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Targeting the Toddlers

I suppose it is something that we should have expected. It had to come sooner or later. Now our day care centres are being used as hunting grounds for the social engineers. The political radicals are now targeting our toddlers, and the culture wars have entered a new and alarming phase.

Homosexual activists have long made it plain that they seek nothing less than complete social acceptance and endorsement. They have never hidden this over-riding goal. Indeed, the homosexual activist manuals spell it out quite clearly.

For example, in one of the leading handbooks of the homosexual activists, After the Ball, by Kirk and Madsen, this aim is made loud and clear: the bottom line of all homosexual activism is ultimately complete social acceptance and approval. As Kirk and Madsen put it back in 1989, “to gain straight tolerance and acceptance is not just a legitimate goal of gay activism, it must be the principal goal” (Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s, Plume Printing, 1989, p. 165).

However, most people are not so willing to embrace the radical agenda of this high-risk lifestyle. Thus the activists have to resort to other means to achieve their objectives. Bypassing adults and directly targeting children is one effective measure, and homosexuals have made good use of it.

For example, homosexual activists have long used the school system to reach children, thereby avoiding the concerns of their parents. Now a new tactic has been advanced. Homosexual activists are also targeting day care centres. As an alarming case in point, the council-funded childcare centres in a Sydney suburb are teaching a “homosexual-friendly” curriculum to the toddlers there. The centres are teaching the very young children that gay, lesbian, transgender and inter-sex parents are normal in a bid to “challenge the perception” of young children about sexuality.

The Mayor of Marrickville, Sam Byrne, who is a member of the Greens, is fully behind the idea, as is Green MP Lee Rhiannon. She said, “these programs create healthy attitudes among pre-schoolers”. Really? Brainwashing toddlers is going to make them healthy? I don’t think so.

And if such indoctrination is so important, one wonders if there will be other changes to the teaching done at day care centres, to further let the toddlers learn about the “real world”. Will the tax-payer funded councils also teach about how some parents are heroin addicts? Maybe the little kiddies need to know that some parents are spending time in prison. And shouldn’t we tell little Becky that some parents are welfare cheats?

Or perhaps little Johnny should know that some parents are addicted to gambling. And of course mustn’t we inform them about all the arsonists, terrorists and bank robbers of the world, many of whom happen to be parents? After all, we do want to be inclusive and reflect all of the social realities out there, don’t we? We can’t let the little kiddies be ignorant of the real world.

Of course all this is just plain nonsense, and political correctness has gone overboard big time in the Sydney suburbs. The day care centres have kids as young as 6 weeks. Who really believes children so young are fit for such adult themes? And even if they are up to it, they should not be. Children should be allowed to be children, and not used as guinea pigs in the grand social experiments of the political radicals.

It is bad enough to use propaganda and indoctrination to try to beguile adults. But it is unconscionable when used on innocent children. The social engineers in Sydney should be ashamed of themselves.

And tax dollars should not be used to turn day care centres into indoctrination camps, where the youngest are brainwashed into believing the radical agendas of the social engineers. We expect such activities in North Korea perhaps, but not in Australia.

But such is the world of the political activists. They will sink to any level to push their agenda, even if it means targeting toddlers. But most parents will have none of it. It is time the PC mongers in the Sydney suburbs learned this lesson. Our children are far too valuable to be turned into pawns of the social revolutionaries. Day care must not be turned into gay care.

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