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When Nations Commit Suicide

Many Western nations are committing cultural hari-kari because of their commitment to extremist agendas and radical ideologies. Probably the two most noted examples of this would be Canada and the Netherlands. Both nations have pursued such radically dysfunctional and politically correct agendas, that they may well implode in the near future.

Both nations have taken the wrong approach to a whole range of social and cultural issues, especially in legalizing behaviours and lifestyles that most people would find deeply problematic. These include prostitution, drug use, euthanasia, homosexuality, and so on.

A recent episode in the Netherlands highlights this national urge to self-destruct. As a means of better checking who comes into the Netherlands, the nation will require all would-be immigrants to view a film, which among other things, shows two homosexuals kissing. How they react to that activity will in part determine if they are eligible for entry.  Presumably this will weed out intolerant and closed-minded individuals (Muslims seem especially targeted here) and keep the nation a beacon of fun-loving, tolerant hedonists.

But it seems to me that aside from legitimate concerns about monitoring who moves in to a nation, this is another example of how the homosexual juggernaut is crushing everything before it. What next, we may well ask? Will full acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle be mandatory in order for people to take up residence in our enlightened and liberated Western nations? Will we need to swear an oath to the homosexual agenda before we secure voting rights?

Will we have to publicly express our pleasure in the homosexual lifestyle before progressive governments grant us our welfare benefits? Will we have to watch homosexual sex scenes in order to qualify for rent assistance? Will we have to pledge allegiance to the homosexual way of life before we are allowed to purchase a house?  Will we have to attend the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras each year as a religious duty, in order to be allowed to travel in our nation? Will we have to renounce heterosexuality in all forms before we can be given the right to own a car?  The list can go on and on.

Yes, I am being extreme here, even provocative. Yet this is where we really seem to be heading in so many ways. Who would have imagined a few short years ago that approval of homosexual smooching would be a test of entry to a democratic nation?  The homosexual lobby has achieved almost all that it has ever wanted in many Western nations. But the one thing it most wants – public endorsement, acceptance and approval – it knows it will never get, at least from a good majority of the world’s population. That is why it always resorts to the heavy hand of the state to do its bidding. It knows it must get by compulsion and force what it can never get voluntarily.

So many of our enlightened Western nations are quite happy to serve as the storm troopers for this radical social movement. This episode in the Netherlands is just another step on the way to compulsory, state-enforced acceptance of the whole homosexual agenda. And soon enough, appropriate punishments will be swiftly meted out to those who do not fully comply.

But wait a minute here. Critics might say I am over-reacting, when in fact the Dutch needed to do something about their current multicultural headaches. Yes, in fairness, a few other factors might be pointed out. Because of the extreme liberal immigration and tolerance policies of the Dutch, they have been getting into some real trouble lately, including the two murders of prominent figures by Muslim extremists. Thus they are realizing that they need to get much tougher on who they admit into their country.  Nothing wrong with that.

Yes, people should swear an oath to the values and principles of the host nation. But do we really need to approve of homosexuality in order to prove we would make a good citizen? Based on their new-found criteria, I and many hundreds of millions of people worldwide would never be allowed into Holland, not because we are intolerant and possible suicide bombers, but because we do not endorse and embrace the homosexual lifestyle.

Surely other tests could have been devised. In fact, how people react to a topless female bather is also featured in the film. Presumably enlightened, progressive and tolerant people have no problem with public nudity as well.  But if you ask me, these are just lousy tests.

Many would rightly argue that people who embrace these two activities represent not an enlightened and progressive attitude, but a regressive one. By failing to make moral distinctions, we are heading backwards as a people, not forward.

Immorality, and/or amorality, may seem like a good test of a progressive people. But to many others, these are hallmarks of a people who have lost their way, and are heading for a national collapse. Historians have noted how previous cultures have slid into oblivion exactly because of their reckless indifference to public and private morality. We may well be witnessing the same death-throes of a nation, right there in the Netherlands.

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