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Green and Labor Dangers

I have written previously about Green policies and the dangers they pose. This becomes even more pronounced now that they have struck a deal with Labor. Thus more than ever, a vote for one party is a vote for the other. Those concerned about the war against Christianity need to think carefully about where their votes will go in a month’s time.

In addition to its pro-abortion policies, its pro-homosexuality policies, it support of ceding national sovereignty to foreign bodies, its weak stance on illicit drugs, and so on, consider also its stance on education. In its education policies section we read this:

The Australian Greens believe that:

61 end the current arrangement for recurrent funding to non-government schools by no later than the end of 2010.
62 implement a new model for recurrent funding to non-government schools based on the following:
-proper consideration of the resource levels of non-government schools and their financial capacity, including fees and other parent contributions;
-an appropriate measure for indexation of the funding of non-government schools  that de-couples it from spending on public schools; and
-non-government schools to be fully accountable to the parliament and therefore transparent to the public on their use of government funds and their financial situation, including all income and assets.
63 ensure that non-government schools in receipt of government funding:
-do not discriminate in hiring of staff or selection of students;
-have an admissions and expulsions policy similar to public schools including an obligation to enroll; and
-demonstrate social and community engagement and benefit by offering community access to facilities and/or a fee waiver for a percentage of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or with special needs.
64 invest the money saved from ending public subsidies to the very wealthiest private schools into a national equity funding programme for public schools.
65 support the maintenance of the total level of Commonwealth funding for private schools at 2003-04 levels (excluding that re-allocated under previous clauses), indexed for inflation.
66 end government funding for schools that operate for private profit.”

This is really a declaration of war on private education, including independent schools and Christian schools. Yet the Greens are quite proud of all this. The Greens candidate for Riverina, David Fletcher, said this: “The Greens are the only party that is pushing for an end to the unjust taxpayer funding of elite wealthy private schools”.

But it is not just “elite wealthy” schools that will be targeted here. All non-public schools will be under the pump if the Greens get their way. Certainly the concept of parental choice will be in jeopardy. As one concerned commentator writes,

“Naturally the Greens party are silent on the subject of how they’d pay for the massive cost burden caused by private school students being forced into government schools as a result of their independent school crackdown. Defenders of choice in education say that the relatively small amount of funding per student that private schools get enable multi-billion dollar savings to the public education system.

“There are nearly one million Australian students in over 1000 independent schools which employ nearly 60,000 staff (full-time equivalent). Weakening the independent school system such that even a small percentage of independent school students end up in government schools would cost many billions of dollars, experts warn.

“They are also silent about how the impact of their hiring policies could impact religious schools where it might not be appropriate to hire a fundamentalist Christian at an atheist school or vice versa. If enforced, it would almost certainly cause mayhem at Christian, Jewish and Islamic schools across Australia, with Greens party policies dictating who should be hired.”

This is just another worrying policy which the radical secular left Greens Party will foist upon the Australian people. And Labor is not far away on many of these policies. Right now Julia Gillard is seeking to place herself in the centre, appearing to be a real centrist, even a conservative.

But this is all just pre-election manoeuvring. Once in power, the Labor/Green machine will quickly implement one radical policy after another. And many of these will have a direct bearing on Christian freedoms. Make no mistake about it, the rights of believers will be slowly but surely whittled away under such a government.

It is imperative that voters have a clear understanding of where a party like the Greens stands on various issues, and not just the tree-hugging concerns that we tend to associate with green parties. They have a much bigger agenda which is militantly radical.

As mentioned, I have documented all this elsewhere. In one recent article for example I have simply listed their policies and goals as stated on their own website:

In this election, perhaps more than at any other time, who wins the August Federal election will make a huge difference to the nation’s future, as well as to its Christian population. We dare not go into this election unaware of what is being proposed, and what major social engineering may take place if the parties of the left gain power.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

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