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Swedish Insanity and the Death of the Family

If you had to draw up a list featuring the top ten fruit loop nations on planet earth, a reasonable case could be made for including Sweden in it – probably in the top five actually. Of course one would also want to include other moonbeam candidates, such as the UK, Canada, the Netherlands and New Zealand. But most other Western nations would not be far behind.

What do they all have in common? Almost all of them at one point had a Judeo-Christian heritage which they have now jettisoned big time, and most of them have gone after every nut case cause and ideology, be it radical feminism, the homosexual agenda, rampant political correctness, or appeasement to the enemies of the West, most notably the Islamists.

Sweden has certainly been leading the way here in most of these categories. Sexual suicide has clearly been a big feature of Swedish life for the past half century, including radical gender-bending social engineering. Almost every progressive – or should we say, regressive – cause in the culture wars and sexual wars have been embraced by those ever trendy Swedes.

In case you question my assessment, consider one quite recent and bizarre case of Swedish insanity. It is simply the logical outworking of fifty years of radical social and cultural warfare against faith, family, and life. Here is how the Swedish press reported the story last week:

“A couple of Swedish parents have stirred up debate in the country by refusing to reveal whether their two-and-a-half-year-old child is a boy or a girl. In an interview with newspaper Svenska Dagbladet in March, the parents were quoted saying their decision was rooted in the feminist philosophy that gender is a social construction. ‘We want Pop to grow up more freely and avoid being forced into a specific gender mould from the outset,’ Pop’s mother said. ‘It’s cruel to bring a child into the world with a blue or pink stamp on their forehead’.”

Really folks, I am not making this up. The article continues, “The child’s parents said so long as they keep Pop’s gender a secret, he or she will be able to avoid preconceived notions of how people should be treated if male or female. Pop’s wardrobe includes everything from dresses to trousers and Pop’s hairstyle changes on a regular basis. And Pop usually decides how Pop is going to dress on a given morning. Although Pop knows that there are physical differences between a boy and a girl, Pop’s parents never use personal pronouns when referring to the child – they just say Pop. ‘I believe that the self-confidence and personality that Pop has shaped will remain for a lifetime,’ said Pop’s mother.

Just what is it that they are putting in the drinking water over there? Ol’ Pop will certainly be shaped by this for a lifetime alright. ‘It’ may even end up in a mental institution. Of course the case could be made that Sweden already is one big mental institution.

Indeed, it seems that Pop’s parents have plenty of supporters in Sweden: “Swedish gender equality consultant Kristina Henkel says Pop’s parents’ experiment might have positive results. ‘If the child is dressed up as a girl or boy, it affects them because people see and treat them in a more gender-typical way,’ Henkel explains. ‘Girls are told they are cute in their dresses, and boys are told they are cool with their car toys. But if you give them no gender they will be seen more as a human or not a stereotype as a boy or girl.’ She says that without these gender stereotypes, children can build character as individuals, not hindered by preconceived notions of what they should be as males or females.”

There was one voice of sanity featured in the article, but it was a non-Swede: “Susan Pinker, a psychologist and newspaper columnist from Toronto, Canada, who wrote the book The Sexual Paradox, which focuses on sex differences in the workplace, said ‘Ignoring children’s natures simply doesn’t work. Child-rearing should not be about providing an opportunity to prove an ideological point, but about responding to each child’s needs as an individual. It’s unlikely that they’ll be able to keep this a secret for long. Children are curious about their own identity, and are likely to gravitate towards others of the same sex during free play time in early childhood.’ Pinker says there are many ways that males and females differ from birth; even if gender is kept ‘secret,’ prenatal hormones developed in the second trimester of pregnancy already alter the way the child behaves and feels.”

As mentioned, this kind of madness seems to grow freely in the fertile soil produced by decades of secularism, radical feminism, moral relativism and epistemological uncertainty. All over the Western world we have traded in God, morality, rationality and common sense for utopian social schemes, political correctness, Postmodernism and cultural suicide.

The lunacy of what these parents are doing to poor Pop is simply the logical outcome of a society which has turned its back on God, and embraced the latest fads and trends, no matter how reckless and hell-bent they might be.

But don’t worry; Australia is not very far behind this madness. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if some Aussie parents were already trying to enact this idiocy on their hapless offspring. As always, it is the children who suffer most from such parental dereliction of duty and abandonment of morality and common sense.

Thus we are well on our way to declaring official war on our own children. Sweden is certainly leading the way here, but the rest of the West shows no signs of learning from its mistakes. May God have mercy on us all.

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