragging the name of our Lord and his holy reputation through the dirt. No Christian should ever be guilty of doing that.

This my friends is moral relativism, and these evangelicals need to repent. And they need to repent of their gross hypocrisy as well. If a Democrat was found guilty of such perverted filth, evangelicals would rightly howl him down, saying no true Christian could ever support such an immoral sleazeball.

But when Trump does the very same sorts of things we detested and condemned in Bill Clinton, they not only defend him and demand that we still vote for him, but they make appalling excuses for his sin and shout down genuinely concerned believers.

This my friends is moral relativism, and this is why the church is losing big time in America and in the West.

As usual Matt Walsh has far more biblical wisdom and common sense on all this than millions of deceived evangelicals who no longer can think straight or act morally. What he said this weekend echoes my sentiments exactly:

Don’t defend Trump on this one, guys. Please don’t do it. Whether you’ll vote for him or not, please don’t debase and discredit yourself by defending a dirtbag who bragged about sexually assaulting women. Don’t. Just don’t. It’s not worth it.
And yes, it’s sexual assault. In the tapes from 2005 (he was sixty at the time — not 15) he talks about being able to “do whatever he wants” to women because he’s famous. He said he tried to “f*ck” a married woman but she shut him down. Then he said he can kiss women or “grab ’em in the p*ssy” and they’ll let him do it because he’s “a star.”
Yeah, Bill Clinton is just as bad. Yeah, Hillary is still terrible. Yeah, sure, but so what? The badness of someone else doesn’t make the badness of Trump less bad. And it certainly doesn’t excuse us in DEFENDING the badness.
This was my fear all along. This is why I opposed Trump. This is what I’ve been saying for over a year now. Trump will lose in a landslide and take down the whole movement with him. He’ll take it down because so many of its members are sacrificing the integrity and credibility of conservatism for Trump’s sake.
And it will only get worse from here. They have more dirt on Trump. Worse dirt. Get ready. It will all bubble to the surface now. Already I’ve read that a former Miss Utah is prepared to go on the record about being sexually assaulted by Trump. It’s all coming out. Everything. Just like I said it would. Just like so many of us said it would back when we tried to warn against nominating Trump. Nobody listened. And here we are.
The Trump campaign is coming apart. There’s probably no way to stop it. But all I ask is that you — I mean my reader, who I respect and appreciate — please don’t lower yourself for this man’s sake. Vote how you see fit, but don’t start telling us that it’s not so bad for a married 60 year old man to brag about grabbing random women in the crotch. It’s not OK. And it doesn’t suddenly become OK because a Republican did it.
We aren’t moral relativists. Or we shouldn’t be. But what grieves me so much is that Trump has turned so many of us into that.

I am not a moral relativist. I cannot be, since I am a biblical Christian. But it seems millions of evangelicals have been willing to trash moral absolutes and universal truth as they shill for this human wrecking ball. They will not only cause Hillary to easily get into the White House, but far worse, they have dishonoured their Lord and brought shame on the cause of Christ.

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