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On Capturing a Culture

We have a pro-death atheist running our country, a homosexual secular humanist second in command, and now we have sworn in our first Muslim MP with a Koran. Oh, and did I mention that this year’s national parliamentary prayer breakfast has been cancelled?

Any one of these items alone may not seem like too much, but taken together they amount to something. And if these various episodes are simply the tip of the iceberg, then we may well have great cause for concern. Cumulatively, these – and other examples – can and will result in the overthrowing of a culture.

Consider just the issue of an MP swearing in on the Koran. By itself, it may not be too much of a big deal. But if it is part of a whole range of actions in which Muslims are making inroads into a culture, and slowly but surely changing it altogether, then we need to stand up and take notice.

Muslim politicians, along with all sorts of PC measures designed not to offend Muslims, along with aspects of sharia law and sharia finance, halal foods, and so on, are all part of a move to undermine and destabilise a non-Muslim culture and establish a stifling dhimmitude.

Combine this with a radical secular left which is also bent on reshaping the free West into its own image, and we are well on the way to major trouble. Does this sound all a bit conspiratorial? Well, if it sounds that way, there is good reason for it. There is in fact a conspiracy underway.

Now I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories, so what I mean here is simply this: all this is not happening merely by accident. There are many people who are actively committed and dedicated to overthrowing the West. And they have stated their aims most clearly.

In that sense there is a bit of a conspiracy underway here. Sure, it may not be some monolithic grand conspiracy directed from some dark dungeon somewhere. But there are plenty of people and groups who have openly declared their disdain for, and plan to subvert, the Christian West.

Indeed, back in my wild radical days as a leftist agitator, I worked with others, seeking to do all we could to subvert the system from within. We did all we could to bring down what we regarded as an oppressive and corrupt system, and we knew that a handful of committed activists could actually bring it down.

But we in the New Left of the sixties were not the first to seek to overthrow the West by capturing its institutions of power and influence. Decades earlier people like the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci spoke about this very thing. He and his followers spoke about the “long march through the institutions”.

They knew that internal subversion could be just as effective as external revolution. By capturing political institutions, the churches, the media, the judiciary, and academia, they would be just as successful in implementing their agenda as if they rode their tanks into Washington, shelled Canberra, or flew planes against London.

Gramsci spoke much about his plans and ideas. Consider just a few representative quotes: “Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

“Everything must be done in the name of man’s dignity and rights, and in the name of his autonomy and freedom from outside constraint. From the claims and constraints of Christianity, above all.” He worried about the fact that “The civilized world had been thoroughly saturated with Christianity for 2,000 years…” and sought to overturn it from within.

Strategist Robert Chandler explains how this was to work: “…to overturn the existing order and ‘Marxize the inner man,’ one must create a subversive program of ‘counter-hegemony’ against its supporting culture. The war against the existing culture would leave nothing outside of the struggle, especially Christianity, to negate the established modes of thought and ways of doing things. Christianity is considered a prime target in preparing the way for a ‘Marxized America,’ since religion, as an independent center of societal values, stands in the way of creating a new culture based on what is deceptively called ‘social justice’ and ‘change.’ Religion, in the Gramsci view, is the foundation for the Western values of individual liberty, private property, and the traditional family, and must be abolished in order for the new communist society to emerge.”

Of course Gramsci was eventually rounded up by Mussolini, and died in prison in 1937. But his ideas – and his disciples – live on. In the early 1930s a number of cultural Marxists established the Frankfurt School. It soon shifted to the United States after the rise of the Nazis in Germany. Some of the leading figures included Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, and Max Horkheimer.

Cultural Marxism especially flared up during the 60s in the West. As I mentioned, I was one of the millions of disaffected youth who became closely involved in this movement. Of course a conversion to Christianity in 1971 saw the end of my dalliance with Marxism, radicalism, and other trendy causes.

But I now see all around me the Christian West unravelling big time, and I am well aware that this is not happening just by chance. There are many activists still at work seeking to supplant the West and its Judeo-Christian foundation with their own version of heaven on earth.

But as I have documented elsewhere, these always end up being coercive utopias, where a small cadre of elites end up tyrannising the masses, all for their own good of course. The revolutionaries in fact never trust the masses, and are quite happy to wipe out multitudes in the attempt to establish their progressive new order.

So am I saying the three episodes mentioned in my opening paragraph are all directly related to, and flow from, the Gramscian revolution? No, but some indirectly are at the very least. The secular left still has a blueprint for their grand society, and as history so well informs us, it ultimately comes out of the barrel of a gun.

And the followers of Muhammad have his life and teachings as an example to follow as they seek to establish a universal caliphate, and bring the entire world into submission to Allah. This push for the total triumph of Islam is well under way in the West, with many gullible Westerners gladly submitting to their condition of dhimmitude.

So we must remain vigilant and aware. Whether the radical revolutionaries who are doing so much damage are aware of their ideological roots or not is not important. The crucial point is that they are very nicely carrying out these agendas, and we are all paying the price for it.


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