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FB is Now PC – Big Time

The social networking web program Facebook has decided to toss its lot in with the militant homosexual activists, and will encourage FB thought police to report any comments deemed to be ‘hateful’ and therefore to be censored. Thus blatant censorship and restriction of anything deemed to be politically incorrect is now well underway at FB.

It has jumped into bed with leading homosexual activist groups, and is now urging its users to act as the gaystapo, reporting any comments that might in any way be critical of the homosexual lifestyle and agenda. Here is how one article is reporting the story:

“The social networking site Facebook has teamed up with a who’s who list of homosexual advocacy groups to set up a Network of Support for homosexuals, part of an effort to remove ‘hateful’ speech and bullying from the social network site.

“But pro-family groups are expressing serious concern about the arrangement, as some of the homosexualist organizations call not only for the removal of legitimately hateful or violent speech, but also censorship of statements that are merely critical of homosexuality….

“The Network of Support encourages users to report ‘hateful’ comments to Facebook, which will then be deleted by the site, and gives instructions on how to prevent such comments from happening in the first place, such as blocking profiles, reporting harassment, sticking up for others, thinking twice about posts, or directing individuals to FB’s Network of Support.

“The social network site announced that it is teaming up with MTV’s A Thin Line campaign; the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD); the Human Rights Campaign (HRC); the Trevor Project; the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN); and Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) in establishing this Network of Support for troubled homosexual youth.

“Family Research Council President Tony Perkins blasted the partnership, expressing concern that groups like GLAAD may actually try to use their influence to push Facebook to adopt a much wider definition of hate speech. GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios has indicated that Facebook’s efforts are only ‘an important first step,’ and Perkins says he believes GLAAD will work to expand the definition of hate speech beyond hateful attacks to include any speech critical of homosexual behavior. ‘It may happen slowly, but I guarantee that Facebook will begin to broaden its definition of what’s ‘hateful’ based on GLAAD’s prior actions,’ said Perkins.

“The pro-family leader referred to GLAAD’s campaign to get him banned from the Washington Post’s editorial page after he penned a column where he said the blame for bullying should rest at the feet of bullies themselves and not at church-going Christians, who believe homosexual behavior is wrong, but affirm the goodness of the person.

“Perkins had made clear in that opinion piece that Christians condemn bullying and violence against homosexuals, and said Christian compassion motivates them to seek to turn homosexuals away from ‘self-destructive’ behavior. However, GLAAD told its followers, ‘Perkins blames the recent teen suicide tragedies on the victims themselves’ and accused the Post of making its editorial pages a ‘platform for an anti-gay activist.’

“Perkins warned that the Facebook partnership with GLAAD ‘is significant because it puts Facebook on the media’s growing path toward censorship. Like the mainstream media, they’re succumbing to pressure to silence free speech’.”

The original story seems to have come from another site, which said in part: “But not all threatening language is created equal, apparently. Among Facebook’s many online communities are groups such as, ‘I Hate Rush Limbaugh,’ ‘I Can’t Wait For Rush Limbaugh to Die,’ and ‘Rush Limbaugh Should Die Slowly.’ Hateful? Yes. Threatening? Sure. So why are these groups still on Facebook?”

Indeed, there are all sorts of abusive, hate-filled and ugly bullying sites on FB targeting Christians, conservatives, pro-lifers, and those concerned about marriage and family. There is even a fake FB page claiming to be from me, full of vile attacks and slander about me. Andrew Bolt has had a similar experience, as have many others.

Thus one can really question the FB policy here. It is being very selective indeed in whom it is trying to protect. And sadly some believers are already defending the FB move. As is so often the case, they are being rather naive and gullible here. There is a worldwide campaign by homosexual activists to shut down all criticisms of their destructive lifestyle. And since the Bible so clearly calls the lifestyle sinful and against God’s creation purposes, they are especially targeting Christians. So they would be quite happy to see someone like me languish in prison for “hate crimes”.

This is not about a general concern for hatred and bullying on FB. If it were, it would not countenance anti-Christian and anti-conservative bigotry and hatred. Indeed FB does not seem to worry much about pedophilia either (see the link below).

Jesus said we must be wise as serpents. Sometimes believers are not very understanding of the war being directed against them. We need to discern the times, and not be unwise here. If a group has declared war on you, being naive or ignorant about it is not going to help anyone. We must be informed about what is happening in the culture wars, and we must resist attempts at censorship and attack of religious freedom.

Sure, all true bullying and hatred is unacceptable, but it depends on how these activities are defined. For the militant homosexual lobby and their PC supporters, any statement whatsoever which questions their lifestyle is considered to be “hate speech” and “vilification”.

We are very quickly moving into a situation of vast censorship and restriction on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience. As usual, it is a gradual process, so that many people are not even aware that it is happening. But it most certainly is, and if we all do not wake up soon, we will find one day soon that many of our core freedoms have been taken away.

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